The terrible night was finally close to being over when they announced the Prom King and Queen. I knew it would just be another disappointment. Although Sora was more beautiful and kinder then Amber. It was a popularity contest and Amber, for some demented reason, was VERY popular. I sighed. Waiting for the worst.
Sora's POV- "The ballets are in for Odiba High school Prom King and Queen..." the man on stage announced. I blocked out the rest of what he said from then on. It didn't matter. I would never win. I wasn't very popular. Being friends with Taichi kept me from being something more. I sighed as the man opened the envelope. No one even expected me to win! That was just the way it was, the popular girl ALWAYS wins.  I could almost here the words "Taichi Kamiya and Amber Jeneslen". I sighed.
Then I saw the mans mouth move and heard the whole room cheer as my friends patted me on the back. "What's going on?" I whispered to Mimi. "Hello!! Where did you go for the last seconds?!?! You and Tai where just announced King and Queen!!!" I was dreaming, had to be dreaming, NOTHING like this could ever happen to ME, right? Then as if just to confirm it the man said, "Come on, Sora and Taichi! We don't have all day!!!" Oh..heck! If it was a dream it couldn't hurt to follow along. I walked up to the stage tears in my eyes but surprisingly not a bit nervous as the man put a shinning tiara and a crown on Tai's. I guess it helped to have my best friends there, smiling and clapping, and of course it didn't hurt to see the look on Ambers face about me winning. Then Tai smiled. The man got on the microphone again and said "Alright! Congratulations to Tai and Sora! Now it's time for you guys to dance! Yep, you heard right! This is the last dance of the night so grab a hold of that special someone and dance!" "I already have.." Tai whispered. My face turned bright red. The man left the stage, the curtains folded back, the lights dimmed and Matt's band started to play. 
Now,  I'd like to say I remember ever word of that song by heart but that would be lying. The moment Tai took my hand was the moment I blocked out the rest of the world. I caught a few glimpses of what was happening around me.  Matt playing the guitar softly with a huge grin on his face as the now not so hyper active Jun leaned on the stage watching him intently. I remember Mimi and Joe dancing together. Both with huge smiles on there face.  And then how Izzy`s face lighted up as a girl named Amy asked him to dance. But that was it. 
I shakily wrapped my arms around Tai's neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. My head rested on his neck and his head rested on mine. Even though I was almost shaking with nervousness, nothing had ever felt As we danced I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. There was one thing that could either make or break this moment. Let me borrow some of your courage Tai, just this once, I thought as I opened my mouth. "I love you." I whispered shakily into his ear. He jerked but then calmly he whispered back "I love you too." I`ve never been more happy. Tai squeezed me closer to him and I raised my head up. Then Tai and I kissed. Tai and I kissed. Tai and I kissed. The words felt almost as good as the kiss. I had never felt so safe before. Tai and I kissed.  I rested my head on his shoulder once again and I knew any troubles  I ever had, didn't matter. And so we danced.

No POV- Watching them could make almost anyone cry. They where so in love. They didn't notice when the music stopped and they didn't notice everyone, including Amber, looking at them with tears in there eyes as they danced on. What they had was pure and true and would last forever. They looked so peaceful, as if they having an incredible dream. Everyone who saw them then knew that somewhere in this crazy twisted world there was a place, even if sometimes small and sometimes invisible, of peace and love, and that that place was nowhere but inside each other hearts......And to think, no one expected to her to win.
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