Famous Belarus Related Personalities


af = Afrikaans
al = Albanian
ar = Arabic
az = Azerbaijan
ba = Basque (Euskara)
be = Belarusian
bn = Bengali
br = Brezhoneg
bu = Bulgarian
ch = Chinese
cr = Croatian
ct = Catalan
cz = Czech
da = Danish
de = Deutsch
du = Dutch
en = English
ep = Esperanto
es = Estonian
fa = Farsi (Persian)
fi = Finnish
fo = Foroyskt
fr = French
gr = Greek
gu = Gujarati
he = Hebrew
hi = Hindi
hu = Hungarian
ic = Icelandic
in = Indonesian
it = Italian
ja = Japanese
kg = Kyrgyz
ko = Korean
la = Latin
le = Lettish
li = Lithuanian
ma = Magyar
ml = Malayalam
mr = Marathi
no = Norwegian
oc = Occitan
po = Polish
pt = Portuguese
pu = Punjabi
ro = Romanian
ru = Russian
se = Serbian
sk = Slovak
sl = Slovenian
sp = Spanish
ta = Tatar
sw = Swedish
ta = Tamil
te = Telugu
th = Thai
tu = Turkish
uk = Ukrainian
vn = Vietnamese
we = Welsh
yi = Yiddish

This is a list of the abbreviations constructed from two letters of a language name which are approved
for marking languages used by the authors of information resources cited at pages of
the Famous Belarus Related Personalities web site.


Famous Belarus Related Personalities

Compilation, Design, Maintenance and Copyright © 2004-2007 Dr. Nikolai N. Kostyukovich
Last checked or updated: April 28, 2007

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