
Akasha is a kind of super-element: the binding force between the other elements, or The Goddess or, for that sake: if you want to look at it from a scientific point of view, a kind of black hole that emanates and absorbs energy/matter. Akasha is the Spirit, the fifth element, the binding part that runs through all matter, and it is also the collective unconscious of life-forms. The word itself is Persian/East Indian and means 'inner space'.

There is a thing called the "akashic records" essentially this is an ethereal field of collective knowledge that may be accessed by those who train or have the natural ability to do so. Is it really possible to access the Akashic Records? To access this collective knowledge of all things past, present and future that existed in the divine? Chaos magicians in San Francisco visualize a gigantic quantum computer with access to all information. They can frame a question and wait for the computer to give them an answer.

Qualities of Akasha

The Elements emerge from Akasha, the immutable, changeless source of all energy. This is the realm of potentiality: of promise, of paths not yet taken, of unformed galaxies, of outer space.

Akasha is also present within our bodies. Some say that the spark of life, that unknowable force that is called the "soul," is a bit of Akashic energy housed in the physical body.

Akasha is sometimes thought to be symbolically present on the Earth. More often it's seen as the Mother (Creatrix) of the elements. It's little used in natural magick, but something of its nature should be understood.

Primarily, Akasha is unbeingness. Its energy, which extends everywhere throughout the universe, has not yet achieved form and substance. It's the primal source of energy that creates and fuels the elements.

Because of this, it contains complete, balanced energy: Earth and Air and Fire and Water. The following table of Akashic associations points out its universal nature, and is not meant to be used for magical purposes.


Basic nature: unknowable;
Type of energy: projective/receptive;
Colour: purple or black or indigo;
Places: outer space, vacuums, the Void;
Types of rituals: spiritual or religious in nature;
Ritual forms: none;
Herbs: none;
Stones: none;
Metal: meteoritic;
Musical instrument: none;
Creatures: none (and yet all);
Direction: north, east south and west, also within and without, up and down, also a complete lack of directions and dimensions
Time: eternal starlight;
Astrological signs: none;
Magical tool: none;
Point in life: pre-conception, beginnings of the soul;
Sense: none;
Natural symbols: none;
Symbols for: none;
Type of magic ruled: Spiritual.


Spirit is the element of the eternal. It is the force that transcends form
and the power that pervades the All.

Spirit is the alien and the ally, both of whom we know intimately. Spirit is
the unseen guest, the element with which we create our Gods and from which
we are created as well.

Spirit is the element of the Old Ones, the multidimensional realm.

Spirit is the element of inevitability. It is that force which spins the
planets around the suns in the galaxies we have yet to find. It is the power
of the wheel on the weavers spindle. Spirit is the web and the weaver, the
thread and its fiber. It is the element that in perfect combination with
itself creates the greater weaving of life.

Spirit is the Universal common denominator. All things expand from and are
reduced to Spirit.

Spirit is the element of silent emptiness and the peace that surpasses all
understanding. It is philosophy; it is devotion without dogma. Spirit is the
element of the living creed. Spirit is the mythical church devoid of
hierarchy and greed.

Spirit is the element of redemption that laughs in the face of original sin.
It is the truth, unbound, unstructured and it resists all attempts to
regulate its distribution.

Spirit is the element with which we recognize the simple goodness of
humankind and the glories of Nature. It teaches us to teaches us how to
house the divine in all that life brings us and annuls judgment by revealing
ultimate perfection.

The element of spirit brings us the gift of a connection to higher form of
shared consciousness and universal awareness. Spirit is the element of
evolved power personal, cultural and universal.

Spirit brings us face to face with the highest aspects of our Self. It
provides the power to transform according to our potential and to manifest
the gifts of spirit in the clear reflection of our lives.

Spirit forgives us for being human with all the frailties that condition
encompasses. It loves us purely and accepts us completely. It teaches us to
love, accept, forgive and to be tolerant of all that is human within
ourselves and within others.

Spirit is the element of universal change; the element of divine attachment
and the observer that guides our journey along the path into light. It
allows us to get lost from time to time until we learn to look for the light
in all things, all places and all dimensions. However, it always leaves the
light on for us to find our way home.

Air is the element of communication. Air is the element of inspiration and the creative force expressing the mind of humankind.Air is the element of focus in the middle of chaos. It is clear thought and the sure strength of concentration.Air is the element of consciousness. It is the receptive flexibility of awareness. It is the caring conscience expressed in the positive thoughts, words and deeds of our lives.Air is the element of imagination. It allows us to ride our fantasy dragons and create our own personal universes. Air powers our personal flights into fantasy, fiction, fact and form. Air grants us the gift of wings.

Air gives us the power of choice. It is the element of discrimination, which is the staff of truth and the magick wand of choice. Air allows us the luxury of being able to think before we speak and before we act. Air allows us to open or close our minds as we choose to do so. Air gives us the joy of personal inspiration and the creativity of personal expression. Air is the element of humor. The bardic jest, the spear point of satire and the crystalline clarity of comedy. It is the element of laughter.

Air is the wind of change against which no self imposed structures can stand. Air is the Wizard of Oz, the master of illusion and art of mind control. It is the element with which we teach ourselves the magickal craft of personal re-creation. Air is the great equalizer. It creates the same potential for the Prince as for the Pauper. It gives us perfect and equal brain capacities. It gives us equal access to the operational manuals for our lives. It also shows us clearly that these operational manuals are self-created and self-taught. Air gives us all that we need in order to take flight and maintain a steady course even during the stormy times of self-transformation.

Air allows the creation of a new image of ourselves. It allows us to stay focused on that new self-image even during the darkest hours of confusion and distraction in our lives. It is the wing and prayer we must sometimes rely on to make our way home. It is the lone whistle in the dark and the song we joyfully sing in the celebration of light. Air is the universal language. Air is the voice of Nature, heard, recorded and expressed. Air is the profound power of positive thought and the element of expansion into the unknown realms. Air is the element of the myth maker, the muse, the magickal child and the mystical sage. It is the element that carries them-all in one- into the realms of spirit.

Water is the element of emotion and intuition. Water is our own personal
teacher who instructs through subtle emotional changes. Water is the element
that we learn to honor when we recognize our emotions. Water teaches us to
express ourselves and accept the changes in our lives.

Water is the element of personal discovery. It teaches us to delve more
deeply into the unknown depths of our personal emotions.

Water has the ability to suddenly shower us with an outburst of emotions
that cleanse us

or can leave us feeling lost and dependant. Water creates the thirst for new
adventures into our own self-exploration and will lead us to the places deep
within ourselves where self-healing begins. It is our internal counsel,
which whispers advice over the surface of our true feelings.

Water is the element that causes the internal cauldron to boil over when we
do not listen to our needs. It sends tidal waves over the seas of our
emotions and seems to take us by surprise until we realize that we have felt
it coming all along. This is our internal gauge that will teach us time and
time again until we tire of the erratic patterns in our lives. Water will
teach us to maintain and measure our emotions. Water is the essential
element of our survival and through this element we will learn to live in

Water insists that we learn when to "go with the flow" and when to take a
step back, when to ride out the storm and when to simply float along.

Water is the pathway to the subconscious and carries us into its depths then
it casts us into peaceful pools of pleasure with the gentle feeling of waves
flowing softly around our inner selves.

Water teaches us to heal, to purify and to nurture ourselves as well as our
surroundings. It teaches us to cleanse and to refresh.

Water is the element of our eternal hope and is the source of all healing.
It heals all wounds through emotional self-acceptance. Water carries us and
nurtures us.

Water is the element of the womb and the means of our emotional rebirth.
Water supports us in developing true awareness of ourselves and allows us to
form emotional attachments. Water is the element of unconditional love or
positive self-regard and pure emotional understanding.

Water forces us to face our own personal realities, to reveal our true inner
beings if only to ourselves. It is there we see the naked truth and accept

Water is the means by which we witness magickal elements of personal ritual
and keep it maintained in the mundane world.

Water is the element of dreams, the power of our own personal inner journey
and the constant flow that requires us to search for magick within

Water is a shape shifter that reflects our inner feelings onto our outer

Water is the mist, the fog and the storm that brings us places where we can
meet with our selves.

Earth is the power of practical wisdom and the structure of our every day
life. Earth connects us to the organized pattern of our mundane life. It is
routine and ritual that makes us real. Earth is the element of reality

Earth is the simplicity of doing what needs to be done. Earth is the element
of the every day hero, the hunter, the chieftain and the clan mother.

Earth is the element of abiding patience, making do with what you have while
you strive towards what is yet to be.

Earth teaches us how to provide for ourselves. It is budget and it teaches
us about accountability. It is the element of responsibility. Earth is the
adult we all thought we wanted to be when we were younger but resist now
that we are.

Earth is the element to which we return when we realize the importance of
home and family and it is the element in which we define that home and our
family, as well as our planet and our Selves.

Earth gets things done! It is the power of persistence and the force of form
and foundation.

Earth is the material force of change and creation. It is the outcome of all
our efforts, whether they are elaborate or complex.

Earth reminds us that all our rituals and regalia are only required for our
own need of the security that they provide.

Earth encourages us to achieve, it requires us to behave and to function
socially with humane wisdom. It shows us the sacred duties in being human in
its fullest potential.

Earth is the element of sacred choice that comes with the acceptance of
personal and spiritual destiny. It is the full understanding of the
decisions we have made in our lives and for the life of our planet.

Earth teaches us the ancient rites of power, the secret ceremonies that
connect us to the real inner workings of what we call magick. It is the
element of ceremony, celebration and ritual work. It is the cornerstone of
tradition and encourages us to build upon them to ensure our growth.

Earth is that which teases us with tantalizing gifts and luxurious
indulgences. It challenges our ability to deal with access to excess. It is
the element with which we learn the wisdom of moderation in all things and
places our indulgences on a budget and ourselves on a schedule.

Earth is humble gratitude. It is the grace of accepting experiences in our
life as part of the greater pattern.

Earth also teaches us to relax and enjoy our lives. It shows us how to take
the mundane and create a ceremonial ritual of honor. Earth is Zen.

Earth is the element of simplicity that forms the core of all our structures. It is the glue that holds all the pieces together with they don't seem to fit quite right. Earth makes the ends meet.

Earth is the center of our existence. It is our personal force field that
hold us fast to the planet. It keeps our feet planted firmly on the ground
when the world appears upside down, Earth turns it right side up. Earth is
the inner compass that always knows the way home.

Earth is the element of endurance. It sustains us as long as we don't push
the material limitations. It keeps us re-supplied so long as we carefully
distribute its abundant energies.

Earth is the REAL element of recycling, regardless of material or form. It
allocates and abides. It is the keystone of power and is the element of
satisfaction in a job well done.

Fire is the element of strength. It is our protection; it is our power! Fire purifies us and is the center of our life force. Fire gives us courage against the trials of our lives and encourages faith; it strengthens us and moves us forward. Fire encourages us to reach out to others and to accept human touch; it makes us feel alive through physical sensation and everyday experiences. Fire is the element of sexual energy!

One can be told about the element of fire but the experiences are those to be sought on an individual basis alone. Fire provides light, not only in the mundane sense but in the spiritual as well. Fire illuminates our allies as well as the shadows in our lives. Fire strengthens our Spirit. Much like the Phoenix that rose from the ashes, fire is birth and rebirth of self-transformation and the tools given to us to create change.

Fire at first glance could be considered the source of rebellion but is then redefined as spirit. It represents our show of faith, our courage and our strength. Fire provides us the lessons in our lives in order to show us humility, compassion and most importantly patience. Without these lessons then fire becomes ruthless and reckless. Fire is what turns rage into reason.

Fire is that which allows us to ask for help and how to accept it when it is given. In turn it also teaches us how to offer and provide help as well. Fire is FORCE, it is ACTION, it is STRENGTH and it is CREATION. Fire has the ability to make us feel Godlike and cocky one minute and can knock us to our knees teaching us compassion and control.

Fire teaches us that at our darkest moment, we are never alone. It is faith and it protects our spirit under even the most oppressive of circumstances. Fire can create and consume. It gives power to life. Fire is the heat, the energy and the force in our lives. Fire is that which brings us the power to celebrate our own personal rebirth!

Fire is the gift that inspires us to hang on for the next journey in our lives.

transcribed from handwritten BoS

© Aislinn O'Faelan

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