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Personal Site Blog


Started making my personal site. This should be fun. This blog will be pretty informal but that's just how I think and seeing as the goal of the blog is to organize my thoughts and have something to referece as I work that should be fine.

Step 1 is to create a basic html page. <html>, <header>, <body>, <footer>, etc.


Once the basic html was done I've decided to do both of the cheat sheets, css and web gadget.

The plan for the web gadget is to make a before and after slider to transition between both cheat sheets.


At some point I realized that the slider may not count as a web gadget so I have decided to do blog posts as well.

Worst case scenario this counts as a backup and best case maybe I get bonus points for doing extra.

Either way I'm still doing the slider for the fun of it.


Time to decide on a plan of action. I've chosen CSS, CHEAT SHEETS, SLIDER, BLOG. What should I do first? Hmm.

First of all I should create a navbar just to get it out of the way. On top of that the blog should be the only html file seperate from the index as I intend to show that I do in fact know that you can have more than just an index.html.

I'm curious if Sean is going to read all of this, if you are just leave a hello or something on the feedback. The acknowledgement would definitely bring a smile to my face :D


Reminder to upload this to Geocities and send a link alongside the .ZIP file. Hopefully it'll give Sean a little bit of a giggle.

If you are reading this Sean you should know that this is all coded from scratch as I know Geocities has a built in editor and I'm not knowledgeable enough to know if you can spot the difference. Does wordpress html look different from regular html? I don't know and don't intend on finding out.

Honestly, this blog makes for a good distraction from the rest of my work, I can keep blogging and just consider it me working on my project. Speaking of, it's time to get back to work.


Fully written game plan below.

Cheat sheets

Order of operations
Basic website template (Now that the code is out of the way I should add some temp divs to see how it'll look)
Basic CSS template (Just a get an idea of what the final website will look like.)
Cheat sheets

Hopefully that's all but it seems too simple so far. Expecting a curveball at some point.


Just spent 4 hours attempting to figure out background shenanigans but to no avail. This serves as a firm reminder to do the stuff worth grades before I distract myself with something that may seem cool at the moment.

Should've given up sooner but at least I stopped now. I'll ask Sean about this come morning.


Just finished the slider, it was a fun experience as I learned a few new things from it. Now I just need to figure out the cheat sheets and how to get those to work with the slider.


Just spent the next 3 hours finishing up the cheat sheets alongside some minor javascript. Also unintentionally fixed my background problem somehow so that's nice.

By now everything but the html for the blog posts are done. Soon I shall be writing these posts outside of notepad and in the html.

Yes, this is being updated before there is even an html for it. It's a development log after all.


4 days left until the due date and I'll be busy from Friday until Sunday 8pm. should I just finish it now or leave it for when I come back?

My logical self says finish it now but my inner demons say the blog posts would be the easiest part to do so I should just leave it.

We'll see how I feel after classes today I guess.


I have an hour until my 11:00AM class and decided to work on implementing my blog. Let's see how much I can get done in this time.

Self imposed coding challenge go!


Totally forgot about fonts so they're being done alongside the blog now.


Done with 20 minutes to spare! Now I can take it easy and enjoy my weekend. Thank you for having read this far and I hope you have a great weekend as well Sean!

ENTRY 14 ---FINAL---

Decided not to send the link to my Geocities page. I'll just keep it linked on the main page as an easter egg. Hopefully it comes as a bigger surprise.

The Biggest surprise however, would be if Sean has no idea what Geocities is. Guess I'll never find out if he does. Fingers crossed that the attempt to make an AMAZEing instructor smile works out.