Scene opens up with Shadowscythe sitting in the middle of the stage as he plays on his Playstation� while listening to CD player, Tai lounging on the nearby couch half-asleep half-conscious, Davis off to one side trying to balance a soccer ball on his head, TK, Ken and Izzy sitting at a table drinking sodas, Matt as usual looking into a mirror fixing his hair, and Cody sitting in a chair next to the couch Tai is sleeping in tightening the bamboo strands of his kendo staff.

Matt (still looking into the mirror): Hey guys! Does anyone know when Shadow will start the next chapter???

Izzy (looking over at the author): well with the way he is playing ... I don�t really know.

TK (gasping): The great Izzy Izumi doesn�t know something ... someone call the papers!!!!!

Izzy (scowling at TK): Not funny Takashi.

Cody: Lighten up Izzy ... TK was only playing; you got to loosen up a bit.

Izzy (crossing his arms and looking away while everyone else is chuckling softly): Its still wasn�t funny.

Tai (just waking up): Alright you three now is not the time to be arguing ... have you all studied you parts and ready for what you have to do?

            Everyone promptly quietens as Tai looks at each and everyone of them responding with only a slight nod which Tai returns with a small nod of his own, after he is done with the rest he gets up and walks over to SS and taps him on the shoulder making the young author shut down the game station and take off his headphones then stands up to face the rest of the male digidestined.

SS (taking a deep breath): I hope you all are ready for this chapter because if you want to back out now is the time.

TK: I�d be lying if I said I wasn�t.

Izzy: I�m behind you 100% ... mainly because nothing can exceed the equivalent...

SS (interrupting): Izzy I think we all get the point heh.

Izzy (smiling slightly): Prodigious.

Matt (grins a bit): Mind if I stepped out for this one??

TK (shocked): Matt!!!

Matt (laughing a bit): You were always gullible TK ... and yea I am just kidding ... you can count on me Shadow-kun

Cody: I wouldn�t deserve my digimental if I didn�t say I was behind you.

Ken: Your plan is intricate but I was always up for a challenge.

Davis: uh ... what was the plan again??

Everyone (groaning): Davis you dolt!

SS (laughing): Alright, Alright ... enough of bash Davis ... for now.

Tai: So when does the plan start.

SS (thinking a bit): Hmm ... after this chapter.

Matt: Aww does it have to be that long away Davis may forget again (laughs)

Davis (grumbling): I�m not that dumb.

SS (patting Davis� shoulder): There, there its alright just don�t let them get to you ok Davis.

Davis: Ok!

SS (chuckling a bit): That�s a good digidestined.

Tai (reading disclaimer): Shadowscythe doesn�t own Digimon or else it would be......Tai...ora 2...4/7 (blushing bright read now)

SS (whispering to Ken): I knew that would quiet him heh heh

Ken (trying to contain laughter): ...

SS (towards the audience): Anyway now its time for the 3rd instalment of my fanfiction The Fallen � the Battle Begins evil moves out and its up to Tai (looks over at Tai who is still blushing as he looks at the disclaimer) and the rest of the Digidestined to push it back ... will then succeed or will they fail read on to find out and I promise that this chapter will be just as good as my other ones (bows slightly) please read and review thank you.


The Fallen

The Battle Begins

By: Shadowscythe

7 Weeks after New Years

            Tai, Ken, Davis, and Kari are in a local Pizza parlour which the three younger DD�s decided that it would help out Tai because along with the Sora/Matt issue his dreams had been steadily wearing the young leader down and if it wasn�t for school Tai would of stayed home in bed all day because of those dreams seem to take away all of his energy both mentally and physically, while at school he barely got the work done, stopped playing with the same enthusiasm he once has in soccer, and didn�t talk to anyone not even the other digidestined or his soccer team mates, but what worried Kari and the rest of the DD�s, except for Matt and Sora mainly because Tai cut off ties to them but was unnoticeable if you didn�t look hard enough, is that Tai was starting to fold into himself only talking when giving orders, rarely came out of his room to eat, and seemed to be spending a lot of time in the Digital World by himself, he never even went to find Agumon first he just went and traveled around the land of the Digi-World, but right now Ken, Davis, and Kari�s main task was to help cheer their leader up.

Kari: That�s the dumbest thing I have ever heard of Davis.

Davis: What do you mean dumbest! See Ken�s laughing and I even saw you crack a smile.

Kari (falters a bit): Well....err....shut up Davis (sticks her tongue out and turns away as she crosses her arms over her chest)

            The three younger DD�s break out into laughter at Kari�s attempt to be defiant but only Kari noticed that Tai was the only one not laughing; instead he was quietly eating his slice of pepperoni pizza which worried Kari because Tai would normally be the first one to laugh.

Kari (quietly while Ken and Davis talk among themselves): Tai? You ok?

Tai (solemnly): yea....

            Usually Kari would press the matter but the way Tai answered her seem to stop all conversation dead in its tracks but she was too worried to not help her brother but as she was going to open her mouth to talk again Tai suddenly stood up paid for his and the rests pizza and left the restaurant without another word.

Davis: Where�s Tai going??

Ken: I have no idea he just got up and left.

Davis: Strange it�s the first time he ever did that.

Ken: Kari do you think we should go after him?

Kari (looking over their shoulders and frowns a bit which goes unnoticed by the others): No ... I don�t think it�s the right time for that ... we should leave him for a bit.

Ken (nodding along with Davis): Ok then ... but after he gets home tonight tell him that Davis and I appreciate paying for our food and that we will return the favour in due time ok.

Kari (nodding and smiling softly): I will.

            As Davis and Ken go back to eating their slices of pizza Kari takes another glance over their shoulders and once against frowns at the sight in front of her, that or Sora and Matt seated at corner booth in a very comfortable position oblivious to the world around them, which probably the reason that the two of them never noticed Tai, Davis, Ken and herself but unlike Ken and Davis, Tai was the first to noticed the two of them and Kari was the only one to notice the emotions that danced through Tai�s eyes, emotions from hatred, jealousy, envy, to ones of pain, hurt, and abandonment .

Kari: --- Tai, why didn�t you tell me that you are still hung up on Sora, I never asked you what really happened that Christmas.....but now I wish I had, you didn�t have to go at this alone you knew I was here for you to help you with anything that you needed...but I also know how much Sora meant to you only to have her taken away from you by your best friend, Yamato.  Oh Tai please be ok I don�t want to lose you. ---


Odaiba Memorial Park

            Tai had been walking for about a half and hour now with no direct destination he was just wandering with close to a million thoughts going through his mind at that very moment that he didn�t notice the oncoming truck that was barrelling down the street at a reckless speed, which would of hit Tai if it had not been for a pair of slender arms wrapping around Tai�s waist and pulling him back and pinning him on the ground well away from the street.

Tai (shaking his head a bit): What the....Jun!!!!!

Jun (breathing heavily): TAI!! What are you almost go hit by that truck!

Tai (realizing): What!!

Jun (getting up and dusting herself off): Yeah, I was walking past and saw the truck coming down the street and so I rushed ya and tackled you to the ground.

Tai (getting up off the ground as well): Thanks Jun....guess I had a lot of my mind.

Jun: I�d say......whatever you have on your mind almost got you killed.

Tai: Yeah, a lot of things have been bothering my lately.

Jun: Care to talk about it?

Tai: I don�t want to keep you from anything and I doubt you want to hear what I have to say.

Jun (frowning and putting her hands on her hips): Tai Kamiya! Of course I want to hear what's bothering you.  Besides your Davis� friend and he wouldn�t forgive me if I just let whatever is bothering you to go unnoticed.

Tai (sighing softly): It�s nothing really just a few really bad dreams I have had for the past few weeks.

Jun: What kind of dreams?

Tai (quietly): Bad ones.

Jun (softly putting a hand on his shoulder): Are you sure you don�t want to talk about them?

Tai (nods slowly): Yeah I am.

Jun: Okay then........I know that we aren�t exactly friends but Davis really looks up to you so if you ever need to talk to someone you can come to me ok.

Tai (smiling softly): Thanks know your not as bad as some people say.

Jun (gasps): WHAT, what do they say about me (grabs Tai but his collar and pulls her close) you had better tell me what they say Tai Kamiya or you will be soooooo sorry.

Tai (tries to contain his laughter but fails and breaks away from her as he laughs): I�m just kidding Jun jeeze you don�t have to go nuclear on me.....besides all I hear is that some people think your.....well over obsessive to put it nicely.

Jun (sighs a bit): that all I know I am like that a little.......ok well a lot but I don�t know I cant help it sometimes I see a cute guy and I try to do anything I can to impress must know how it is when you meet someone who you think is the one and you try to do what you can to make them notice you........but I guess I kind of over do it huh, but I do it because when I was younger I was a shy kid, yea I know I don�t look like it but I really was and I really missed out on a lot of things because of it and so I vowed that by the time I was in high school I would be less shy and more out going, guess I went a little overboard, but when I finally broke the bonds of shyness it was like a whole new world opened up to me ...... (Takes a breath and sighs) can we sit down while I say more please?

Tai (smiling slightly and nodding): Ok then.....let�s go sit over there.

            Tai leads Jun over to a nearby park bench where the both of them sit down and relax but then Tai gets back up, walks over to a vending machine and buys two drinks which he brings back and hands one to Jun as he sits back down next to her.

Tai (opening his drink): Now you were saying.

Jun (taking a drink from her can): Well like I was saying, I wasn�t always like this.  I started acting like this in order to break free of my shyness and be able to make friends better but I guess I let it get to my head eh?

Tai (taking a drink from his can): You could say that.

Jun (sighs a bit and takes another drink from her can): I always thought I overdid it but I could never stop myself, I made friends, got noticed, and had a sunnier disposition..............but I guess all that doesn�t matter when no one truly likes you.

Tai (putting a hand on her shoulder): Tell you what you should do.......first off quit chasing after every guy that you think is hot like you did Matt...Second try to mellow out a bit not too much but just calm enough you can still have fun that way, and lastly be yourself and not what you have to do to keep your friends, if they leave you because of who you are then they are not really friends because from our little talk here my opinion of you has changed when you actually calm down and talk you�re a really nice person to talk to and if anything you can count me as a friend besides if I can put up with Davis I can put up with anything (laughs a bit).

Jun (punching Tai�s arm): Oh gee thanks (laughs with Tai)

            As Tai is about to say another thing his D-Terminal goes off and excuses himself for a bit as he opens it and reads what's inside which almost immediately makes him go pale as he closes it and puts it away and stands up.

Jun: Tai? What's wrong?

Tai (not looking at Jun): I�m sorry to cut this short Jun but something bad has happened and I have to go.

Jun (nodding a bit): Okay Tai, I hope whatever it is isn�t too bad.

Tai (turns towards Jun and grins lopsidedly): I hope not too ja ne!

Jun (smiling back): Ja ne!

            Tai runs off out of the park as he replays the message that appeared on his D-Terminal a few moments ago which read:


Evil digimon are attacking the warehouse district and are destroying everything in site hurry up and get here the others are already there and are losing we need War Greymon and fast.


            Something about Izzy�s message seem to send chills down his spine while another part of him already knew what was going on and that it wasn�t good or going to be easy to deal with but Tai pushed all that away as he pressed on towards the central hub of Odaiba where the message told him to go, taking out his digivice from his belt he pressed a button on it which made the screen change color and the next image was that of his faithful companion Agumon who turned and waved to him but Tai quickly informed the little dragon of the current situation and that he should get ready to go mega and fight once he called for him, knowing what was waged upon every battle that the lizard and his human counterpart had engaged in the rookie digimon quickly nodded and got ready wishing Tai good luck as the screen flashed out, smiling to himself Tai pushed his legs to go faster tapping into any and all of his endurance that he had stored up for when he played sports.

Tai: --- Who could be attacking now.....I thought this would all end but it seems that fate has dealt us a different hand....I just hope Kari and the others are holding their own against whatever is attacking us.....and maybe just maybe this will end everything, all the fighting, all the danger, but it wont go away unless I do something about it and I wont give up until both worlds are safe from evil ---



            The rest of the Digidestined are in the west side of town battling a horde of Vilemon that mysteriously emerged from a nearby digital gate and began attacking and destroying the surrounding city but even though each of the original digidestined had an ultimate level digimon while the new digidestined including TK and Kari had a DNA-ultimate level digimon there were still being held at bay but the onslaught of Vilemon that seemed to pour through a rift that seemed to break through time and space itself seeing as the Vilemon came out in large groups that seemed unwilling to stop, seeing as the Vilemon were a aerial digimon Garudamon, Silphymon, Mega Kabuterimon and Paildramon assaulted the army with Wing Blades, Static Force, Horn Busters and Desperado Blasters while on the ground blazed to life with Wolf Claws, and Vulcan�s Hammers all attacks vaporising their intended targets but as the numbers fell it also seemed to double with each wave that exited the rift that connected the real world to the digital world.

Joe: There are too many we can�t hold them off.

Izzy: Where�s Tai he should be here by now.

Davis: I saw him run off somewhere but after that I don�t know.

Izzy: If he doesn�t get here soon he won�t have anyone to save.

Sora: --- Where are you Tai, he�s always seemed to be there when we need him the most, Tai please hurry ---

Matt: SORA!!! Look out!!!!

            As Sora heard Matt�s cry she quickly looked up to see the Tusk Strike attack from the new troops that have emerged from the digital rift, Mammothmon, stricken with fear Sora seemed fasten to the ground as the attack grew closer and closer until they were only mere feet away from impacting on the ground and killing her, but instead of being bombarded with the attack she felt someone rush into her side and then the brief experience of flight before she and the unknown body came crashing into the ground as the attacks impacted where she was standing only moments before, slowly sitting up and brushing herself free from dirt and gravel she looked down at who her saviour was only to be confronted by a mess of blond hair and as the head raised up she was met by a pair of familiar ice blue eyes.

Sora (hugging the boy tightly): TK!!!

TK (panting): You ok Sora??

Sora (letting go of TK slightly): Yes I am thank you for saving me.

TK (smiling): You�re welcome Sora.

Matt (running to Sora and TK�s side): You two alright?

TK (getting up): Yeah we are but now isn�t the time to waste we have a battle to fight and if we stop now we wont ever win.

Sora (standing up and hugging Matt gently): TK�s right Matt we don�t have a moment to spare.

Matt (nodding): Okay let�s get back to the battle.


Meanwhile in the Shadow Land

Vadermon (looking at a greenish radar-like screen): Lord Demon I have intercepted Knowledges message to Courage and altered it to lead him away from the battle, he is heading towards the warehouse district, he will be alone and very vulnerable.

Demon (standing up and heading towards the portal): Very well, General Tasumaru co-ordinate the attack with the other Digidestined.

G. Tasumaru (saluting): Yes my Lord. (Walks off to where Vadermon is)

Demon: Lady Kagami you will come with me to deal with Courage.

L. Kagami (bowing slightly): Yes my Lord Demon.

Demon (as he walks towards the portal): Soon both worlds shall be within my grasp and there is no one in either world that will be able to stop me.

            Demon and Lady Kagami along with Kagami�s digimon, Black Tailmon, enter the portal that has the image of the warehouse district of Odaiba and as the two step into the portal the image ripples and moves to enclose around the both of them which collapses soon after making the image ripple again before becoming solid and solidifies into glass.


Warehouse District � Odaiba

            Tai Kamiya was nearly exhausted as he reached the warehouse district but once he slowed down to catch his breath he noticed that there was no attack, no evil digimon, no damage to the surrounding area the place was barren but being a leader and the warrior of courage he never let his guard down as he continued to walk through the empty streets wary of every noise and rustle that broken the silence of the night, as Tai kept walking along he soon came upon a clearing that seemed to pulse with dark energy that bored into Tai�s soul.  Heading towards the middle of the area Tai took out his digivice and activated it showering the area in a blinding light before dying out only so have the young dragon digimon beside him.

Tai: Hey Agumon.

Agumon: Hey Tai! ..... Where are the others?

Tai: I don�t know buddy, I got an email from Izzy saying that there were here fighting but as you can see no one is here.

Unknown Voice: That�s because my forces are currently distracting them.

Tai (quickly looking around, clutching his digivice close): Who�s there, show yourself!!!!

            As Tai looked around the area he felt a surge of energy ripple behind him and as he turned to find out what it is only to be blinded a bright blue light that flooded the area making him and Agumon wince in pain as lightning sparks through the air and at the same time through them.  As the spectacle subsided they were first faced with three figures, the first a small black cat who walked on two legs and seemed to have a sinister grin on her face, next to the small cat digimon was a tall woman who was dressed entirely in black and had seemingly ghostly pale skin which only accented her blood red eyes that hide under a mess of straight jet black hair that traveled in waves down her back which stopped at her waist, and lastly the third figure dressed in a full length cloak that hid everything except for its wings, horns, and deep blue eyes that seemed to destroy any and all justice that came near them, Tai was to say speechless as he watched the three mysterious individuals exit what seemed to be a vertical standing pool of water that seemed to fold in on itself as it disappeared.

Tai (shakily): Who-who are you?

Demon: I am Demon.

Agumon: Demon??

Digi-Analyzer: Demon is a Mega-Virus type digimon he is the cruel and inhuman leader of the dark digimon. He commands the Flames of Purgatory!  Watch out for his Flame Inferno attack it will burn you to a crisp.

Tai (angrily): What do you want Demon?

Demon: Why to rule both worlds but of course I have to get rid of you Digidestined first.

Tai (grinning): Do you really think you could beat us well you have another thing coming to you, Agumon Digivolve!!!

Agumon: Agumon Warp Digivole to........

            An orange beam from Tai digivice shoots out and hits Agumon in the back making him flip over backwards as he threw his head forward sending a blast of energy upwards making him digivole to Greymon, where he then spins around to the right sending yet another blast of energy up towards the sky making him digivole to Metal Greymon, where he spins to his left shooting yet another energy blast into the sky where an image of a dragon man comes into vision and glows brightly as armour forms on his shins and arms where claws that gleam in the glow unsheathe themselves and at the head of the dragon an armour helm with a spike at the nose materializes and a blue eye blinks open as from behind the crest of courage covered in flames forms a shield which splits in the middle and attaches itself to the warriors back, then to finish off the transformation the warrior first swings his left arm clawing the ground sending flames into the air then does the same with his right arm sending more flames up which dance along the landscape but are quickly put out as the dragon warrior stomps down on the ground with his right foot sending shockwaves throughout the land ending with the figure crossing his arms slightly and swinging them out at his sides.

War Greymon: ..........WAR GREYMON!!!!!

Tai (pointing to Demon): Get him War Greymon!!!

            War Greymon takes off flying towards Demon with his claws forward but instead of impaling the evil digimon on them, Demon simply raised his hands which seemed to stop War Graymon in mid flight and with a flick of his wrist sends the Mega digimon sailing into a warehouse making it collapse on top of him.

Tai (running over to the rubble): War Greymon!!!

Demon (laughing evilly): Now what were you going to say Courage?

Tai (pulling some of the rubble of revealing Agumon): Agumon you de-digivoled?

Agumon (painfully): I�m sorry Tai.

            Tai would have said something but he cried out in pain as something hit his back and as he looked back he could see it was a dart of some sorts, quickly pulling it out he was hit with a wave of weakness that made him collapse against the young digimon who seconds later passed out as well from his injuries.  Over where Demon was Lady Kagami was holstering her gun which was loaded with the sleeping dart that stuck Tai in the back, fully holstering her weapon Kagami walked over to the prone form of the human and his digimon she bent down and strapped a ring of some sorts around the neck of both fallen warriors which upon contact activated making a bubble form around each which floated effortlessly in the air.

L. Kagami: Cargo is ready for transport my Lord Demon.

Demon: Very well (into a communicator) General Tasumaru, recall all forces and pull back we have gotten what we came for (putting the comm. unit away and opens the digital gate back to the fortress) lets go.

L. Kagami: Yes sir.

            Lady Kagami attaches cables to the rings around Tai�s and Agumon�s neck and starts to pull both of them towards the gate which flickers with blue static as Demon, Lady Kagami and Kagami�s Black Tailmon walked through it and as the last of the figures entered the gate it sent out a few bolts of blue lighting which destroyed the surrounding warehouse and as the gate collapsed on itself it sent out a shockwave that singed the ground into a blacken state.


Meanwhile at the battlefield

            The Vilemon and Mammothmon seemed to be retreating into the rift which slowly started to close in on itself and those unfortunate enough to be left behind were quickly dissolved into data from the oncoming attacks of the Digidestined, and as the smoke cleared all that was left was scorched earth and blast holes from the onslaught of attacks from both sides and as the ultimate digimon along with the DNA digimon de-digivoled into the rookie and in training forms their human counterparts came over and picked them up cheering loudly at their victory to only hear a large explosion of some type off in the distance and a flash of light which faded quickly.

Sora: What was that?

Izzy: I have no idea but I think we should investigate.

Ken: Izzy�s right what if it�s another attack.

Matt: Ok then, let�s go.

            The Digidestined team head over to the area where they saw the light and explosion only to be face with destruction and blacken rubble that littered the area as they slowly moved along they were to say speechless as they viewed the area and wondered what kind of force did this and who was unfortunate to be faced with whatever was behind that force.

Davis: What happened here?

Yolei: Hey any of you recognize this metal?

Kari (quietly):

Sora: Me too.

Izzy: As do I.

Davis (raising an eyebrow): Is someone going to fill me in.

Kari (shaking a bit): It�s.....It�s from War Greymon......Tai was here...... (Breaks down as she runs off to look for her brother)

Sora: I�ll go after her (runs off after Kari)

Yolei: Me too (follows Sora)

Matt: Guys I hate to say this.....but from the level of destruction......I don�t think Tai had a chance of winning against whoever did this.

Izzy: Matt you can�t say that for sure.....what if he is just hurt.....we got to look for him.....Tai�s strong

Matt (sighs softly): You�re right Izzy we have to look for him, ok everyone split up leave nothing unturned, Izzy you and Ken try and find out what happened here, T.K. go tell the girls to help find any evidence of Tai being here, Davis your with me we are going to search over there.....alright everyone break.

            The Digidestined quickly disperse to their ordered tasks and after an hour of looking they had to head back deciding to regroup at Tai�s house each of them depressed but not more so then the two closest to the young boy in his life, the first his younger sister the Keeper of Light Hikari Kamiya, and secondly Tai�s childhood friend and secret love the Child of Love, Sora Takenouchi, both were hit the hardest when they found nothing but a few scraps of War Greymon�s armour amoung the devastation and unanswered questions.


SS (sighs a bit): Well there you have it everyone the third instalment of my Fanfic for the digimon saga, first off I would like to thank Becci �D� for kicking my butt into gear from her very interesting email that persuaded me to finish this chapter, to Logan for being a good friend and the brightest Taiora light within the sea of sorato�s, and to Artisan of the Written Word for backing me up in everything I did (bows a bit) thanks for everything.

Tai (yelling): Ooi Shadow-kun its time hurry up!!!

SS (grins as he holds up a couple of water balloons): Now if you excuse me I think I have a water fight to attend....heh boys against girls and this time we have the jump on them.

Matt (yelling from outside): Hurry up!!!!

SS (yelling back): Alright!!!.....Sorry everyone but I have to get going please review and stay tuned for the next chapter of The Fallen � Demon�s Plan it will be posted when I got 10 good reviews I promise this time (Tai comes in and pulls SS with him by the collar) C ya everyone!!!!!!!!!

            Curtain closes and lights turn off and all that is heard is the scream of girls and the laughter from the boys.

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