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BRYAN ADAMS's Interviews

Bryan Adams Interviews -New Vegetarian and Natural Health magazine 1997

Q: We'll start off with the most obvious question, why did you become a vegan?

A: I guess it was destiny that I was going to become a vegetarian because I was slowly but surely finding out that meat, meat products and meat by-products were affecting me. In a physical sense it was slowing me down and I didn't also like the idea of eating animals, it was starting to gross me out a little bit. So when I was in Calgary, in Alberta, which is steak country, Fillet Mignon country, I was feeling pretty awful and my manager said "Oh well, just go and have a steak, you'll feel better". So I went down with some friends and I ate this thing, and I swear it stayed in my stomach for days afterwards and I felt so horrible. It was the last piece of meat I ate and that was nine years ago. Then over the months that passed I weaned myself off chicken, and then I weaned myself off fish and all fish products, and then I stopped eating eggs and then logically I stopped eating milk. I never really ate milk that much anyway.

Q: Milk comes in everything like, biscuits.

A: I really avoid things like that now, and now the only thing Ill occasionally have is a little bit of parmesan cheese, but it's very, very seldom because I know that it's got rennet in it, so it's sort of disturbing to think that I'm eating it.

Q: Did you feel different after the change?

A: Oh, absolutely. Yeah.

Q: In what way?

A: Well because I knew that I was slowly going to become a vegetarian, not even knowing what a vegan was, I always thought a vegan was a vegetarian, but it turns out there are many different forms of veganism and vegetarianism. So I started reading up on it and I read a few books that were interesting, one was "Diet for a New America", and the other one I read was "Fit for Life", which was the most profound book that I've ever read. It affected my life more than any other book. In fact I still follow "Fit for Life". I'm not as conscious combining wise, but definitely one thing I picked up on was eating fruit in the morning and allowing yourself a chance to detoxify daily. So every morning I start my day with fresh juice and fresh fruit and don't eat anything else until noon, and that gives my body a chance to flush itself out. When I read that book it was like someone turned on a light for me. Every page I read I kept thinking "Wow, of course, of course", and so it became my sort of bible in terms of my vegetarian career.

Q: A lot of people have said that about that book.

A: And it's astonishing, it's written a little bit for fat overweight Americans so it's not really written in a universal language, but you can derive things from it because the philosophy is sensible.

Q: What was the reaction of those around you?

A: Oh, very, very harsh. Family were in an uproar and the guys in my band kept bugging me about going to eat a hamburger. Now we have tree vegans in the band. My mum has now become a vegetarian as a result too. Everybody was against it but I never really got into preaching about it, because it's very dangerous to get into that area of trying to tell people what they should do with their lives. You don't do that, so I just slowly but surely dropped the hint. I came back from making a record and my manager said to me "God, you look fantastic! What have you done?". I said "I'm a vegetarian and I sorted myself out". I did lose a lot of weight in the transition. Eventually I got my weight back again, but in that period it took some time for my body to metabolise back. it did come back and that is the only thing for people that do read that book, it will be a shock to their system when they finally take the plunge and do follow the "Fit for Life" regime. There is a point where you think "Oh my God, I actually don't feel very well", and a lot of that is because your body is detoxifying.

Q: Did you find it harder to make the transition from meat eating to vegetarianism or from vegetarianism to veganism?

A: Well to me vegetarianism is veganism. I mean it's just depending on what your perception of what a vegetarian is. What tree does a fish grow on? You're not a vegetarian if you eat fish, you're not a vegetarian if you eat eggs. Eggs are not a plant, eggs are animal products, so if you are a vegetarian you don't eat those things. If you just eat a little bit of meat or chicken, or a little bit of fish, or if you still dabble in eating eggs, you are not a vegetarian, I'm sorry. Veganism is a word created for people that are very, very strict about what they put inside themselves, and really do avoid all animal products.

Q: Were you brought up in the middle of cattle country in Canada?

A: No, no, no, my parents are English and I was brought up on Yorkshire pudding, roast beef and beans on toast.

Q: Beans on toast, that's still a good vegan stand-by.

A: Too much sugar in it though.

Q: How would people going vegetarian make a difference?

A: Well there are many different ways of looking at that. There are people who say it would help a lot of different things in society because there would be less agricultural problems. In many ways people even read it back to the budget and the big picture of economics, but you can't change the world, you can't stop people from eating meat, you can't stop people from their regime that they have been brought up on. As I told you earlier I was faced with great opposition from friends and family, and although I have been able in my own way to influence people around me, it's up to the individual to really decide for themselves whether they are ready for the change or not. You can almost tell when you meet somebody whether they're ready for it or not. It's not a spiritual thing, but there is something abut someone that's ready to move on, and are dissatisfied with themselves in the way they have been carrying on.

Q: If you have children would you bring them up vegan?

A: Oh, absolutely. I would only because that's what would be available at the house. I mean in the end an individual's choice is their choice, and if I had children and they decided that they wanted to eat hot dogs, I would do everything in my power to let them know what was in a hot dog before they stuffed it into their mouth. You know I wish someone had told me what was in it before I ate it, but God knows no one did.

Q: I think we're all in the same boat there.

A: I'm afraid so.

Q: What do you do to educate others about vegetarianism?

A: Well I talk about it in a sort of round about way. I put out a book last year and I talked about vegetarianism in that book. People know that I'm vegetarian, you know that I've never spoken to you before in my life, somehow you found out. I think there's a circle of people that know. If you go on the internet and look up famous vegetarians you probably will find my name.

Q: What do you think are the big myths associated with vegetarianism? For example that vegetarians are all skinny and pale.

A: Well there are great communities of people in the world that are vegetarians. The Indians, for example, and they get on fine, and I'm living proof also of someone that hasn't even thought about a supplement. I just eat very fresh food all the time.

Q: Not even a vitamin B12 supplement?

A: I don't do anything. I don't even take medication. I won't even take an asprin for a headache. I try not to, I try everything I can to avoid medication. When I was in France last year I had a bit of hayfever because the pollen was out when we were out there. I got some homoeopath remedies that worked brilliantly and I could have easily gone to the shop and got some of those antihistamines, but God knows they put you to sleep and whatever. You know there is hope for homoeopathy in the world. I have some friends that are into it.

Q. Do you miss eating meat or dairy foods?

A: No, but occasionally if I see some I can reminisce about what it was like. I can very easily remember what it was like to eat meat, fish and chicken. You don't lose the memory of taste because if I tell you about an orange or a lime right now, I'm sure your taste buds will react accordingly. So the same thing when you see food. If you are famished and you walk by a barbecued chicken, you will suddenly get the sensation in your mouth of what might have been.

Q: What do you think of the meat substitutes like vegetarian sausages?

A: Oh superb, really, really great, we use them all the time. i've got someone that cooks for us on tour here and a lot of the food we use aside from pastas, potatoes and the usual things are tofu based.

Q: How far does you veganism go to in regard to the clothes you wear?

A: That's about the only spot where I still have leather shoes.

Q: Jackets or pants?

A: No, I haven't bought anything. It's all been given to me and all that stuff is used from years ago, but I haven't gone out of my way to buy things that are leather. I won't buy a leather jacket for example. I have some vinyl shoes and I have some leather stuff, I admit it. I've got some vinyl pants which look like leather.

Q: Do you find it difficult touring as a vegan?

A. Touring, no.

Q: Do you have a personal chef?

A: We've got a tour cook.

Q. Does he cook the same meals for everyone?

A: Basically it's available to anybody, but generally most of the crew go for the old meat and two veg, and then there's a few of us that have cooking by Emmanuel Luyton.

Q. Are there ant other vegans/vegetarians in your entourage?

A: Yeah, there's two others, my drummer and my guitarist are both vegetarians.

Q: Do you try out any vegetarian restaurants whilst on tour?

A: No. I don't really like vegetarian restaurants because generally speaking the food is never really that interesting, they make it so bland and so uninteresting. I'm not surprised people aren't more interested in vegetarian cooking. Very, very, very seldom do I ever come across one that's absolutely brilliant.

Q: I absolutely love vegetarian Chinese food.

A: I won't eat Chinese food that much because it's too greasy.

Q: Do you get the hotels you stay in to cater for you?

A: We bring our cook with us and if we need to use the hotel kitchens we make arrangements with the hotels before we travel.

Q: So the hotels have never made meals for you?

A: Oh yeah, sure they have.

Q: How do they pass the test as far as vegan food goes?

A: No trouble, if you just tell people what you want and you're very specific about what your diet is, most people are very, very accommodating.

Q: So where are you living?

A: I'm based in England.

Q: What's the vegan scene like there?

A: Very strong. In fact in England The Vegetarian Society is very strong. They actually label foods in supermarkets that are vegetarian. Although a lot of it has cheese, and people like Linda McCartney for example, who's come out very strong on vegetarianism, even her line of food has eggs and cheese in it, so it's still a little bit not really vegetarian in my books.

Q: I know that when I was there in 1991, I couldn't believe that in the supermarkets there were two whole aisles of vegetarian frozen foods.

A: I know it's superb. Although California is the best place for vegetarians, I really think England is definitely second. America generally is a great place for a vegetarian because it has all that consumerism, especially California. Vancouver, where I grew up a lot in my life, is actually very good for vegetarians. There's a great sort of hippie movement that's always been there. Organisations like Greenpeace and a lot of environmental organisations were formed in Vancouver, so there's an incredible movement there of natural consciousness.

Q: In America they've got the Tofutti ice cream.

A: That's America for you, you're not going to find that in France, I promise you.

Q: I was upset that when I was in England I didn't have cooking facilities to try the vegetarian frozen foods.

A: Yeah, some of them are delicious. When we made an album called "Waking Up The Neighbours" in England, we'd just go down to Marks and Spencers because they had so many great things. you could get stuffed peppers, you could get all kinds of things that were just delicious, but do you know what my favourite meal is? One of my favourite meals is just a basic baked potato and a salad.

Q: With coleslaw?

A: If it's mayonnaise free, but baked potato with a little, I don't know, you can get different kinds of dressings you can put on a potato, just a plain old potato and salad. My favourite salad dressing for those that are interested is actually fresh lime juice, not your cordial, and extra virgin olive oil equal proportions, with salt and pepper, and to me that's the most yummy salad dressing.

Q: I don't know about the lime.

A: It's the same as a lemon, but there's something about a lime that I picked up when I was living in Jamaica. They don't really have lemon there, they only have lime. So I started eating lime and olive oil dressing and it's so delicious, it's the nicest thing.

Q: I'll have to try that one.

A: Definitely, but equal portions, so if you use a tablespoon of olive oil, use a tablespoon of lime.

Q: You can get vegan mayonnaise here. Can you get it there?

A: Oh certainly.

Q: You can get vegan condensed milk in England, can't you?

A: Certainly, you can get everything in England. Things like Rice Dream, that's nice. I like that if I ever eat breakfast cereal. Rice Dream and Weetabix is a very good combination.

Q: Vanilla flavoured Rice Dream?

A: Just the plain. See I used to love Weetabix when I was a kid. Have you ever had cream of wheat? It's like a porridge. Cream of wheat and Weetabix, I love those things, but I remembered what it was like to have, so as soon as those new products came out I could eat those things again.

Q: So do you prefer the Rice Dream to soy milk?

A: I do actually. I prefer Rice Dream to soy milk because soy products generally, if you combine them with the wrong things you can get gas, so Rice Dream doesn't do that.

Q: Hasn't the soy market boomed?

A: Soy milk is fantastic stuff, don't get me wrong, I think it's fabulous, but like all things if you combine potatoes and steak you can have gas.

Q: Have you noticed much change in the vegetarian/vegan scene since you became one?

A: No, only amongst my friends that have changed themselves, and I've influenced their friends. I guess the only thing I can say really is that there are more products than there were ten years ago. I don't think there's any sort of a revival or there's no real huge wave of consciousness that is sweeping the world if that's what you mean.

Q: Is there any more awareness?

A: I don't think so, no. I think people are just as meat conscious.

Q: What about the Mad Cow Disease in England?

A: I think that stops people to an extent but then they switch over and eat lamb. People don't really care, and anyway most people go to their family butcher and he'll say "Look it's all right, don't worry about it", and they say "Right-oh, I trust my butcher".

Q: Do you cook?

A: Yes,of course.

Q: Do you have any specialities apart from the baked potato?

A: I like to cook a lot of different things. One thing we've been making lately is just a sort of tomato and potato galette, which is just a round pan and you slice the potatoes quite finely, you put them on the bottom with a bit of olive oil, salt and pepper, and then you just cover the top with sliced tomato, pop it in the oven and in I think it was about 40 minutes or whatever it takes to cook a potato, you've got a fantastic dish that's just been roasted in the oven. I love roasted vegetables. I love roast potatoes. I love roast carrots and parsnips, and roasted onions. A little but of olive oil and salt and pepper goes a long way.

Q: Are you into animal rights at all and/or animal welfare issues?

A: Yeah, well to an extent, again I can't really be a sort of flag flying representative of something like that if I still wear leather. I am against cruelty to animals. I'm very much involved with the anti-whaling movement. I've done a lot of campaigning for them - postcard mailouts, documentaries, interviews, and I'm just about to narrate a documentary on dolphins on the west coast of British Columbia, so I'm really into promoting that.

Q: So you're happy to stand up for any animal rights issues?

A: I do. I've signed a petition against fur if that's what you mean.

Q: Circuses, Rodeos, etc?

A: Oh, yeah. There's a very brilliant organisation in England called Elefriends, which are friends of elephants, who try to campaign for finding places for elephants that have been abandoned from circuses. There's a farm in Tennessee which has actually take on a lot of stray elephants and they campaign quietly to get money, because it's very expensive to feed an elephant as you can imagine. There are people in America that have really come to the help of stray and unwanted creatures.

Q: Do you have any pets?

A: No.

Q: Did you grow up around pets?

A: Yeah, I grew up with dogs. My father loved wire hair fox terriers which is a breed of English terrier. They have a long snout. They were very popular in the 40's. I love dogs. I absolutely love dogs. I'd love to have a dog, I'd love to be able to take care of a dog, but I just haven't got the time.

Q: When you are not writing songs, recording or touring, what are your favourite things to do?

A: Well I'm just putting a new kitchen in my house, so I love cooking. I love spending time at the home. I love having friends around for dinner and I always love to impress my friends with a nice meal. It's great, I think it's one of the nicest things you can do, and especially impressive if you can tell everybody after the meal, "Hey, there were no animals involved in that meal". It takes a bit of effort, thought, and that's the trouble why most people won't do it, and it's more expensive to become vegetarian. It's much more expensive to eat fresh fruit all the time and that's a deterrent because most people can't afford to eat fresh food everyday. It's a luxury unless you can grow vegetables and fruit in your garden. One of the biggest reasons why I think a lot of people, general punters, aren't vegetarians is the cost.

Q: Really, because when they've done budgets they always work out that vegetarianism is cheaper?

A: I don't know about that. I eat fresh food every day and it costs me a lot of money. I love going and buying paw paw, and I love pineapples and blueberries, and I love all those fresh fruits, but then at the end of the day I look at my food bill and think, "My God, that's so expensive to buy all that fruit".

Q: Do you use organic products at all?

A: If I can, yeah.

Q: What are your goals and dreams for the future?

A: Just to carry on. I sort of live day by day, I don't really have a super plan. I suppose I'd like to have my kitchen finished, so I can put the kettle on and have a cup of tea.


Bryan Adams
Bryan Adams





 Room Service      Release date : 28 Sep 2004
 Spirit: Stallion Of The Cimarron 
Release date : 14 Mar 2002
 The Best Of Me      
Release date : 14 Mar 2002
 On A Day Like Today      
Release date : 27 Oct 1998
 18 Till I Die      
Release date : 4 Jun 1996
 So Far So Good     
 Release date : 9 Nov 1993
 Waking Up The Neighbours      
Release date : 24 Sep 1991
 You Want It, You Got It      
Release date : 25 Oct 1990
 Bryan Adams      
Release date : 19 Oct 1987
 In To The Fire      
Release date : 1 Mar 1987
 Release date : 1984
 Cuts Like A Knife      
Release date : 1983
 Sweeney Todd     
 Release date : 1977

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