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BRYAN ADAMS's Interviews

Bryan Adams Interviews -Animal Liberation interview 2000

Interview by
June Bird.

June: Hi Bryan, I believe you're a vegan ..... when did you cut out all meat and dairy?

Bryan: I'm not completely vegan, I will accept tiny amounts of butter and I normally scrape off cheese when it's on top of pasta or something ... I completely stopped eating dead creatures in 1989.

June: Any difficulties with said veganism?

Bryan: Well, there is. Especially when you have to rely on restaurants. It can be grim. You never know what the soup base is made of or if they've slipped a little bacon into your sandwich ... I'm the worst dinner date!

June: What's the best part of being vegan for you?

Bryan: The concept that you're not ingesting rotting flesh sort of sums it up for me.

June: Why did you decide to go vegan?

Bryan: I ate a big steak in 1988 and never felt worse. That was it, boom, over. Never again.

June: Can you think of any significant events while growing up that shaped your compassionate thinking towards animals?

Bryan: Having dogs around us was great, that really shaped my compassion, but I also ride, and I love horses, so it wasn't hard to appreciate the beauty and intelligence of other creatures.

June: Do some people think that this is just a fad? That you'll change your mind and go back to eating animals?

Bryan: At first they did, but 11 years later .... no.

June: What do your parents and siblings think about you being vego?

Bryan: I have quietly convinced my mum, brother and my band to switch altho' they are just vegetarians not vegans.

June: In the future will there be any songs from you that would promote cruelty-free living?

Bryan: Never say never!

June: Do you hope (like I do) that everyone else will soon realise that there's no need to eat animals to stay healthy?

Bryan: I don't actively campaign for it, but I'd like to think so. Ultimately you can't change some people. For example, my dad doesn't want to know.

June: Funny that neither does my dad though my mother is 99% there.So, exactly what sort of things do you vegos eat anyway?!

Bryan: Pastas, soups, roasted veggies, homemade pizzas, salads, potatoes ... it's endless.

June: When you're touring have you found that there's plenty of good vego fare around? What's the best and worst country for finding vegan grub?

Bryan: It's impossible and Germany is the worst, but then again so are most Far East countries. We travel with a cook on tour. Our schedule is so different to other people that we have to have someone looking after the food. Have you ever tried eating a full meal before you sing? It's impossible, you can only eat after the gig. that means dinner at 11:00 at night. What restaurant does that in every town ... ? Fuggedaboutit!

June: Are you a good cook?

Bryan: Baked potatoes and salad ... the best you've ever had!

June: Anyone ever make fun of your beliefs?

Bryan: Never! On the contrary, a lot of them have converted.

June: Zoos, circuses with animals and rodeos your thoughts on these please.

Bryan: It really sickens me to see some of the creatures in small pens.

June: Any comments on factory farming: such as hens in battery cages, pigs in cramped stalls, and cattle feedlots?

Bryan: I absolutely hate it, and it's no wonder so many people are ill and get cancer of the bowel etc. In Britain, they were feeding animals with their own excrement! Mad cow disease started this way.

June: Would you encourage your partner or children to eat a vegan diet?

Bryan: Without question. I couldn't go out with anyone unless they were veggie. My last girlfriend of 9 years converted to vegetarianism of her own will, but she knew I was passionate about it. Could you imagine kissing someone after a big hamburger? Yuck.

June: Last but not least Bryan what do you want people to know about veganism and animal rights?

Bryan: Very simply if you love animals; don't eat them. Also I think that everyone should read "Fit For Life 2".

June: Thanks for that Bryan and I hope I get invited around some day for some of them delicious sounding soy shakes, baked potatoes and salad!

Bryan Adams
Bryan Adams





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