Aleisha's Blog
Upcoming Events, questions, comments
Entry for February 15, 2008

Hi readers and visitors,

I am a new author with my first e-Book just released on 1 February 2008. I'm also a new hand in making and managing websites, so please do bear with me.

An update with what's happening is:

- the party at DJ Manly's group has come and gone on 10 February - I attended the party quite early on in the day in Perth, Western Australian time, which was midnight. It was great to chat briefly with fellow authors.

- coming up is the Love & Lust Party at the eXfactor chatters. I will be on and off that day - it's a Sat and have to attend a Hen's Night, which is always naughty and fun! ;P


Please feel free to leave a message in my guestbook!


2008-02-16 03:46:32 GMT
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