We are still not drinking enough water to maintain good health, according to a recent survey, nearly three-fifths of the population only drink between one and four glass of water dialy - half the recomended amount.
     But, what's wrong with tap water ? Nothing, in a word. But special health claims are made for mineral water. Some highly  mineralised brand such as contrex in france Fluggi in Italy and Radenska in Slovenia are said to break up kidney stones. Others, renowned for their bicarbonates lvel such as Fachingen in Germany, Ferrarelle in Italy and Vichy Catalan in Spain are said to aid digestion.
     Your average British doc may find  this a bit hard to swallow , but French take a different view. Mineral Water deemed to be d'interet public has to meet eight criteria agreed by ministry of health , the academy of medicine and the ministry of mines.

Water works