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We, the members of CSA-B PTA-TL imploring the aid of Divine providence, cognizant of the mission statement of this institution and its goals and objectives towards providing a well rounded formation for the students, do hereby ordain and promulgate this Constitution and By-Laws.


Name and Location of the Association

Section 1 This Association shall be known as the CSA-B Parent–Teachers Association.

Section 2 The office of this Association shall be at Colegio San Agustin – Bacolod, Bacolod City


Declaration of Principles

Section 1 The CSA-B TL is a non-profit, non-political organization.

Section 2 This Association owes allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines uphold its Constitution and Laws and recognizes its duly constituted authorities.

Section 3 The Association is further guided by the Mission Statement of this institution and recognizes duly constituted authorities.



Section 1 To promote and foster closer and harmonious relationship among members of the association and the school administration.

Section 2 To coordinate, cooperate and collaborate and support the policies and programs of this institution as contained in the Mission Statement for the development of their children intellectually, spiritually, morally, physically, culturally and socially as well as in other matters related to student’s formation.

Section 3 To study, propose and recommend measures, policies, guidelines and regulations which may directly or indirectly affect the students and members of the Association.

Section 4 To safeguard the rights and interests and privileges of members and students guaranteed by the existing Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines.



Section 1 All parents or guardians of the students and Teaching staff of Colegio San Agustin – Baoclod, tertiary level are considered members of the Association.


Obligations of Members

Section 1 All members are expected to attend the annual General Assembly as scheduled by the Board of Directors.

Section 2 Every member is expected to support and participate in all the under – taking of the Association.

Section 3 Every member should pay the annual membership fee and other fees related to the operation of the Association.


Officers, Qualifications and Tenure of Office

Section 1 The Association shall have the following officers: the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Auditor, Assistant Auditor, Business Manager, and Public Information Officer.

Section 2 There shall be a governing and policy making body to be referred to as Board of Directors comprising of all officers mentioned in Section 1 of this article and 8 Directors who shall include 2 representatives, one from the teaching faculty and one from the parents of the respective department, the immediate past president as ex- officio member and the Spiritual Director as non-voting member.

Section 3 The afore-mentioned officials except the Spiritual Director shall hold office for a period of one year or until their successors are duly elected and have qualified. Their terms of office shall begin immediately upon proclamation of their election in the manner provided in this Constitution and By-Laws.

Section 4 All officers shall be eligible for re-election to the same position but not exceed two consecutive terms from his/her first election, provided he meets the member-ship requirement.

Section 5 No faculty member of this institution shall be elected to the positions of Presidents or Treasurer.

Section 6 All officers of the Association shall serve without compensation but will be given travel allowances during board meetings and/or other related activities as deemed necessary by the Board.

Section 7 No member shall be eligible for nomination in absentia.

Section 8 The office of any member of the Board of Director who has been absent for three consecutive board meetings without valid reasons may be declared vacant after due process by the majority votes of the members of the Board in any regular board meeting and the Board may immediately appoint his successor.


Powers and Duties of Officers

Section 1 The President shall be the executive officer and head of the Association. He shall represent the Association in all official functions, presides over all meetings of the board and the general assembly and perform all other duties and functions that the Board may prescribed.

Section 2 The Vice-President shall discharge the duties and functions of the President in his absence or in his incapacity and perform any duties which the President may assign to him.

Section 3 The Secretary shall take records of minutes of all meeting of the Association. He shall be the custodian of all papers, documents, records and all effects of the Association. He shall keep record of all members of the Association and perform such other that the President may assign.

Section 4 The Assistant Secretary shall act in the absence or in the event of incapacity of the Secretary.

Section 5 The Treasurer shall handle all collections and funds of the Association. He shall keep a full account of its assets and disbursements and prepares semi-annual financial reports.

Section 6 The Assistant Treasurer shall act in the absence or in the event of the incapacity of the Treasurer.

Section 7 The Auditor shall audit all funds, properties and disbursement of the Association. He shall verify all vouchers and withdrawal of funds by the treasurer. He shall perform any other duties as may be assigned to him.

Section 8 The Assistant Auditor shall act in the absence or incapacity of the auditor.

Section 9 The Business Manager shall plan out and take charge of all activities of the Association, and perform other duties as may be assigned to him.

Section 10 The Public Information Officer shall take charge of the proper disseminating, information and release of news items affecting the Association upon previous consultation with the President and Spiritual Director.


Powers and Duties of Board of Directors

Section 1 To determine, and implement the policies of the Association.

Section 2 To act on the holding of any celebration other necessary affairs of the Association.

Section 3 To hold regular meetings on dates fixed by the Board. Special meetings may be called by the President or upon request by at least three (3) members of the board.

Section 4 To perform other functions deemed necessary in carrying out its objectives including periodic dialogue with the College Administration and other members of the academic community as required.


Election of Officers

Section 1 The officers and directors shall be elected annually on the last Saturday of August.

Section 2 For the purpose of the said election, notice shall be served to all members two weeks before the scheduled date.

Section 3 For the purpose of election at least one hundred (100) members or their duly authorized proxies shall constitute a quorum.



Section 1 The Association shall hold or at least one (1) regular meeting every school year to include the General Assembly and the second shall be held on the first Sunday of December of the year.

Section 2 A special General Assembly may be called by the President or upon the written request by twenty five members of the Association upon the recommendation of at least ten (10) members of the Board.

Section 3 At least one hundred (100) members shall constitute a quorum for the General Assembly. The decision of the majority therein shall be binding, except on maters involving policies which shall be decided by two thirds votes of the members present.


Fees and Disbursements

Section 1 Every incumbent member of the Association shall pay a semestral membership fee of P20.00 payable upon enrollment.

Section 2 Fund raising activities duly approved by the General Assembly or by the Board may be held from time to time to finance its various projects.

Section 3 All fees and contributions collected or received by the Association from any source shall form part of its assets and shall be deposited in a local bank in the name of the Association.

Section 4 Any disbursement of the funds of the Association by the Treasurer shall be accompanied by a corresponding voucher or receipt passed in audit by the Auditor and approved by the President.

Section 5 No withdrawal of funds of the Association in the Bank shall be made without the signature of the President and Treasurer or and in their absence or incapacity the Vice President and Assistant Treasurer.

Section 6 No disbursement of funds of the Association in excess of P1,000.00 shall be made without prior authority by the Board of Directors.


Rules of Procedures

Section 1 The Revised Robert’s Rules of Order shall in addition to the rules promulgated by the Association, govern its proceedings and deliberations.



Section 1 This Constitution and By-Laws may be amended upon proposal by the Board of Directors and approval by at least tow thirds (2/3) votes of the members present at the regular or special meeting/assembly called for the purpose/s.


Special Provisions

Section 1 The Association shall be strictly non-political and non- profit. Any activity that would jeopardize this commitment is strictly prohibited.

Section 2 All rules, regulations and directives issued by CSA-B administration not otherwise mentioned in the Constitution and By-Laws shall be made a part of this Constitution and By-Laws.



Section 1 These amendments of the Constitution and By-Laws shall take effect immediately the ratification/approval by a majority of the members present during the general assembly meeting.

Section 2 All members of the Association that are present during the general assembly affix their signatures in two different copies of this Constitution, one copy of which shall be presented to the administration of the school and the other to be given to the Secretary/Treasurer for safekeeping and preservation.

In witness whereof, hereunto set our signatures this 30th day of Aug. 1997.

Colegio San Agustin-Bacolod Parents' and Teachers Association-Tertiary Level

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