After choosing the Storm Knight's home Cosm, the next step is to choose a character profile. A character Profile is an outline of the abilities of a character of a character type, sort of an abbreviated form of the Character Templates found in the Torg World Book. And the Realm sourcebooks. Some Examples of Character profiles include the Industrial Spy, from Nippon Tech, the Impatient Mage, from Aysle, and the Kid Sidekick, from the Nile Empire.

All of the character profiles include the following information:

Attribute Templates: The attribute Template used for characters of that profile;
Skill Notes: the profile's tag skill and primary, secondary, and tertiary skill categories;
Special Abilities: any powers or abilities not defined by skills, or other wise unique to the character or Cosm (Nile powers, miracles, magical abilities, species attribute packages, etc.)
Equipment: Equipment available to characters created from the profile. Usually, one piece of unique equipment and number corresponding to how many weapons, General, and Incidental equipment a profile should begin the game with.
Starting Money: self explanatory .. though this can be changed ((added or subtracted)) at GM discretion. All money is given in US currency. There is a conversion chart to other realms money within the Torg Rule Book.
Description: A brief Description of the player character within the profile. Where the character is likely to have come from, and her general motivations for fighting the High Lords.

Core Earth Characters:
Creating Storm Knights from Core earth is a bit different then creating them from other realms/cosms. This is because there are Core Earth Knights all over the Globe, near each of the realms. Thus, when creating a Core Earth Storm Knight, what part of the world, or which of the realms, the Storm Knight comes from are factors that must be considered.

Living Land Character Creation:
Storm Knights from the Living Land are of two types. Edeinos and stalengers who have rejected Baruk Kaah's ways and have decided to oppose him, or humans who have been transformed and fight the High Lord because of the blatant sacrilege. ((NOTE))� ALL living land characters must have a Faith (Lanala) skill with at least one add in it. This is not negotiable.

Nile Empire Character Creation:
Storm knights from the Nile Empire are of many different sorts. Some are costumed heroes who have come to Earth in order to bring the villain Mobius to justice after many years. Some are citizens of the Empire, outraged by the atrocities of the Pharaoh, who have sworn to die fighting against him and his minions. Still others are practitioners of the realm's arts of ((weird Science)) and Egyptian Magic, who have chosen to use there fantastic abilities for the Good of the people, Against the will of the realm's High Lord. ((NOTE))� ALL characters from the Nile Empire are of either ((Good)) inclination or ((Evil)). Storm Knights from the Nile empire are considered to be of Good inclination. For more information regarding Inclinations, see page 44 of the Torg Rule Book, or 66 - 62 of the Nile Empire Source Book. Or Just ask me. Eventually Ill be posting the world Laws of each realm and this is a World Law.
Aysle Character Creation:
Storm Knights from Aysle often resemble Characters from popular fantasy fiction. Vikings, mages, and priests all exist there. As do Giants, elves, and dwarves - and, of course, Monsters.
One unique element of Aysle, however, is the predominance of magic in its society. All Ayslish natives have at least one magic skill and one arcane knowledge. ((see the "magic by birth" chart in the Aysle source book).
Ayslish characters can also gain ((Honor)) and ((Corruption)), depending upon their actions. In beginning the character generation, each character can start with a Maximum of one add in ((honor)) or ((Corruption)).
� Magical Skills and Arcane Knowledge�s
All Ayslish characters are born with inherent magical ability. Each has one of the four magic skills and one arcane knowledge, each at one add. All characters who have Aysle as their original Cosm are entitled to these skills as no cost. If the character is a Magic User, the magic add he receives does not count toward the limit of the three starting adds in a skill. For example: An elf Mage who has apportation magic as his birth magic skill could have up to four adds in apportation magic - if she is willing to spend the additional adds. When creating the Ayslish characters, roll on the "Determining Magic by Birth Chart" on page 23 of the Aysle Source book to determine the magic skills and arcane knowledge she receives. When a character selects more than one magical skill, or one magical skill as her tag skill, she gets twelve arcane knowledge adds. She may then use these adds to pick additional arcane knowledge�s and. Or spells. Each spell must be one she is able to cast (unless the background description says differently). If a character wishes to select additional spells after all the arcane. Knowledge�s points have been spent, she may do so at a cost of one of her starting possibilities per spell.
� Honor and Corruption
Ayslish characters are able to gain the honor or the corruption skills based upon there actions within the realm. This is described on pages 49 - 54 in the Aysle Source book. Characters from Aysle may begin with either the honor or corruption skill, but can only start at one skill add. Additional adds must be earned according to the guidelines in the Aysle Sourcebook.

Cyberpapacy Character Creation:
Storm Knights from the Cyberpapacy range from cyberdeckers, to Jaz fighters, to Ex-Cyberpapal agents, to Witches or Warlocks hunted for heresy. Most have cyberware of some kind, as the Maelstrom Bridges and the Darkness Device automatically implant Neural Jacks in all Cosm characters who cross them.
Characters have considerable amounts of cyberware, taking advantage of the enhanced abilities that only cyberware can provide. Heavily cyberred characters must beware of Cyberpsychosis; a neurosis brought on by the dehumanization of the body due to excessive amounts of cyberware. For more information about Cyberpsychosis, see page 92 of The Cyberpapacy sourcebooks.

� Beginning With Cyberware
IN the Character Creation Section, of the Cyberpapacy sourcebooks, it says the that gamemaster should not allow beginning characters to have a CyberValue Ten Points higher than their Spirit. This is because Cyberware, if given out too freely, can unbalance a campaign and, if Cyberpsychosis checks are made by the rules, the character will have too short a playing time anyhow.
To reflect this, all Cyberware specifications have been given in the following manner: Each character with Cyberware is allowed a Cyber Value that exceeds her Spirit by a number ( or is smaller by a number). When the player and the gamemaster decide on the cyberware for the beginning character, the Cyber Value of the total equipment cannot exceed this number. If you and your gamemaster think this is too restrictive ( or not restrictive enough) for your campaign, then modify it accordingly.
Nippon Tech Character Creation:
Storm Knights from Nippon Tech include Ninja, ronin, computer hackers, and disgruntled corporate. Most have connections to the corporate world of the realm, either by engaging in corporate battles, or by being employed by one corporation or another. Martial Arts are common within this realm, as are intrigue, suspicion , and betrayal. Storm Knights should be very careful when dealing with anyone from Kanawa's Realm reality of Nippon Tech.

� Martial Arts
Characters who begin the game with martial arts must select one of the styles in the Nippon Tech source book and perform training. Because of the intensity and the discipline of this training, it costs a beginning character three skill adds for the first add in martial arts. After that, each has the normal cost.

Orrorsh Character Creation:
((By the way this is my favorite realm bwahahaha))� Most of the Orrorshan characters have strange abilities and characteristics weather they will it or not. The Power of Corruption is thick and tangible. This is World Law here that cannot be trifled with. Unlike Aysle, and there version of corruption, in Orrorsh .. it is unbeatable. Certain abilities, such as shape-shifting and occult skill, skirt the line of corruption and can DAMN a character before she realizes it. It is recommended that players and gamemaster alike consult the Orrorsh sourcebooks while creating characters from this realm.
Character Generation (Part II)
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