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Alberto E. Fresina



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Darwin Charles. El origen de las especies. Editorial EDAF. Madrid 1985 (Darwin Charles. "The origin of the species". Editorial EDAF. Madrid 1985)

Darwin Charles. El origen del hombre y la selección en relación al sexo. Editorial Albatros, colección Los Grandes Eruditos. Buenos Aires 1943 (Darwin Charles. "The origin of man and selection in relation with sex". Editorial Albatros, Collection The Large Scholars. Buenos Aires 1943)

Desmond Morris. El hombre al desnudo. Ediciones Nauta. Barcelona 1980 (Desmond Morris. "The plain man". Editions Nauta. Barcelona 1980)

Diem Carl. Historia de los deportes. Editor Luis De Caralt. Barcelona 1966 (Diem Carl. "History of sports". Publishing Luis Of Caralt. Barcelona 1966)

Engels Federico. Dialéctica de la Naturaleza. Editorial Cartago. Buenos Aires 1987 (Engels Federico. "Dialectical of Nature". Editorial Cartago. Buenos Aires 1987)

Engels Federico. El origen de la familia, la propiedad privada y el Estado. Editorial Cartago, Argentina y Editorial Letras, México, 1985 (Engels Federico. "The origin of the family, the private property and the State". Editorial Cartago, Argentina, and Editorial Letras, Mexico, 1985)

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Buenos Aires 1988)

Hegel G. W. Ciencia de la lógica. Edición Librería Hachete. Buenos Aires 1956 (Hegel G. W. "Science of logics". Edition Bookstore Hachete. Buenos Aires 1956)

Lambert David. El hombre prehistórico. Editorial EDAF. Madrid 1988 (Lambert David. "The prehistoric man". Editorial EDAF. Madrid 1988)

Lenin V.I. Cuadernos Filosóficos. Editorial Ayuso. Madrid 1974 (Lenin V.I. "Philosophical notebooks". Editorial Ayuso. Madrid 1974)

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Marx Carlos. El Capital. Editorial Cartago. Buenos Aires 1956 (Marx Carlos. "The Capital". Editorial Cartago. Buenos Aires 1956)

Marx Carlos. Teorías de la plusvalía. Editorial Cartago. Buenos Aires 1974 (Marx Carlos. "Theories of the increased value". Editorial Cartago. Buenos Aires 1974)

Marx Carlos y Engels Federico. Obras escogidas. Editorial Ciencias del hombre. Buenos Aires 1973 (Marx Carlos and Engels Federico. "Picked-up works". Editorial Ciencias del Hombre.. Buenos Aires 1973)

Marx M. H. y Hillix W. A. Sistemas y teorías psicológicos contemporáneos. Editorial Paidós. México 1992 (Marx M. H. and Hillix W. A. "Systems and contemporary psychological theories". Editorial Paidós..Mexico 1992)

Morgan Clifford T. Introducción a la psicología. Ediciones Aguilar. Madrid 1972 (Morgan Clifford T. "Introduction to psychology". Editions Aguilar. Madrid 1972)

Morgan Lewis H. La Sociedad primitiva. Ed. Colofón (Morgan Lewis H. "The primitive Society". Ed. Colofón)

Nizan Pablo. Los materialistas de la antigüedad, Demócrito - Epicuro - Lucrecio. Editorial Hemisferio. Buenos Aires 1950 (Nizan Pablo. "The materialists from antiquity, Demócrito - Epicuro - Lucrecio". Editorial Hemisphere. Buenos Aires 1950)

Pavlov Ivan. Reflejos condicionados e inhibiciones. Ediciones Península. Barcelona 1975 (Pavlov Ivan. " Conditioned reflexes and inhibitions". Editions Peninsula. Barcelona 1975)

Sheptulín A. P. El método dialéctico del conocimiento. Editorial Cartago. Buenos Aires 1983 (Sheptulín A. P. "The dialectical method of knowledge". Editorial Cartago. Buenos Aires 1983)

Skinner B. F. La conducta de los organismos. Editorial Fontanella. Barcelona 1979 (Skinner B. F. "The behavior of organisms". Editorial Fontanella. Barcelona 1979)

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© Author: Alberto E. Fresina
Title: "The Laws of Psyche"
Title of the original Spanish Version:
"Las Leyes del Psiquismo"
Fundar Editorial
Printed in Mendoza, Argentina
I.S.B.N. 987-97020-9-3
Mendoza, 14th July, 1999
Copyright registered at the National Copyright Bureau in 1988, and at the Argentine Book Camera in 1999, year of its publication.
Translated by Ana El kassir with the collaboration of Marcela Berenguer
Characteristic of the original copy in Spanish: Number of pages: 426; measures: 5.9 x 8.27 x 1 inch; weight: 1.2lb.

Chapters: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17
Introduction - Index - Cover - Bibliography - To buy the book - Download book in PDF - Spanish version - Contact

General psychology, general Psychology, basic Psychology, psychologies, new p
sychological theories, neurociencias, books, new scientific discoveries, Psychiatry, dialectical materialism, Marxism Leninism trotskismo, psychology, theories of the appreciation, psicobiologia, theories of the human motivation, theories of the human motivation, human instincts, impulses, human evolution, proletariat, social learning, anxiety, biological evolution, neurofisiologia, conditioned reflections, evolutionism, theories of scientific Psychology, Epistemologia, Epistemología, primitive society, Psicofisiologia, Marxist philosophy, materialistic Philosophy, socialist emulation, Sociology Marxist, new anthropological theories, Reflexologia, social Psychology, dialectical logic, psyche, scientific, unconscious method, inconciente, primitive man, move, scientific methodology, historical materialism, theories of the human emotion, human necessities, scientific novelties, psychological laws, treaties of modern psychology, motivation, dialectical method, human sciences, psychological science, theory of the scientific knowledge, materialistic scientific, dialectical knowledge, Marxist Anthropology, Marxist Psychology, psychology schools, psychic apparatus, sexual instinct, sexual instincts, primitive men, theories of the instincts, theory of the instincts, dialectical laws, natural necessities, psychic dysfunctions, psychological Anthropology, physiologic Psychology, Philosophical Anthropology, scientific thought, Educational Psychology, emotional Psychology, systems of objective Psychology, I reflect conditioned, psychological systems, capitalist system, class interests, social approval, capitalist crisis, primary necessities, value moral, emotional brain, labor Psychology, I Work Social, I begin of the pleasure, scientific theories, human behavior, sexual selection, human genetics, Marxist determinism, theories of Social Anthropology, fantasies, human behavior, Psychology current neuropsicologia, emotional intelligence, psychotherapies, psychotherapy, Marxist economy, psicopatologias, mental health, scientific Anthropology, theories of Scientific Psychology, theories of the human learning, Philosophy of the social science, Psicopatologia, neurosis, competition, Psicopedagogia, Psicofisica, novelties, psychological sciences, psychological science, natural laws, theories of the value, general theories, scientific investigation, Marxist socialism, philosophical materialism, natural sciences, prehistory, neurons, behaviorism, psychological reasons, exploitation, Pedagogy, fear, primates, reasoning, reasonings, Dynamic Psychology, contemporary Psychology, theory of Psychology, nervous system, social sciences, Marxist theory, conservation instinct, theory of the economic value, theory of the sport, primitive tribes, primitive tribe, primitive societies, superior necessities, theory evolucionista, Human Biology, makes aware, cognitivismo, Psychoanalysis, moral, moral theories, biopsicologia, physiology pulsiones, publications, discoveries, empathy, conflicts, socialization, genetic inheritance, socialist revolution, motivation of the sport, human mind, secondary necessities, it fights of contrary, negation of the negation, spiritual values, systemic Psychology, labor class, darvinismo, existentialism, psyche, hard-working class, gestalt, religiosity, deep Psychology, experimental Psychology, human necessities, human motivations, Social Psychology, relate human, social relationship, existential Psychology, mental illness, mental illnesses, pleasure displacer, ideals, goals, object of satisfaction, satiety, progress, vivencia, introspection, will, intellect, temperament, it, superyo, super me, clinical Psychology, stress, estres, technical psychological, psychological evaluation, environmental Psychology, you differentiate singular, Compared Psychology, Social Communication, Marx, Engels, Lenin, practices social, Darwin, human activity, human activities, Psychology Cognitiva, economic interests, economic interest, human essence, scientific theories, human genetics, theories of social anthropology, fantasies, current psychology, neuropsicología, Marxist economy, psicopatologías, scientific anthropology, theories of the learning, philosophy of the science, psicopatología, psicopedagogía, psicofísica, psychological sciences, psychological science, theories of the value, general theories, scientific investigation, philosophical materialism, psychological reasons, compared psychology, pedagogy, dynamic psychology, contemporary psychology, psychology theory, Marxist theory, conservation instinct, theory of the economic value, theory of the sport, theory evolucionista, human biology, moral theories, biopsicología, physiology, physiology of the nervous system, empathy, socialization, genetic inheritance, socialist revolution, motivation of the sport, negation of the negation, deep psychology, experimental psychology, social communication, interest economic, psychology cognitiva, investigation in psychology, investigation in psychology, books of general psychology, books of general psychology, Marxist science, psychological science, psychological science, treaties of general psychology, treaties of general psychology, places of books, you paginate of books, pages of books, the man's sciences, discharge of books, to discharge books, books to lower, books to discharge, books, psychology places, you paginate of psychology, psychology pages, recommended books, recommended pages, recommended places, bipulsiones, alberto fresina, directed reflections, secondary reproduction, social psychology, microimpulsos, system of autonomous maintenance, psychic system, something interesting, basic psychology, psychologies, new psychological theories, scientific discoveries, general psychiatry, systems of objective psychology, psychological systems, social approval, psychology labor, technical psychological dialectical materialism, general psychology, theories of the appreciation, psicobiología, human evolution, biological evolution, neurofisiología, epistemología, psicofisiología, Marxist philosophy, materialistic philosophy, emulation, sociology Marxist, new anthropological theories, reflexología, social psychology, dialectical logic, scientific method, scientific methodology, historical materialism, theories of the human emotion, scientific socialism, natural selection, scientific novelties, psychological laws, treaties of general psychology, dialectical method, psychological science, theory of the scientific knowledge, materialistic scientific, dialectical knowledge, Marxist anthropology, Marxist psychology, psychology schools, psychic apparatus, theories of the instincts, theory of the instincts, dialectical laws, psychic dysfunctions, psychological anthropology, physiologic psychology, philosophical anthropology, scientific thought, educational psychology, emotional psychology, new psychological theories, theories of the increased value,conditioned reflexes, Marxist Sociologist, scientific news, materialistic dialectical, schools of psychology, Psychology Systems, conditioned reflex, moral values, Social Work, principle of pleasure, updated Psychology, scientific research, evolutionist theory, fights of contraries, human relationships, mental illnesses, pleasure displeasure, clinical psychological, Psychological techniques, individual differences, economic interests, psychology research, general psychology, Marxist science, books sites, download of books, books to download, books to download, psychology sites, recommended sites, directed reflexes, basic psychology, scientific news, psychic disorders, neurosciences, psychobiology, trotkysm,neurophysiology,epistemology, ,psychophisiology, neuropsychology, psychopathology, psychophysic, evolutionist, biopsychology, pulsions, darwinism, gestalt, displeasure,personal experience, I, stress, cognitivismo, evolutionist theory, scientific communism,

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