Hello there! Incase if this is your first visit here, then may I introduce myself. My name is Aida Syafiqah binti Jepri. You can called me Aida. First of all, let me thank you for taking your time visiting my website. As you can see, this website contains all about me like my profile, personal skill, achievement, experience, education, and also whom you want to refer to know more abut me of doing this website. Feel free to look explore my resume!


1. To seeking employment with a company where I can grow professionally and personally.

2. To succeed in a stimulating and challenging environment that will provide me with advancement.

3. To give my best in my professional pursuit for overall benefit and growth of the company that I serve by facing the challenge.

4. To make a sound position in corporate world and work enthusiastically in team to achieve goal of the organization with devotion and hard work.


I have been seen as a fast learner and able to build as an active team player who can contribute in giving new ideas and able to work in a various environment. Also, be known as a confident and reliable with a good in communication skill.I will give the best and willing to cooperate with everyone at every single level of management. I also been known as someone who with never give up spirit.

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My Profile

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