Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon yet. But when I do, sleep easy that Taiora will live on! Taiora forever! Hope you enjoy! ^_^

Tai and Sora crept along behind the young girl, trying to keep out of sight, darting from wall to wall. Agumon and Biyomon followed as best they could. The girl-her name was Masami-strode along confidently, oblivious to the fact she was being closely shadowed. At one point she paused for no discernable reason. Tai and Sora slipped behind a jutting corner, and Agumon and Biyomon wedged themselves into niches in the wall. Masami didn't seem as though she would be moving anytime soon. Tai and Sora glanced out from behind the corner from time to time, but there was advancement. Tai sighed. He turned to Sora, and in a low whisper he asked, "When do you think it will be safe to move?" Sora shrugged and looked helplessly once more. Just then, a dark shadow passed over their heads. Sora's hand flew towards Tai's and he gripped it reassuringly. Tai knew no matter how strong Sora would act for anyone's sake, she could get scared too. Then Tai realized he was holding the hand of his best friend's girlfriendand his life long love. A fierce inner struggle ensued; it ended with Tai deciding if Matt were there, he would want Sora to be comforted. Sora looked out once more. An eerie crimson light had appeared around Masami's head, and she was writhing in wordless agony. A ragged sob escaped from Sora's lips. "Tai, what are we going to do?" she hissed, her entire body trembling. Tai knew this must be a fairly traumatic experience for her-anyone as caring as Sora would hate to see someone suffer needless pain, and not be able to help. "Sshh." He whispered.  Before he knew what he was doing, Tai put his arms around Sora and was holding her to his chest. Sora sobbed silently into his shoulder, with her arms clutched around the loose material of the neck of Tai's coat. She was ashamed of her tears and thankful to Tai for consoling her. She knew what she was doing was wrong, that she had a boyfriend, that she should be pushing Tai away, but when you love someone for the last 10 years of your life and love him even now, that didn't matter. Eventually Sora's crying ended and her breath stopped heaving. She still didn't let go of Tai. "There'ssomething I have to tell you." She whispered. Tai stopped rubbing her hair and leaned back to look into her eyes. "What is it, Sora?" he asked quietly. Sora closed her eyes and took a deep breath to fortify herself. "I don't like Matt. I started dating him because I thought it would be cool to be dating a rock starthen, when I got over his fame, I kept dating him because I felt sorry for him, almost" Sora's breath caught in her throat once more and she could almost not get out her next words. "I thought Matt had suffered enough loss in his life, I didn't need to add to it. So, what I'm trying to say is" Here Sora starting crying again, and couldn't go on. Tai held her close and made sshhing noises. "It's ok." He murmured. Then he sighed. "Is it really kinder, though, to lead him on?" Sora made a valiant effort to control herself. "No.  That's why I'm breaking up with him. That, and because I love you."  She sniffed and broke away from Tai. He gaped in wordless astonishment into her face. Sora looked up to meet his eyes for only a second, then they slid away again and were cast towards the ground. It took Tai a minute to process everything that Sora had said. Then a wordless joy bubbled up in his chest, floated up, and escaped to his mouth as a delighted smile. Tai reached out his hand and gently lifted up Sora's chin so she was looking into his eyes again. "I love you too." He whispered ecstatically.  Sora's eyes widened and her mouth parted in a soft "Oh". Tai put his arms around her and tenderly kissed her.  Sora leaned forward for another kiss and they didn't come up for air until Agumon's soft whisper "Psst! The girl is leaving. We need to follow her!" They set off in close pursuit. Biyomon was grinning, if birds could smile, and she exclaimed quietly and excitedly to Sora, "Did I see you guys kissing?" Biyomon, for one, had always kept up the belief that Tai and Sora were meant to be together. Sora nodded blissfully. "And expect to see lots more of it." Despite the tension of the moment and her recently shed tears, Sora smiled contentedly up at Tai. He placed his arm around her shoulders, and they waked off that way after Masami, Tai smiling softly and Sora resting her head against his chest.  

Bootlegged-little-ending-thingie: You didn't really expect this to be any good, did you? ^_^ Still, it's Taiora.  And in other news-I LOVE MY SYNONYM BUTTON! ^.^ He he. Taiora forever!

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