Photo session PRAKIMTU
(Pramuka Inti MTs Negeri 1Palembang)


Kunjungan ke home stay Malaysia


"The key to leadership is having people willing to follow you if only out curiosity to see what’s going to happen"

    Pramuka or scout is the place for the challanges and adventures. It helps them to enhance their leadership skills as
non-academic besides having learning process in the class as their academic performance. Scout is one of an organization
in the school which has been supporting the school’s vision and mission. Moreover, it gives benefits for us.
the improvements of either organization or a group people w
ho have the same vision is influenced by some factors
such as the leadership skill of the leader, communication amongst the members itself and a good relation with other institutions,
organizations and groups.
Secondly, by joining Scout Club would have more preparation in adaptation among society in another day. Furthermore,
Scout is one of the club that learns about all lessons related to the academic , non academic that will be very beneficial in
society life in another day later.
It also trains our mental and physical condition in order we will become stonger, tougher but
still good in attitude.

     In addition,

Jambore Nasional IX 2011

 scout is not only learn about leadership or non academic knowledge, but it also learn about nature such as
how to planting, organized with the sea, life in the free nature and etc. Furthermore, scout creates
discipline and outstanding character in
members for establishing great Indonesian future leaders.
     To sum up, It is a good idea if scout developed in Indonesia or even the world. Especially for the generation flux who will lead
the world.
To achieve the vision of scout itself, we have proved that we have potentials to be one of organization in this world by joining such kind of events and we want to do more.


Gugus Depan SMA Negeri Sumatera Selatan


Jayalah Pramuka Indonesia. Salam pramuka !



Outbond di Sekolah bersama Prasa