Druid Level 1


Animal Enmity

Spell level:               Druidic 1

Magic Points:         2

Range:                     Touch

Duration:               12 hours

Ingredients:            A drop of hunter's blood

The target of the Animal Enmity becomes offensive to all natural animals for the duration of the spell, drawing the least favourable response from them. Animals will not automatically attack the victim - horses will buck and shy away, cats will hiss and scratch, dogs will bark and growl and so on. If such an animal is threatened it will attack of flee, depending on its nature. If the target manages to capture or tether any animal, it will not co-operate and will use any means to escape. Pets will not attack or flee but will act in a cold and aloof manner for the duration of the spell.


Animal mastery

Spell level:               Druidic 1

Magic Points:         1 per turn

Range:                     6 yards

Duration:               1+ turns

Ingredients:            A tooth from any animal

This spell allows the caster to make telepathic contact with any non-fantastic animal of low intelligence (6-14 within 6 yards.

The caster may communicate with the animal freely, and may be able to command it. Most animals contacted by this means will be basically well-disposed toward the caster, but the GM should make a Will Power test for the animal if the caster commands it to do anything which is dangerous or outside its normal behaviour patterns.

The spell lasts for I turn, but may be extended by the expenditure of additional Magic points.



Spell level:               Druidic 1

Magic Points:         3

Range:                     Personal

Duration:               1 hour

Ingredients:            A piece of bark from any tree

This spell will turn the Druid's skin brown and rough, forming a layer of sturdy bark that will provide 1AP to each body location.


Beast Summoning

Spell level:               Druidic 1

Magic Points:         1

Range:                     96 yards per level of the caster

Duration:               Instantaneous

Ingredients:            Food appropriate to the animal to be summoned.

With this spell the druid may summon any specified normal animal from the surrounding area providing that such a creature is present within the spell's range. The time taken for the creature to arrive will depend on its distance from the caster at the time of casting. The creature will not be compelled to stay or perform an action but is unlikely to be hostile disposed towards the Druid unless threatened or previously attacked.



Spell level:               Druidic 1

Magic Points:         3

Range:                     Touch

Duration:               1 hour

Ingredients:            A live amphibian

This spell may be used on the caster or another character by touch. It allows the individual to breathe normally even when completely submerged in water or buried in dirt. Note that it does not provide any form of filtration, so does not protect the recipient from poisonous gasses or harmful pollutants.

The live animal required as an ingredient for the spell is not harmed in its casting.


Cure poison

Spell level:               Druidic 1

Magic Points:         1

Range:                     Touch

Duration:               Instantaneous

Ingredients:            Powdered malachite

This spell may be cast either on the caster or on any other single creature that the caster can touch. The spell negates the effect of one poisoned wound or dose of poison, provided that it is cast within one hour of the poison being administered.



Spell level:               Druidic 1

Magic Points:         1

Range:                     Touch

Duration:               Instantaneous

Ingredients:            A pinch of pepper

This spell allows the caster to remove parasitic inif6stations of all kinds from any one creature touched by the Druidic Priest.


Detect Snares and Pits

Spell level:               Druidic 1

Magic Points:         3

Range:                     96 yards

Duration:               instantaneous

Ingredients:            A sprig of mistletoe

This spell will allow the Druid to detect any non-magical traps in a rural setting that are within the range of the spell. The Druid will know the location and nature of the traps found, whether they are pits, snares and so on. The spell will not detect the natural lures, traps and dangerous effects of predatory plants and moulds.


Find Plant

Spell level:               Druidic 1

Magic Points:         1

Range:                     96 yards

Duration:               instantaneous

Ingredients:            A piece of the type of plant to be found

The Druid may use this spell to find the direction, distance and approximate number of any one type of plant that he desires, providing that such a plant exists within a 96-yard radius.

While the chance of finding a specific type of plant depends on the details and circumstances of the locale, as a general rule the Availability Table (p292 WFRP) can be used as for a population centre below 10,000. Most herbs grow in temperate regions, while most spices grow in tropical regions. Most plants sought as spell components or for magical research are rare or very rare.


Heal animal

Spell level:               Druidic 1

Magic Points:         1

Range:                     Touch

Duration:               Instantaneous

Ingredients:            A sprig of mistletoe

This spell restores one non-fantastic, non-giant animal to full health, counteracting wounds, poisons, disease, and so on. The caster must be able to touch the animal during the casting of the spell. This spell will not restore dead animals to life, nor will it remove the effects of critical hits.


Identify Nature

Spell level:               Druidic 1

Magic Points:         1

Range:                     96 yards

Duration:               1 hour

Ingredients:            A sprig of any natural herb and a hair from any natural animal

By casting this spell, the Druid is able to survey the area before him up to the maximum range of the spell and determine whether the flora and fauna are natural or not.

"Unnatural" predatory plants such as damaging moulds or fungi, Illusionary Woods, Lycanthropes and similar illusions will be seen for what they really are. The presence of Elementals is always detected. The spell does not confer upon the Druid any ability to detect traps such as snares and pits, or details of natural flora and fauna, which are unfamiliar to him.



Spell level:               Druidic 1

Magic Points:         2

Range:                     24 yards

Duration:               10 rounds per level of the caster

Ingredients:            Pigeon droppings

This spell enables the Druid to call upon any small natural creature to act as his messenger. The Druid can communicate with the animal in a crude fashion, telling it to go to a certain place, but directions must be simple. After a small note or item is attached to it, the animal will follow its instruction and wait at the given location until the expiration of the spell, at which point the animal returns to its normal activities. The target animal is not empowered with any form of communication of its own. Note also that when the recipient retrieves the message or item, the spell concludes and no reply may be sent.


Mist Cloud

Spell level:               Druidic 1

Magic Points:         3

Range:                     48 yards

Duration:               3 turns

Ingredients:            A drop of water

By casting this spell, the Druid creates a cloud of mist 12 yards in diameter within the maximum range of effect. This cloud totally obscures the vision of those within it, halving their movement rate.

The druid and any friendly group with him see and move normally through the Mist Cloud (the Druid's familiar may also move normally within the cloud even if more than 4 yards away from him but within the area of effect).

The Druid usually employs the spell as a barrier between himself and any enemies who seek to attack him.


Pass Without Trace

Spell level:               Druidic 1

Magic Points:         2

Range:                     Personal

Duration:               1 hour per level of the caster

Ingredients:            None

This spell allows the caster to move through a forest or other wilderness setting without leaving a scent, footprints or leaving any other trace of his passing. While this means that grass will not be crushed, branches broken, etc., it will not make him immune from traps or the natural effects of predatory plants that he may come in contact with. He cannot be tracked by any non-magical means though an area in which the spell was in effect.


Predict Weather

Spell level:               Druidic 1

Magic Points:         2

Range:                     Personal

Duration:               2d6 turns

Ingredients:            None

This spell brings the Druid into close harmony with natural elemental forces in the area, allowing him to gain an insight into the nature of the weather occurring in the vicinity over the next 24 hours. Only natural weather conditions may be predicted. Any variations due to the influence of magic will not be foreseen.

For the duration of the Predict Weather spell, the Druid's body lies helpless in a trance and counts as a prone opponent. Only the expiration of the spell or a critical taken by the caster will terminate the spell effect under any circumstances.


Purify Water

Spell level:               Druidic 1

Magic Points:         2

Range:                     Touch

Duration:               permanent

Ingredients:            A pinch of salt

This spell will remove any impurities from water, making any contaminated, poisoned or polluted water clear, pure and drinkable. Note that this spell will also affect any other beverages such as potions, wine and juice, making them plain water and removing any magical or other effects.




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