Druid Level 4

Animate Rock

Spell level:               Druidic 4

Magic Points:         3

Range:                     12 yards

Duration:               1 turn

Ingredients:            crushed quartz

With this spell, the Druid causes a single stone object of up to 20 cubic feet to move. It has no intelligence or volition of its own, but it follows the Druid's instruction exactly as spoken - attacking, breaking objects, blocking and so forth until the end of the spell's duration. Note that only one set of instruction for one single action (the whole being simply worded and very brief -12 words or so) can be given to the annimated rock.

While the exact details of the animated rock are decided by the GM, as a general rule it should have a Toughness of 5-9 (depending on the type of stone used); Wounds equal to its volume and Strength equal to its Volume divided by 3. Thus a man-sized statue or boulder would have a Toughness of 7, 12 Wounds and Strength of 4. Animated rock generally has a Movement of 1.

Edged and pointed weapons such as swords, pole-arms, spears and arrows will not affect the animated rock and will in fact break if the wielder makes a successful Strength test. Axes and weapons enchanted to inflict extra damage are the exception to this and will attack normally, as will blunt weapons.


Control Weather

Spell level:               Druidic 4

Magic Points:         10

Range:                     Personal

Duration:               See below

Ingredients:            druid’s holy symbol

This spell brings the Druid into close harmony with the forces of nature in the surrounding area, allowing him to alter the current weather conditions. The precipitation, temperature and wind may all be changed, but not too radically - partly cloudy weather can clear up, become more cloudy or start to lightly rain, but a thunderstorm is out of the question. By the same token, a cool day can become warm or cold but must have already been cold to reduce the temperature to an arctic chill.

Further changes require a repeated casting of the spell.

The spell casting requires 10 minutes to cast for each aspect of the weather that is to be changed. During this time, the Druid's body lies helpless in a trance and counts as a prone opponent. Only the normal completion of the spell casting or the sustaining of a critical effect can rouse the Druid. Over the time taken to cast the spell, the weather will gradually change to what the Druid desires and will remain that way until the expiration of the spell, at which point the weather will gradually revert to its natural state.

Note that due to the changes wrought by this spell, the Druid will earn great disfavour if it is used for whimsical purposes.


Create bog

Spell level:               Druidic 4

Magic Points:         6

Range:                     48 yards

Duration:               3 turns

Ingredients:            A ball of mud

The caster may create an area of soft and marshy ground up to 48 yards away. This spell can only be cast out of doors, on areas of bare ground; it has no effect on rock or stone. The bog covers an area of up to 48 square yards, and counts as difficult ground (see movement). It lasts for 3 turns before drying out and hardening back to normal ground. Any creature in the mire when it hardens will become trapped unless it makes a successful test against Strength. Trapped creatures count as prone targets and need to be dug out before they can move again.


Create sacred grove

Spell level:               Druidic 4

Magic Points:         4 per day

Range:                     None

Duration:               Variable

Ingredients:            A suitable location and a golden sickle

Sacred Groves are the temples of the Druidic Priests and a full description can be found in Religion and Belief - The Old Faith. This spell allows the Druidic Priest to create a Sacred Grove, or to re-dedicate one that has been desecrated. Before this spell can be cast, the area must be marked out using the 3rd level spell Zone of Purity. The Druidic Priest then performs various dedication rituals, starting at the full moon and lasting for a full lunar month.

Sacred Grove created or re-dedicated by means of this spell functions as described in the Old Faith. (See religion and belief)

This spell may also be used to re-dedicate stone circles that have been desecrated, and return them to working order.


Drawing Down the Moon

Magic Points:         12

Range:                     96 yards

Duration:               1 turn

Ingredients:            Two moonstones (value 10gp each)

In casting this spell, the Druid calls down a form of moon madness upon the creatures in the area of effect. One creature, or a group, may be affected. The spell may only be cast when moonlight is present, so the Druid must be outdoors on a night that does not have total cloud cover - even a weak glimmer of light from a new moon is sufficient for the spell to be cast. Assume that there is a 90% chance of such moonlight being available during darkness hours or 10% if it is raining when the spell is cast.

The target creature(s) are surrounded by glowing motes of moonlight that weakens their resolve and very quickly drive them insane. Affected creatures lose -1 from both S and T (with no Magic test permitted to negate the effects). Further, they experience hallucinations and suffer a -20 penalty to WS and BS.

Affected creatures must also make a Magic test each round, failure indicating they must move randomly; random movement is carried out using a d12 clock face for direction - distance is determined using a suitable die, depending on the creature's Movement characteristic. A Magic test must be made to permit successful spellcasting by an affected creature.

Finally, at the end of the spell duration, affected creature(s) must make a Magic test or gain d4 Insanity Points. This spell cannot affect creatures with Int less than 6, or creatures that are immune to psychological effects, such as Undead and Demons.



Spell level:               Druidic 4

Magic Points:         8

Range:                     96 yards

Duration:               d6+1 turns

Ingredients:            A pinch of dung and a sprig of Bloodsedge

This spell may e centred on any point within 96 yards of the Druid. Vegetation will erupt from the chosen point, irrespective of the terrain type, instantaneously covering an area 24 yards in diameter and turning the terrain into difficult ground, with movement being affected accordingly. Creatures caught within the area of effect are entangled for the first round, and for each round thereafter that they fail an S test with a -10 penalty. Entangled creatures may not move, suffer a -20 penalty to missile fire, a -10 penalty to melee combat, and may not cast spells or use magic items to create spell-like effects. The spell duration is unaffected by subsequent actions by the Druid.


Quench Fire

Spell level:               Druidic 4

Magic Points:         4

Range:                     96 yards

Duration:               1 hour

Ingredients:            A flask of water gathered from the dew formed within a stone circle

This spell will completely smother all magical and non-magical fires within a 96-yard radius, extinguishing everything from candles to blazing forests. While this effect is instantaneous, the spell remains in force for an hour, preventing any form of fire from being lit and any fire-cased spells from being cast within the area of effect. All Fire Elementals below Wisentlich status will be reduced in size by 1 for each round that they remain within the area of effect. Magical items that cause a fire effect will be neutralised until they are removed from the area of effect.


Rainbow Bridge

Spell level:               Druidic 4

Magic Points:         8

Range:                     Special

Duration:               4 turns

Ingredients:            A wooden miniature sculptured bridge, painted with the colours of the Rainbow

This spell may only be cast if a rainbow appears within the vision of the Druid. As a rule of thumb, if there is rainfall in sight, there is a 10% chance that a rainbow will occur.

When the spell is cast, the Druid and any group (of up to 8 characters and/or natural animals) accompanying him may step onto the rainbow and be transported by the Rainbow Bridge. It takes 1 round for the Druid to bring the rainbow to his feet and 1 round (minimum) for his friends to step onto it. When all are on the Rainbow Bridge, the group travels at the rate of 1 mile per round (600 mph). They can be conveyed a maximum distance of d10+20 miles, in any direction he desires. The Druid may have himself (and his group) set down at any point along the maximum distance of the bridge. If a group is accompanying the Druid, they must all leave at the same place he does. Creatures hostile to the Druid must make a successful Magic test when they step onto the bridge, and for every succeeding round they remain on it, or fall to their death.

However, they may safely disembark at the location that the Druid has disembarked.

Anyone who remains on the bridge at the end of 4 turns will fall to his death. The Rainbow Bridge is not affected by the Dispel magic spell.


Spell level:               Druidic 4

Magic Points:         12

Range:                     96 yards

Duration:               Instantaneous

Ingredients:            A 1" diameter disc of burnished copper

When casting this spell, the Druid calls down a roaring column of fire from the heavens, which affects all creatures within an 8-yard diameter circle. The spell may only be cast if sunlight is present. The chance of this occurring during daylight hours is as follows:

                                Spring                     50%

                                Summer                 75%

                                Autumn                 50%

                                Winter                    25%

Most creatures will suffer 2d6 Wounds at S8, while flammable targets suffer 4d6 Wounds at S8. Flammable objects will be set alight. This spell also has great power against Undead, which are blinded for d4 round and must make an Instability test immediately (if applicable). Any control exercised over the Undead is immediately broken and must be re-established by the controller. Note that this may result in other tests having to be made (e.g. uncontrolled Skeletons are subject to stupidity).


Wall of Thorns

Spell level:               Druidic 4

Magic Points:         12

Range:                     48 yards

Duration:               6 hours

Ingredients:            A live hedgehog

With the casting of this spell, a wall of thorns sprouts instantly from the ground anywhere within 48 yards of the caster. The wall may take the form of a 2-yard x 24-yard strip or a circle of radius 6 yards. The Wall of Thorns can be made to grow up in front of, around or even on top of groups of creatures if the caster wishes. The wall is made of magic thorns, which grow so quickly; they can easily trap and kill anyone whom they touch. Each creature within the area of thorns receives 3d6 wounds at S5, modified by Toughness and leg armour only. In addition, movement is reduced to a maximum of 2 yards per round.

Once created, a Wall of Thorns cannot be dispelled. It is flammable and counts as a single section with 15 damage points (see Destroying Buildings). Note that the casting of this spell does not harm the hedgehog required as an ingredient.


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