Throrin ancestor of dwarfen slayers 


Throrin was a renowned warlord around the time Karaz-a-Karak was established as Imperial Dwarf capital (3,000 years before the time of Sigmar).  For some long forgotten reason, Throrin was dishonored and disgraced.  Unwittingly, he established the ritual which future dishonored Dwarfs would follow and became the first Troll Slayer.  After surviving as a Troll Slayer, Throrin set his sights on larger prey and thus became a Giant Slayer.  Again, honorable death was elusive.  As a penance, Throrin established the scarring ritual which would launch all future Dragon and Daemon Slayers.  He inflicted wounds upon himself and set his sights on still deadlier prey.

Thus, he ventured forward as the first Dragon Slayer.  After he destroyed the marauding Dragon, Glammendring, Throrin gathered a host of Troll and Giant Slayers.  Many Dwarfs had been disgraced during the wars which established Dwarfholds and mines in the Worlds Edge Mountains.

Throrin led them to the Chaos Wastes where he hoped to find death.  According to legend, Throrin led his dwindling host through the Chaos Wastes for many years, slaughtering whatever Chaos warbands they chanced upon.  Finally, Throrin, now Daemon Slayer, and his remaining warband located the Demonic Prince Kragen’ome’nanthal, scion of Khorne.  Legend has it that a titanic battle ensued.  It went on for three days.  In the end, collapsing and bleeding from many wounds, Throrin landed a killing blow on Kragen’ome’nanthal, thereby incurring the wrath of Khorne.  As he raised his double-bladed axe in defiance of the newly arrived and oncoming Khornate horde, Throrin was set upon his feet by none other than Grungni.  The dwarven God bade the remaining Troll and Giant Slayers to depart the Chaos Wastes in honor of Throrin the Slayer with their own honor restored.  Both Grungni and Throrin then waded into the horde, slaying all in their path.  The restored Dwarfs returned to their lands, reciting the tales and singing the praises of Grungni and Throrin the Slayer.

Throrin is known to be a large, muscular Dwarf with the tattoos, spiked orange hair, ritualized scarring, and wearing exotic jewelry typical of a Dragon or Daemon Slayer.  He is normally clad in chain mail and armed with a double-bladed axe forged from Adamantine and named (in the Human tongue of Old Worlder) “Waraxe of Doom”.




Throrin’s main symbol is that of a double-bladed axe.   This also happens to be one of the favorite weapons of dwarven Slayers.

Area of Worship:

Throrin is worshipped by all Dwarf Slayers throughout the Old World.  Otherwise, Throrin is honored by all other Dwarfs, specially those in the Dwarfholds.


There are no temples dedicated to Throrin as there are no clerics to his cult.  Instead, his followers privately honor him wherever they wander.

Friends and Enemies:

The cult of Throrin is on friendly terms with all Dwarf ancestors, and especially with the cult of Grungni.  It has little to do with other races, but is respectful to that of Sigmar (due to the honor Dwarfs in general have for the human deliverer of their race).  The cult is hostile to all enemies of the Dwarf race.

Holy Days:

There are no festivals to Throrin.

Cult Requirements:

The cult is only open to Dwarfs who have found their disgrace such that honorable death is denied them.


The only stricture of the cult is that all Dwarf Slayers must engage in any combat where the chances of honorable death are favorable, especially if against unfavorable odds.  Any cowardice in the face of such combat further dishonors and disgraces the Slayer.

Spell Use:

Throrin does not honor any of his followers with magical abilities.  Only their combat skills matter.


Followers of Throrin are able to access those skills listed under their career descriptions.


Throrin does not ask of anything less of his followers other than redemption of their own honor.  As this usually equates to their death, any other trial would not have a further effect.


 A temporary increase to Weapon Skill, Initiative, and Will Power are the most frequent blessings.  Other blessings include automatic success on favorable skills such as Daemon Lore, Dodge Blow, Follow Trail, Frenzied Attack, Immunity to Poison, and Shadowing.


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