Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.

Unknown, (often attributed to Albert Camus)

I do so dislike pettiness and I don't engage in it to satisfy the argumentative need to control of someone else. What use really is there for having the last word? It is the most common pettiness all around. One is victorious over nothing to have said the last words. Because the power of words inflicts injury like a two edged knife. Speak not what you mean not, for a thousand apologies cannot recant words tossed without thoughts. So when in such a situation, I tend to walk away, it is not a show of weakness as the opponent may perceive, neither is it a show of superiority. I walk away because it is pointless to continue a conversation with someone who is clearly unable to understand the purpose of the discussion.

Someone once made a remark that I must have been a teacher in my past life. I never took the opportunity to set that record straight, I merely ended my own misery of being part of that play and walked away.

But in retrospect, I do have some thoughts on the matter. I make no assumptions of what others were in their past lives, because what matters the most is who they wre in this life. I suppose the remark was meant to be derrogatory. To what purpose, it simply does not seem to matter.

The person spoke without recollection of past conversations with me, where in I have stated that I do teach calligraphy, arts and craft...

My kitchen is a school, where avid pupils learn to write with nib pens and ink; Where they learn letter forms from Celtic times to present days and art forms of medieval artisans; where they learn to cut their own pens from quills (flight feathers of big birds like geese and swans), reeds, bamboo, or just an ordinary piece of stick; where they can learn to sew their own garment; bind their own books; and make their own candles.

All this without asking them for a fee. Some of them come simply to just enjoy a moment of peace and steaming hot tea. Usually, they are the sporadic visitors, breezing into my kitchen in a stormy mistral and leaving as a calm zephyr.

I do not think that I need to look into my past life to see what I do is from my heart and soul, and I do not need the approval of anyone in order to know that I am on the right path.

It is a great pleasure to know that I have enough quiet in my soul that I hear what my heart need in order for my life to be joyous and filled with wonder. I suppose if it had been said in another tone, I would have replied to the remark in ernest and say: I do not need to look into my past life to know what I am right now.

I am a Witch. My path is Mastery of Self, I ask no one to follow my soul, it is a path everyone must walk alone.

transcribed from handwritten BoS

© Aislinn O'Faelan

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