Google searching. As much as I hate googles evil internet empire i must admit it is the best search engine in terms of features, speed and quality of results so i have descided to write some tips on searching with google. I have seen books on this but they were too long and didn't cover some of the things I have learned on Google. How google works: Google is a web crawler, meaning it is basically a bot that regulary goes to all the sites in its list which are added by website owners and systematically goes through all the internal and external links on the Internet until it runs out and caches them. This is why the best way to be added to google is not by adding your site to googles list which has to be done manually but simply getting linked by another site. When you type one word into the search bar and hit search it looks for any site with that word on the page or in the pages meta tag and ranks them using its special page rank algorithm. It's secret information just how the page rank system actually works but if lots of people link to a site the site gets a higher ranking for the text used to link to the site. This is how Google bombing works. When you type in any more than word into google it assumes you have put a boolean AND in between them. Google then displays all the pages which include both terms. You could bypass this by putting a "OR" between terms but google searching is usually about refining results not broadening them. Tip 1. Being as specific as possible. Think of something that applies to only to the critical element of the site you want. good bad ---- --- mx500 Mouse Qwerty Keyboards ip spoofing faking ip address Then if you still have to many results you have two options. You can either add more words to your search prefferably ones that are equally as relevant or negate words which are commonly wrong. To negate words from your search you simply put a mins sign(-) ifront of it so that you can filter out the wrong meanings of the term your looking for. eg. lv. 1 | spring = everything with spring in it. lv. 2 | spring season = everything with spring and season in it. lv. 3 | "spring season" = everthing with the spring and season next to each other. lv. 4 | "spring season" -hot = same as above but without hot springs note: simplified example If you try too add too many words you could eliminate the page your want. Tip 2. Phrase guessing. If you use the double quotes ("") around your search it will search for that exact phrase. eg. "we all live in a yellow submarine" would give you pages which most likely have the lyrics to yellow submarine even if you didnt know the title of the song.another way to use this is too guess how someone would state or ask something if you wanted to know what came after it. "crashes on bootup" "the difference between AM and PM" "the tag for a table" these are risky in that its quite possible no sites contain your exact wording but if it is found its very likely to be correct. Tip 3. Page type. When you search around on the internet long enough you learn certain information is often more likely to be displayed on a type of page. Alot of website adhere to a typical page type which usually has standard terms associated with it. terms like: "index of" for apache file listings. Forum FAQ downloads "How to" tutorial examples are all inspecific to what you want but very likely to be on the site you want as they are site specific.