Maps of 57ºN 003ºW

This plot shows the route I took to and from the point. Basically, walk out on a dirt track, wander around on a dull hillside trying to get a bead on the target, then zoom in. Walk back out on a slightly different tack. Wait in the 'Boat' bar while the rest of the guys get lost.

[track plot of the whole trip]

This plot shows the terminal approach, where I finally got onto the correct hill (well, the others had the map - I only had the blank screen of the GPS and a memory of the map.). Approach from the East, keeping on the numbers, then sweep to and fro to locate the exact point. Exit the hill to the NW, along the line of the fence Robin Webb mentions. There's no significant advantage underfoot.

[the close approach] Notice that my point is not exactly on the intersection. Let's quantify that.

This is essentially the same plot as above, but it's got a grid in OS metres. Each grid line is 10m from it's neighbours.
[terminal approach on metric grid] Yes, I was taking 1 minute readings on a N-S then E-W grid to "bracket" the point. The machine's accuracy was stated at the time as being 5~7m and I was making position shifts of a couple of paces (~2m). I'm going to have to get a DGPS system and weld it to a benchmark somewhere.

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