
Clachnaben is a well-known rock outcrop on the side of an otherwise undistinguished hill in the Eastern Cairngorms. It's a nice afternoon's walk.

Today’s lesson was simple – don’t believe the map when it says there’s a woodland, it probably means one of these freshly-planted forests of close-set trees in between deep ploughing. Things went an awful lot better when we got through the “woods” and onto the moors. As Tolkein said “Short cuts make long delays”.

Puff, puff up hill, but it’s a lot better than the plantings.

As we got near the top, on comes the rain and sleet. Typical February weather for the area.

The actual summit is a little trig point to the West of the tor.

Hiding from the wind behind the tor, the weather improved a little giving a slight glimpse of sun. A greasy thumb-print on the camera lens unfortunately blurred this shot sufficiently that the second, outer arc of rainbow isn’t visible, though it was visible at the time.

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