The Clan BlackHand



Clan Laws


Section 1, Clan positions


1.1  Chieftains of the Clan


The chieftains of the clan are responsible for the direction, administration, and leading of the clan.  They will admit members as well as dismiss members on their discretion, or with the consultation of the clan steward.  They will at all times be mindful of their duties to the clan and the appropriation of the laws.  They are in command of all aspects of the clan unless they defer the command to the appropriate position of the clan.  


1.2  Clan Students


There are four divisions of student within the clan, as followed they are:


Chieftain Martial Students

            Chieftain Non-Martial Students

            Clan Member Martial Students

            Clan Member Non-Martial Students


Martial students, whether students of the chieftain or not, are students of that member of the clan that are being taught military skills such as fighting, assassin, ect.


Non-Martial students, whether students of the chieftain or not, are students of that member of the clan that are being taught non-military skills such as leatherwork, illumination, needlework, ect. 


Each student and their status is identified by their badge, which is found in section 2


1.3  Clan Guards


Clan guards are the protection of the Chieftains.  The Chieftains shall appoint guards.  The guards will answer only to the Chieftains unless expressly given permission to do otherwise.

1.4  Clan Steward


The clan steward is the second rank of the clan. Their responsibilities are to oversee all clan activities.  If the chieftains of the clan are not present, the steward shall consult with the chieftains before a decision is made.  The steward will act as the advisor to the chieftains.  The steward shall at all times be mindful of the chieftains of the clan and shall seek their consol in matters concerning the clan and it’s members.


1.5  Clan Constables


The clan constables are the military arms of the clan.  They are responsible of the directing, training and overseeing of the fighting force of the clan.  Matters of campaigns, maneuvers, and all other military aspects will be brought by the constables and discussed in counsel with the chieftains and the steward.  If neither the chieftains nor the steward is present, the constables may proceed at their discretion. 


1.6  Clan sergeants


The sergeants of the clan are the assistants to the constables.  The carrying out the orders as well as assistance in the training of the fighters shall fall under this position.  If the constables are unable to be present at a conflict, training session, or meeting the sergeants will take their place.


1.7  Clan Members


Clan members are the lifeblood of the clan.  They are the mass that will make up the melee units.  The most important part of the clan are its members, from their ranks the clan will build on, and from their ranks the clan will attain its glory.


1.8  Assassin


Only the chieftain chooses the assassin or assassins.  Their loyalty to the clan and the chieftain should be unquestionable.  They are the silent enforcers of the clan, “attacking” those that the chieftain sees fit.  No one else in the clan can assign the assassin to any task without the chieftains express consent.



Section 2, Clan identification


2.1    Badges


2.2    Clan cords


Friends of the clan hold, as well as allies of the clan will wear Clan cords.  The cords shall be sable and argent braids, worn on the belt, or wherever appropriate. 


2.3    Clan Banner


The clan banner will be a field of Argent with a sinister hand, sable over all. 



2.4    Belts


New to the clan are woven clan belts; they serve as an additional symbol of the clan.  They are not required, but they look extremely cool.



Section 3, Friends and Allies


      3.1 Friends


Friends of the clan hold are those that show the clan support in those efforts stated in the clan charter.  The Chieftains only shall bring about the admittance of such friend.  Members of the clan may recommend admittance of a friend, and will be taken into consoled in the matter.


    3.2 Allies


Allies of the clan are other clans that shall be taken under the protection of the clan BlackHand.  The allied clan will be given assistance as well as give assistance to the BlackHand.  Failure of the BlackHand members to give assistance to their allies will result in punishment as severe as banishment from the BlackHand. 


3.3 Listed Allies


Clan Fianna


Section 4, Duties



The clan hold shall at all times be mindful of the clan charter.



The clan shall defend other clan members and allies honor at all costs.




            The clan shall respect its opponents



            The clan shall always be a united front in all undertakings in the name of the clan



Section 5, Clan Laws



All members of the clan shall respect the chieftains. All decisions of the chieftains are final, unless agreed that the decision needs to be revised.



In the event that a decision or law is questioned, the questioner of the decision or law should bring their complaint or suggestion to the chieftains. The decision or law will be taken into consul and give due consideration. 



No cause, or action shall be taken up in the name of the clan unless given a quorum vote of confidence by the members of the clan. 



A quorum vote shall constitute all of the chieftains and the steward, one chieftain the steward and the constable, or one chieftain, steward, and any three members of the clan.






Section 6, Clan Membership


6.1 New Members


New members may be brought into the clan in several ways.  First the chieftains may admit a new member at their discretion or any other member of the clan may sponsor a new member with the chieftain’s approval.


6.2 Sponsorship


Any member may recommend someone for membership into the clan.  Upon recommendation, the chieftains will appoint the member who made the recommendation as the persons sponsor.


From here the sponsor must publicly proclaim to the clan in general why they think the person they are sponsoring is worthy to join the clans ranks.


The sponsor is also responsible for the new member in that they must ensure that they know the laws and structure of the clan, and that these are followed on and off the field.



6.3 Probation period


The chieftains and the sponsor may set a probation period of no longer then three months and no less then one month wherein the new member will be held responsible to show themselves of the proper quality to be admitted into the clan as a full member.


The chieftains may wave the probation period at their discretion, or if the sponsor so requests it, and makes a good argument to justify the waving of the probation period.   


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