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Adel Emam

Adel Emam (sometimes credited as: Adel Imam), born on 17 May 1940 (or, according to other sources, 17 December 1946), is a popular Egyptian movie and stage actor. He is primarily a comedian, but he has, however, starred in more serious works and, especially early in his earlier films, combined comedy with romance.

He earned a Bachelor's Degree in Agriculture from Cairo University. Since then he has appeared in over 100 movies and 10 plays. He is probably the most famous actor in the Arab World. He has received critical and popular praise throughout his career. Short, slight, and with a face seemingly more suitable to a character actor than a leading man -- let alone a star whose career has flourished since the late sixties -- Adel Imam is able to portray characters from all social strata and backgrounds.

His roles have displayed a wide range of humor including slapstick, farce, and even the occasional double entendre. His characters tend to be down on their luck rising above powerful outside pressures. This has proved an extremely resilient type in the Arab World.

In January 2000, the United Nations appointed him as a Goodwill Ambassador for UNHCR. Since then, he has worked tirelessly for the cause of refugees.

In 2005, he starred in Sifaara fil'Aimara (Embassy in the Building), playing a Cairene everyman inconvenienced when the Embassy of Israel moves into his apartment building.










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