Elementalist Level 4



Animate water

Spell Level:             Elemental 4

Magic Points:         16

Range:                     48 yards

Duration:               1 hour

Ingredients:            A body of water of at least 12 yards diameter

Using this spell, the caster can animate any single body of water within 48 yards. The maximum area of water which may be affected is a 6-yard radius circle, but this may be part of a much larger body of water such as a river or lake, the bulk of which will not be affected.

The animated water will manifest up to 12 pseudopods, each up to 24 yards long, with which it may make up to 12 attacks. Attacks are at Strength 6 with WS 73 %, and armour has no effect on the damage caused, although creatures with the ability to breathe underwater reduce all damage by 3 points. Victims cannot damage the pseudopods unless wielding magical weapons. Any single hit on a pseudopod which inflicts 4 or more Wounds will destroy it. The complete profile of the Animated water is as follows:





























The Elementalist must stay within 48 yards of the water and cannot perform any activity other than walking at half pace. Should the caster move out of range or be interrupted the spell immediately ends. Otherwise, the spell lasts for an hour or until the caster dispels it.


Dispel elemental

Spell Level:             Elemental 4

Magic Points:         24

Range:                     48 yards

Duration:               Instantaneous

Ingredients:            Water for a Fire Elemental, sulphur for a Water Elemental, a small rock for an Air Elemental, or a kite for an Earth Elemental

The caster can use this spell to dispel all elementals within 48 yards. Affected creatures may make a test against Will Power to avoid being dispelled.



Spell Level:             Elemental 4

Magic Points:         16

Range:                     24 yards

Duration:               d4 rounds

Ingredients:            The hooves of 10 horses

All structures take 2d6 damage at Strength 10 is taken each round. All creatures with the affected area are knocked prone immediately and incapable of any action during the spell effect. Creatures inside a collapsing structure receive 1d6 hits at Strength 3. Creatures inside a collapsing tunnel or underground structure take 2d6 hits at Strength 6.

This spell can be used to collapse tunnels and dungeons. See "Destroying Buildings," WFRP, page 77 with the following additional notes on Toughness and Damage values:

                Earth tunnels: Toughness 7, Damage 10-30

                Reinforced tunnels (timber and stone): Toughness 8, Damage 40

                Bedrock tunnels: Toughness 10, Damage 60


Hedge of thorns

Spell Level:             Elemental 4

Magic Points:         14

Range:                     48 yards

Duration:               6 hours

Ingredients:            The tail of a Manticore

This spell enables the caster to create a hedge of thorns anywhere within 48 yards. The hedge will instantly spring up from the ground, filling an area in a 2 x 24-yard strip or a circle with a radius of 6 yards. The hedge can be made to grow up in front of, around or even on top of groups of creatures if the caster wishes. The hedge is made of magic thorns, which grow so quickly; they can easily trap and kill anyone whom they touch. Each creature within the area of thorns receives 3D6 wounds at Strength 5, modified by Toughness and leg armour only. In addition, movement is reduced to a maximum of 2 yards per round.

Once created, a hedge of thorns cannot be dispelled. It is flammable and counts as a single section with 15 damage points (see Destroying Buildings).



Spell Level:             Elemental 4

Magic Points:         20

Range:                     48 yards

Duration:               1d6+3 rounds

Ingredients:            Elemental Earth, Air, Fire, and Water

Air, water, earth, and fire are summoned into a compact elemental storm cloud -- a whirling cyclonic cylinder like a squat mini-tornado -- which batters, drenches, and burns all in its path.

Victims and structures within the storm receive 1d4 hits (1d6 wounds each) at Strength 5 (in randomly determined body locations) each round they remain in the area of effect. Armour and Toughness reduce wounds normally. In the area of effect, all normal fires are extinguished immediately, and none may be kindled. Furthermore, all melee combat and missile fire, including magical missile fire, becomes impossible. Visibility is reduced to 1 foot. Movement rates are normal, with a risk tests each round for standard and run rates. Victims who fail a risk test take damage normally, and fall prone, and must pass a I test to stand and move in the next round.


Purifying Wind

Spell Level:             Elemental 4

Magic Points:         20

Range:                     2800 yards

Duration:               Instantaneous

Ingredients:            The lung of a white swan

When cast, a purifying wind will blow through a region of 2400 yards in radius. This wind continues to blow for 2D6 rounds. While it is blowing, the wind cancels the effects of all gases, such as poisonous clouds. It may also cancel out any spells which taint the air in the area of effect. Such spells would include Cloud of Smoke, Dust Storm, Foul Air, Mystic Mist and Wind of Death. To maintain his spell, the caster of one of these spells will have to make a successful WP test. Any Demonologist spells which summon "writhing mists" (i.e. Summon Magical Aid) that are cast in the area affected by the wind will also be cancelled. If the Demonologist can make a successful WP test, he may continue to cast his spell normally. Furthermore, ethereal creatures, including all Ethereal Undead and Air Elementals, caught in the wind will suffer 1D10 + 4 Wounds. Ethereal Undead also have twice the normal chance of becoming Subject to Instability while the wind blows (i.e. roll 1D6 every three rounds instead of every six). Summon elemental


Summon elemental

Spell Level:             Elemental 4

Magic Points:         18 per hour

Range:                     Personal

Duration:               1+ hours

Ingredients:            see below

This spell will summon a single Elemental of Earth, Air, Fire or Water to appear within 6 yards of the caster the caster must attempt to control the Elemental by making a test against Will Power. If successful, the Elemental will obey any simple commands given by the Elementalist. Otherwise it will behave completely randomly (see Summoning elementals). Otherwise, it will remain for 1 hour, at a cost of 18 Magic Points. The summoner can prevent the Elemental from dissipating at the end of this period by spending a further 18 Magic Points per hour.

The required ingredients depend upon the type of Elemental to be summoned:

Air - The wing of a Griffon

Earth - The claws of a Basilisk

Fire - The heart of a Dragon

Water - Any Amoeba


Summon elemental horde

Spell Level:             Elemental 4

Magic Points:         30 per hour

Range:                     Personal

Duration:               1+ hours

Ingredients:            See Summon Elemental above.

The character can use this spell to summon a group of Elementals of Earth, Air, Fire or Water. The Elementalist may only summon elementals of one type at a time. D3 + 1 of the desired type will appear as a group within 6 yards of the summoner. The Elementalist must attempt to control each one in turn by making a test against Will Power. If successful, the Elemental will obey any simple commands given by the Elementalist; otherwise, it will behave in a totally random manner (see Summoning Elementals). The Elementalist may well end up in a situation where some of the Elementals are controlled while some are not.


Summon Great Wave

Spell Level:             Elemental 4

Magic Points:         16

Range:                     special

Duration:               1d6+3 rounds

Ingredients:            a piece of moonstone

Each round a great wave 3 yards tall, 3 yards thick at the base and 10 yards wide is summoned from a body of water. The body of water must be at least large enough to provide the water for the great waves. The great waves may travel a maximum of 1000 yards over open water, but once they reach land, they can travel a maximum of 24-yards. All creatures or structures struck by a great wave take 1d6+3 damage at Strength 6.


Summon swarm

Spell Level:             Elemental 4

Magic Points:         12 points per hour

Range:                     Nearby

Duration:               1 + Hours

Ingredients:            Two of the creatures to be summoned

This spell allows the Elementalist to command natural creatures. The Elementalist can summon a Swarm of either beetles, snakes and lizards, spiders, rats, frogs and toads, ants, ticks, scorpions or bats (see the Bestiary - Swarm). The Swarm appears within 6 yards of the summoner and will follow simple instructions.

The Swarm remains for 1 hour but may be kept beyond that time by the expenditure of 12 magic points per hour.


Tunnel through stone

Spell Level:             Elemental 4

Magic Points:         18 per turn

Range:                     Not applicable

Duration:               1 + turns

Ingredients:            a troll’s stomach

This spell allows the caster to tunnel through the ground or walls, without needing to use tools. The tunnel thus created is magically stabilised, will not collapse and causes no damage to buildings. The caster may even tunnel through soft sand or mud using this spell, or may move through solid rock at normal pace, creating a tunnel wide enough for a single person. Other characters may follow the path, but have to form a line behind the Elementalist. Once the tunnel is completed the caster may dispel it at any time - instantly killing anyone inside.


Wall shaker

Spell Level:             Elemental 4

Magic Points:         18 per turn

Range:                     Not applicable

Duration:               1 + turns

Ingredients:            the thyroid gland of a giant

The caster can use this spell to cause all building sections within 24 yards to collapse. Cr4eatures inside or on top of a collapsing section receive D6+3 wounds with normal bonus modifiers for toughness and body and head armour.



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