Revenge, Remorse and Redemption

In which the disgraced former Commodore Norrington meets the newly-elevated Lord Beckett.
An old slight must be avenged, but what then? Duty and honour, attraction and revulsion,
nobility and expediency - all must play their role in this tale.

Author: Alassenya
Fandom: POTC
Pairing: Beckington (Cutler Beckett / James Norrington)
Rating: NC-17 (US) X (Aus/UK) for sex, violence, rape, torture, and abuse of good brandy.
Genre: Romance, Adventure
Beta: Sassywitch

Notes and warnings:
1. The story was partly written for the Beckington challenge. Challenge words were: Absolution, Diminutive, Measureless, Frolicsome and Jaded; with extra points awarded for: Unexpected talents, trading goods, Cutler's horse (name), and Bible quotations/references. *wins!*

2. Given that the scriptwriters for POTC paid little attention to contemporary accuracy, it is impossible to set the story properly into its historical milieu while remaining true to the POTC universe. I have used the mid-1720s as the setting for the main story (based mostly on costume) but I have not paid quite as much attention to contemporary detail as I would have done under normal circumstances.

3. The story was written after POTC2:DMC; there will undoubtedly be inconsistencies with the story as it develops in POTC3:AWE (in particular, I have assumed that Sparrow left no physical mark on Beckett, and since I have no idea how Norrington becomes an admiral I have not included his re-instatement to the RN).

4. Occasionally, the characters in this story may express beliefs that were common and acceptable at the time but are now considered racist, sexist, blasphemous, fascist, communist, extremist or simply wrong. This does not mean to say that the author holds any of those ideas herself.

5. The story uses a multitude of words and phrases that are no longer in common use. I suggest that if you encounter an unfamiliar word, or one that looks odd in its context, you refer to a dictionary. If you have none to hand, try opening up in another window or tab.

6. I think I may have overdone the footnotes.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

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