Dr Alan C. Clifford - ISLAM The Current Threat to the British Isles - 1 -

ISLAM The Current Threat to the British Isles

A lecture presented to The Lawyers‟ Christian Fellowship, at The offices of Sookias &Sookias 15 Brooks Mews, London on Tuesday, 5 December 2006 by

Dr Alan C. Clifford

Charenton Reformed Publishing

2006 Dr Alan C. Clifford ISLAM The Current Threat to the British Isles - 2 -


The Current Threat to the British Isles

As pastor in the presence of Christian lawyers, I believe you will not judge it an inappropriate thing to begin with prayer?

O HEAVENLY Father, the Father of all wisdom, understanding and true strength, we beseech Thee look mercifully upon Thy servants, and send Thy Holy Spirit into our hearts, that when we must join to fight in the field for the glory of Thy Holy Name, we being strengthened with the defence of Thy right hand, may manfully stand in the confession of Thy faith and of Thy truth, and continue in the same unto the end of our lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

At the outset, I must declare my convictions. As a Christian and Reformed pastor, I believe in the historic Apostolic Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, „the Way, the Truth and the Life‟ (John 14: 6), the only Saviour of the world. Trusting alone in His sacrifice for salvation, I love God and seek to love my neighbour as myself. That means I love even the Muslim people while I detest their religion. I approach our subject from this perspective.


As we continue to face a grave crisis, in principle, I have nothing to add to my Oxford lecture Christianity, Islam & British Politics, but simply to update the evidence for the case I made last November. Indeed, as events unfold daily, an overwhelming mass of data comes my way from different parts of the world. It is impossible to keep abreast of everything. That said, I believe Islam is the gravest threat currently facing the UK and the West. I dare say, more serious than global warming or even nuclear proliferation.

President Bush has been criticised for describing Muslim terrorism as „Islamo-fascism‟. While I believe the Iraq war has been a disaster, and a tragic and costly distraction from the legitimate „war on terror‟, I believe he is right in this instance. As cited by Melanie Phillips in her book Londonistan (Gibson Square Publishers, 2006): „Aisha Siddiqa Qureshi wrote in the Muslim World Today that „radical Islam threatens to subjugate the world and murder, enslave or convert all non-Muslims,‟ that radical Muslims „share Hitler‟s goal,‟ and that liberals were not willing to defend their own institutions against this threat‟ (p. 278). Dr Alan C. Clifford ISLAM The Current Threat to the British Isles - 3 -

The simple fact is that, as we had about thirteen years of Nazi fascism, the thirteen centuries of Islam are now impacting on the streets of our cities. Melanie Phillips‟ book demonstrates this. Her book is an absolute „must read‟. Europe too is involved in the crisis, each nation having significant and growing Muslim communities.

Things have not always been like this. Let us recall some history. Islam was defeated by the Frankish King Charles Martel at the Battle of Tours in 732 AD [10 October to be precise]. They were again defeated at Vienna by the Polish Jan Sobieski in 1683. However, after relative quiet during the following centuries, it‟s all change in Europe and the UK since the 1980s.

As rampant liberalism has eaten the heart out of the Judeo-Christian heritage of the UK, for too many people, Islam is now filling the vacuum. Furthermore, our immigration crisis should be seen for what it is, a „soft invasion‟ of this country. Indeed, immigration and jihad go together, a view admitted and (as quoted by Melanie Phillips) argued for by Imam Abu Baseer, one of the leading supporters of al Qaeda: „One of the goals of immigration is the revival of the duty of jihad and enforcement of their power over the infidels. Immigration and jihad go together. One is the consequence of the other and dependent upon it. The continuance of the one is dependent upon the continuance of the other‟ (Londonistan, p. 58).

How is this situation able to develop? Because of the unholy alliance between the secular leftist Establishment and Islam. The Government‟s multicultural policy involves an appeasement of Islamic demands at every turn. This wrong-headed policy is utterly naïve and devoid of common sense. Let us understand this. Islam has no place for democracy. It merely exploits it, eventually to replace it with its own tyrannical and barbaric ethos. Despite „PC‟ attempts at „social engineering‟ being considered in the East Lancashire town of Burnley to enforce social integration among Muslims and non-Muslims in new multi-racial schools (BNP news team, 24 Oct), the Islamic agenda will prove the failure of multiculturalism. Muslims aren‟t interested in „integration‟, only eventual „domination‟.


The Islamic agenda explains the true significance of „9/11‟ and „7/7‟ - and other terrorist atrocities elsewhere, i. e. „3/11‟ in Madrid, and the Bali and Mumbai bombings, etc. Such events give ominous significance to what Dr Alan C. Clifford ISLAM The Current Threat to the British Isles - 4 -

are almost daily developments. I remind you of some fairly recent ones:

1. The Queen’s blessing given to the celebration of Ramadan at Windsor Castle (Daily Mail, 29 Sept). Is it appropriate for the Supreme Governor of the Church of England to grant such recognition to Islam, a religion utterly hostile to Christianity, under Her Majesty‟s own „royal roof‟?

2. The new cemetery at Nottingham (BNP website, 21 Sept). All gravestones are to face Mecca. Christian representatives were not consulted or given any „opt out‟ concessions.

3. The harassment of an injured paratrooper (Daily Telegraph, 2 Oct). In Selly Oak Hospital, Birmingham, a soldier recovering from injuries received during service in Afghanistan was verbally abused by a Muslim on the ward. This is outrageous!

4. Mosque expansion (Daily Telegraph, 25 Sept). Planning for the proposed mega-mosque in London seems set to receive approval, with only minority resistance. Remembering that the great „Hagia Sophia‟ cathedral became a mosque after the fall of Constantinople in 1453, might Westminster Abbey and St Paul‟s suffer the same fate within the next one hundred years or less?

5. Prisoners may study jihad (The Sun, 2 Oct). In Belmarsh Prison, Islamic prisoners are permitted books on „holy war‟ while courses of Christian instruction are denied elsewhere to non-Muslims.

6. The Windsor disturbances (Daily Mail, 7 Oct). The Medina Dairy, Windsor, burned out after recent disturbances, is seeking permission to set up an Islamic Centre on the site.

Note: I was asked by the London Evening Standard what I thought of this. I replied: "Permission should only be granted on condition of a public disavowal of jihadic militancy and an acceptance of democratic institutions with free thought and debate. However, since radicals will always win over the so-called „moderates‟, such a concession would never work. So, the ‟final solution‟ to the Islamic problem is clear. The Muslim community must face the following challenge: „If you wish to promote Islam and establish Shari‟ah Law in the UK, the answer is „NO‟. In which case, „GO‟ - and live where your life-style and religious culture are welcome.‟" Dr Alan C. Clifford ISLAM The Current Threat to the British Isles - 5 -

It is to be noted that Australian Prime Minister John Howard said as much in a recent speech not reported here (Herald Sun, 1 Sept). In case we‟re unaware, the Australians too face a serious crisis over Islam.

7. The Muslim police officer issue (Daily Mail, 5 Oct). During the recent war, the officer was relieved of serving to protect the Israeli Embassy on grounds that his family might be vulnerable in Lebanon. Despite all the explanations given, the simple fact is that Islam is violently anti-Semitic. This was arguably the real motivation behind the officer‟s request.

8. Jack Straw and the Muslim veil debate (Lancashire Telegraph, 5 Oct). Before I comment further on this subject, I picked up a copy of the London Evening Standard at Liverpool Street station en route to give a speech on „Islam: religious invasion and national delusion‟ at the London Swinton Circle two months ago. Featured on the front page, Salman Rushdie had weighed in on the debate. His scantily-clad wife beside him, the photograph highlights the kind of immodesty many Muslims rightly complain of in our decadent society.

Whatever his personal motivation, Mr Straw is to be applauded. He was right to make such a request, for the reasons he gave, i. e. facial communication, etc. Besides, the veil is not a Qur‟anic requirement, only a thousand year-old tradition (as Jon Snow reminded the Muslim lady he interviewed on Channel 4 News). It is even banned in schools and public buildings in Muslim countries like Turkey and Tunisia (Daily Express, 21 Oct). So why do they insist on wearing it? Peter Hitchins of the Daily Mail supplied the best answer several months ago: "To wind us all up!" Apart from a discussion about fashion and religious dress, I object to the veil because it is a symbol of hostile Islamic differentiation. Wear it in private if you must, but not in public places. So, I say, "If you wish to wear the veil, the hijab and the burqa, go and live where such dress is required." In view of her intransigence, it was surely the right decision to sack Aisha Azmi (Eastern Daily Press, 25 November).

9. A Bishop’s complaint (BBC1 News, 10 Oct). The Bishop of Hulme has complained that in social policy, „PC‟ authorities are responding to Muslim sensitivities at the expense of Christian concerns.

10. ‘PC’ propaganda on BBC ‘Thought for the Day’. On 9 October, the Revd Dr Colin Morris spoke glowingly of Islam as only a liberal Methodist could. He denied that we should "demonise a great Faith." But Islam is already ‟demonic‟, and certainly a „great problem‟! The Dr Alan C. Clifford ISLAM The Current Threat to the British Isles - 6 -

simple fact is that the poison of Islam is promoted by such liberal, multi-faith commentators.

11. Immunity from arrest during Ramadan (BBC teletext, 23 Oct). It was reported that during Ramadan, Manchester police were to „show sensitivity‟ by avoiding the arrest of Muslim suspects. To be even-handed, is it conceivable that other UK citizens might be immune from arrest during the Easter or Christmas holiday periods?

12. The ‘Dispatches Debate’ (Channel 4, 23 Oct). Hosted by Jon Snow, this debate considered whether Islam was a threat to free speech. The fact that the final vote was close merely reflected the fact that Islam‟s actual track record was not exposed.

13. UK Muslim militancy is increasing (BBC1 News, 25 Oct). An upsurge of English (rather than Arabic) websites has been reported, showing an alarming increase in internet jihadism. This will promote the radicalisation of Muslim youths in the UK.

14. Taliban progress report promotes controversy (BBC1 News, 25 Oct). In the wake of General Sir Richard Dannatt‟s concerns, the „positive‟ reporting of Taliban „progress‟ against Coalition forces in Afghanistan on BBC2 ‘Newsnight’ aroused justified criticism.

15. The Dhiren Barot case (Times Online, 6 November). Dhiren Barot, 35, wanted to blow up a train while it travelled under the Thames and use a dirty bomb to create "another black day for enemies of Islam." He admitted conspiracy to murder between January 2000 and August 2004. Note again the religious motivation involved.

16. The MI5 security revelations (BBC News, 10 November). "MI5 knows of 30 terror plots threatening the UK and is keeping 1,600 individuals under surveillance," the security service‟s head has said. Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller warned the threat was "serious" and "growing." She said future attacks could be chemical or nuclear and that many of the plots were linked to al-Qaeda. According to Dame Eliza the current terror threat will "last a generation" and her concern is that even with MI5‟s rapid growth, "the security service will not be able to investigate nearly enough of activities it deems to be suspicious.…" Again, while Tony Blair admitted that the terrorist threat was „very real‟ and that „poisonous propaganda‟ was warping the minds of young people, he refuses to acknowledge that Islam itself fuels such violence. Dr Alan C. Clifford ISLAM The Current Threat to the British Isles - 7 -

17. The UN statement on the West-Muslim divide (BBC News, 13 November). Again, the purely jihadic demands of Islam were ignored when a UN panel of twenty prominent world figures claimed that the „divide‟ was caused not by religion and history but by the Israeli-Palestine conflict.

18. The growth of Sharia law in the UK (Daily Telegraph, 29 November). As the authority of British justice wanes, this alarming development is further evidence of government appeasement. Dr Patrick Sookhdeo has stated that "Sharia courts now operate in most larger cities, with different sectarian and ethnic groups operating their own courts … according to their tradition. The Government has not been straight about this" (Daily Express, 30 November).

19. The Abolition of Slavery anniversary. Charles Moore was right to expose the hypocrisy of Tony Blair‟s „deep sorrow‟ about the slave trade when he ignores current Islamic slavery in Africa (Daily Telegraph, 29 November). While William Wilberforce – inspired by the religion of Jesus – opposed this evil, its on-going practice has a precedent in Muhammad„s violent conquests, as Moore rightly pointed out.

20. The Demos Study on UK community relations (BBC News, 4 December). This study yields to Islamic blackmail. To say that Government ministers have „failed to engage Muslims over British foreign policy in Iraq‟ - thus having „driven a wedge‟ between Muslims and the wider community - is appeasement of Islam if this is to have a bearing on UK security policy. Of course, the Iraq war has provided Muslim terrorists with all the excuse they need, but jihadism was a fundamental feature of Islam from the beginning.


Pope Benedict XVI recently provoked furious outrage within the Muslim community by quoting a Byzantine Emperor‟s assessment of Islam. The „evil‟ and „things inhuman‟ verdict was too true for comfort, yet the Pope rapidly apologised for causing offence and later denied that the citation reflected his own views. On this issue, I would draw your attention to my article „The Pope, The Prophet & The Protestant Perspective‟ (English Churchman, 29 Sept).

Responding to the Pope‟s Regensburg fiasco, the liberal media commentators had a field day! Rightly aware of Rome‟s own violent track record, Giles Fraser discouraged criticism of Islam (Guardian, 16 Dr Alan C. Clifford ISLAM The Current Threat to the British Isles - 8 -

Sept). Will Hutton presented an utterly rose-tinted distortion of Islam, calling it „a great and peaceful religion‟ (Guardian, 17 Sept). This is not an appropriate verdict, even though scholars argue that early Islam transmitted the philosophy and science of the classical world to the West when Europe was still in darkness. The scholarly work of Averroes (building on the earlier achievements of Avicenna) and others reflects the fact that as Islamic military expansion spread westwards from Arabia to Egypt and once-Roman North Africa, Muslims absorbed the civilised features of the cultures they conquered. However, the appreciation of Aristotle was not intrinsic to Islam. As the history of al-Andalus (Moorish Spain) makes clear, once the conquering warriors of Muhammad settled down, a softer life-style induced a more cultured existence at centres like Seville and Cordoba. This could not continue indefinitely when successive waves of more fanatical radicals from the Atlas Mountains arrived only to awaken their brothers from their slumbering compromise with infidelity. This is precisely what is happening in Europe and the UK now. While Muslim immigrants are enjoying the benefits of western economic progress, they are tempted to prefer their adopted life-style to the more traditional austerities of the Islamic world. Such compromise with infidelity is regarded as a threat to orthodox Islam by radical Imams and their militant activists, who then pressurise the moderates to conform to jihadist ideals.

Perpetuating Will Hutton‟s falsehood, Karen Armstrong presented a mishmash of misconceptions (Guardian, 18 Sept) to bolster her verdict that „we cannot afford to maintain these ancient prejudices against Islam.‟ She mistakenly stated that „Islam first became known in the West as the religion of the sword‟ during the crusading era [1095-1291]. Has she forgotten the Battle of Tours (732)? She blandly stated that the Qur‟an „strictly forbids coercion.‟ This is only true of the early „revelation‟ of Sura 2: 256, when Muhammad needed the support of Jews and Christians. By precept and example, he later flew in the face of such wisdom with appalling violence.

Armstrong‟s assertion that „Muslims did not impose their faith by the sword‟ is a criminal denial of history. Conquered peoples wishing not to embrace Islam were only spared the sword if they paid the tribute or jizyah tax (see Sura 9: 14, 29). Soumaya Ghannoushi rounded off the ill-informed judgements of these pro-Muslim media propagandists. The Pope‟s remarks „boosted fears of a new crusade‟ (Guardian, 19 Sept). Therefore, don‟t criticise Islam!

This sickening appeasement is typical of current western denial about Dr Alan C. Clifford ISLAM The Current Threat to the British Isles - 9 -

Islam. Contrary to Karen Armstrong‟s distaste for „ancient prejudices‟, she and her Islamic sympathisers must wake up to reality. Are they really unaware of the current persecutions taking place throughout the world under the banner of Islam? Melanie Phillips sums up the situation when she reports that „Churches are being burned down and Christians terrorised and killed by Muslims in Sudan, Congo, Egypt, Indonesia, Pakistan, Nigeria, Lebanon, Somalia, the Philippines and elsewhere‟ (Londonistan, p. 217).

This terrible situation is confirmed and documented on an almost daily basis by the Barnabas Fund. Deeply shocking stories of personal suffering reveal the true nature of this supposedly „great and peaceful religion‟, not in medieval history but now, in the 21st century! It is vital to be aware of Barnabas Fund Director Dr Patrick Sookhdeo‟s work. His book Understanding Islamic Terrorism (Isaac Publishing, 2004) is also a „must read‟.

It is also vital not to be taken in by the deceptive distinction between „militant‟ and „moderate‟ Islam. I have argued this elsewhere. Indeed, just how „moderate‟ are the official moderates? Again , Melanie Phillips is right to expose such deception; „The [Muslim Council of Britain]‟s [former] secretary general, Sir Iqbal Sacranie, has branded Israel a „Nazi state‟ and accused it of „murderous leadership,‟ „Zionist brutality‟ and the „ethnic cleansing of Palestine.‟ He has compared Hamas suicide bombers to Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Ghandi, saying: „Those who fight oppression, those who fight occupation, cannot be termed as terrorist, they are freedom fighters‟; and he has referred to the founder and spiritual leader of Hamas, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, as „the renowned Islamic scholar.‟ He brands as an „Islamophobe‟ anyone who even uses the term „Islamic terrorism‟ and says they should be prosecuted for incitement to religious hatred‟ (Londonistan, p. 153).


It is undeniably the case, that - as I have argued elsewhere - the Islamic religion itself is the root of the problem. Melanie Phillips is correct to state that in the „war against terror‟, „this is principally a war of religious ideology‟ (Londonistan, p. 275). It is my deep conviction that our only hope is a revival of authentic Christianity. Secular calls for Islamic reform are futile and absurd. Furthermore, a policy of active immigration reversal and deportation is necessary if we are to void all-out civil war in this country. From a strictly Christian perspective, if Muslims refuse conversion to Christianity (or another non-Islamic option) Dr Alan C. Clifford ISLAM The Current Threat to the British Isles - 10 -

they must go and live where their religion is practised. An intolerant religious community set to overthrow the values of our Christian-based culture and civilisation cannot be tolerated.

We fail to understand the crisis we face until we grasp the deeper one. I refer to the collapse of Christian conviction within the UK, the fruit of progressive and growing betrayal of the Christian Faith by mainstream liberal church leaders over many decades. In the context of our growing crisis, the leadership of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, is laughable. No wonder it has been suggested that comedian Rowan Atkinson would do a better job! Regarding the BA fiasco, his admittedly even-handed but pro-Islamic-veil remarks were absurdly naïve. Sadly, Her Majesty the Queen‟s recent decision to permit a staff member at Windsor to celebrate Ramadan in a castle room is a symptom of the spiritual crisis facing this country. I thus sent a letter of protest to Her Majesty on 4 October:

Your Majesty,


I have read with grave concern that the Muslim month of Ramadan is being celebrated in Windsor Castle with Your Majesty‟s blessing. Without calling into question the noble tradition of religious tolerance upheld in the United Kingdom since 1689, I believe the provision Your Majesty has made for a Muslim member of staff exceeds all propriety.

I find it difficult to believe, Ma‟am, that you are personally happy with this development. Your „politically correct‟ advisers must bear the blame for encouraging recognition of a religion whose violent tenets, history and present persecution of non-Muslims are utterly alien to our time-honoured Christian values. Even if the Muslim young lady is not to be denied freedom to practise her religion in her own time and place, to do so „under your royal roof‟ and with Your Majesty‟s approval must surely be regarded as a betrayal of our Christian Faith by Your Majesty. Having always regarded you, Ma‟am, as the „Mother of the Nation‟ with the deep affection of a loyal subject, it grieves me to have to address Your Majesty in this manner. However, I am emboldened to do so at a time when our Christian Protestant heritage is being progressively and openly eroded before our very eyes. I therefore beseech you, Ma‟am, to reconsider your decision to permit the celebration of Ramadan at Windsor Castle. Dr Alan C. Clifford ISLAM The Current Threat to the British Isles - 11 -

My case against such a development is set out in my publication Christianity, Islam & British Politics, a copy of which I presented to Your Majesty a few months ago and which you kindly acknowledged from Balmoral Castle on 31 July 2006. The additional enclosed pamphlet, occasioned by Pope Benedict XVI‟s recent remarks about Islam, reinforces my earlier document. May I humbly urge you, Ma‟am, to declare your personal and official faith more openly and unambiguously. Since Your Majesty is Head of State and Supreme Governor of the Church of England, such a demonstration of Christian fidelity would be warmly welcomed by all Your Majesty‟s gravely-concerned Christian subjects and others who, if not Christians by profession, are alarmed at the increasing influence of Islam. Such is the desire, hope and prayer of

Your Majesty‟s humble and obedient servant,


The Revd Dr Alan C. Clifford

Pastor, Norwich Reformed Church

I received a reply (dated 24 Oct), in which Her Majesty states that she has „taken careful note‟ of my views. We must pray that the truth I expressed might make a deeper and significant impression.


The Pope‟s astonishing capitulation after the Regensburg speech and his recent statements in Turkey highlight traditional Roman Catholic syncretism. Clifford Longley‟s apologetic statement (BBC Radio 4, 4 December), that Pope Benedict XVI – apparently inspired by a suggestion from Dr Rowan Williams – now considers that bio-diversity provides a scientific analogy for various religions to coexist, is simply absurd. Can the Pope so easily forget Christ‟s exclusive claim to be the only Saviour of the world? Citing the virgin Mary as a figure who unites Christians and Muslims gives the game away completely (Daily Telegraph, 29 November). This confirms the worst suspicions of Protestants that Marian piety has always taken precedence over devotion to Jesus. The Pope‟s „PC‟ multifideism is guilty of ignoring Islam‟s „biggest lie‟ - its „unitarian‟ conception of Christ.

Ahead of the Pope‟s recent visit to Turkey, 20,000 Muslims made a noisy protest in Istanbul. As they chanted „Allah Akbar‟ [God is great], a placard (in English) defiantly declared: "Jesus is not son of God. He is a Dr Alan C. Clifford ISLAM The Current Threat to the British Isles - 12 -

Prophet of Islam." Pope Benedict was aware of the trip‟s danger. However, instead of trusting solely in the care of Christ, he invoked the „celestial protection‟ of his dead predecessor John XXIII. How tragic! Never was it more urgent for true Christians to be sure of their Faith. We must affirm the authentic truth of our Lord Jesus Christ with deeper conviction than ever:

The Lord of heaven and earth

He was not simply a religious leader long ago. He existed before Bethlehem. When He was born on earth He had already existed from all eternity. In fact, through Him everything was created. Everything still depends on Him. God the Father was the „architect‟ of the universe. Jesus, God the Son was the „site manager‟. God the Holy Spirit was the „constructor‟. As creation daily proves, how amazing was this astonishing triune enterprise! See John 1: 1-18.

The unique Son of God

He is the Son of God in a very special sense. Christians are described as children of God. They are children by grace and adoption. Christ is the Son by nature. As children reveal something of their parents, Christ reveals the nature and character of God in a unique way. He is the „only-begotten‟ Son of God. The divine nature is truly expressed in the personality of Jesus Christ. In Him we see God the Father. This „family‟ picture language has limits: the virgin Mary was not Christ‟s mother in the non-biological sense that God was His Father. She was the physical vehicle of Christ‟s human nature. His divine nature was derived directly from the Father. Christ actually created His mother in order that she might miraculously convey Him to mankind as „God-made-man‟.

Born to die for our sins

Christ came to save us. He brought resources we do not possess. Through violating God‟s holy law we are guilty rebel sinners. We are helpless to repay the debt we owe to God. Christ became man to pay in our name and nature all that we owe. Sin deserves death and damnation. On the cross, Christ suffered the wrath of God in our place. As the God-man, His death as man satisfied the righteous demands of God the Father. Those who repent and trust in Christ are justified - acquitted, pardoned and accepted as children of God. Having conquered sin by His death, Christ conquered death by His resurrection. Believers in Christ are saved eternally from sin and death. See Romans 3-5.

The only Saviour of the world

As the Father‟s love-gift to the world, no one else can do what only Christ Dr Alan C. Clifford ISLAM The Current Threat to the British Isles - 13 -

has done. All other religious leaders – like Muhammad and Buddha – were only human. They too were sinners. They are also dead. Christ lives to seek and save the lost. We all need Him. The true Church proclaims Him to the whole world. All other religions are people reaching up to God. In Christ, God is reaching down to us. Christ has no substitutes. He requires no assistance. While the Church honours Mary, the Prophets and the Apostles, Christ alone is the Mediator through whom we pray and worship. All others cannot help us. Christ is all we need. See John 14: 6; Acts 4: 12; 1 Timothy 2: 5-6.

The coming judge of all

The world has not seen the last of Jesus Christ. He will return to judge the world. He came first in weakness to save. He returns in power to judge. Those who reject Him will be damned eternally in hell. Those who acknowledge, trust, love and serve Him will be happy forever in heaven. They are God‟s chosen children in whom He delights. See 1 Thessalonians 1.

I close with a simple, recently-composed poetic expression of these truths. Urging you to trust in Christ yourself, I invite you to make my personal „Testimony to Jesus‟ your own:

God on earth, Man by birth; Truth unsealed, Love revealed;

Crucified, Glorified; King divine, Saviour mine!


For an authoritative refutation of Islam by an ex-Muslim, see the DVD testimony of Christian evangelist Mark Gabriel, formerly Professor of Islamic History at Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt. Copies of this (£2. 00 each) are available from Norwich Reformed Church (www.geocities.com/nrchurch), with the kind permission of Lamb & Lion Ministries, PO Box 919, TX 75070 USA.

See also a review of Mark Gabriel‟s book Jesus and Muhammad on the Norwich Reformed Church website (www.geocities.com/nrchurch).

For regular updates on world-wide Islamic activity, contact:


(Mrs) Jenny Stokes

PO Box 6049, Wantirna, Victoria, 3152 Dr Alan C. Clifford ISLAM The Current Threat to the British Isles - 14 -

Ph (03) 9800 2855

Mobile: 0413 084 146

Website: www.saltshakers.org.au

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