
Our next big event at the school is on Dec 9 at 6:30; We are going to have an evening of drama, dance, and fashion to celebrate the holiday season.  This event will be non-denominational. 


We had our annual Halloween Carnival on Oct. 28.  A great time was had by all, with games, food, costumes, face painting, and of course, our very scary haunted house!  This is our main fundraising event for the year, and we thank all our volunteers and contributors, many of whom were from beyond the A.I.S.L. community.  Here are some pictures of the event:

We commemorated World Food day with a variety of educational interactive events in the elementary grades.  Here Miss Emily, our Grade k to 2 teacher,  is showing how much of the world's surface produces food by using fractions of cake:

We had a professional puppeteer visit our school.  Even the children had a chance to try some of the puppets.



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