All about Pugzelle

       My name is Pugzelle, am a 5 year old female Pug who lives in South Africa with my human (whom we own), my Pug brothers, Biscuit & Pablo, our new baby brother & my Boer-Boel brother, Chad. I was born on April 17, 1997 and I have many nicknames: 'Zelle, Pug, Pugaboo .......... the usual names which "pugged" humans owned by pugs quickly start using!! These are but a few!

       My mother does not know how she ever lived without a Pug in the home and in her life. She loves all animals, but has a special corner in her heart for Pugs!! We wriggle, snore and snork our way into human hearts and they become our humble servants forever. We have many unique characteristics: As we are an ancient breed, whom many people believe to have originated in China/Tibet, we are first and foremost majestic and expect people and other animals to remember that at all times. Our ancestors were the favourite pets of many royal homes from China through to Europe. Prince William of Orange had a Pug who woke him up to alert him of impending danger and as a result, we became highly prized palace pets!! Pugs have a strong sense of humour and love being clowns too! In one of our favourite books, " Clara, The Early Years": it is said that "Pugs are living proof that God has a sense of humour "! Me, personally - I laugh the most when peeple call me a Chinese Bulldog, a miniature Pekinese-Boxer-cross (whatever THAT is!!!), flat-face or ugly!!! I also wish I had a dime for all the times peeple have told my human about their friend's granny/aunt/second-cousin's brother-in-law who "also had a Pug once!" As though this is a phenomenon of some sort!

My Hobbies

      I love the usual Pug stuff like dragging toilet rolls and trailing paper all around the house, upturning dustbins, barking at the lawnmower, viewing all strange visitors like the garbage collectors with extreme suspicion and relocating stuff. Pablo and I love playing tug-o-war with clothes and shoes! I love digging imaginary holes in sofas, chairs and beds. I enjoy lying on the sofa, going "hymphh, hymphh, hymphh" when I am too lazy to go and look what it is outside which is making a strange sound!! But my FAVOURITE passtime of all is playing with water. I love taking baths and swimming. I love diving into the pool on a hot day. I forget that Pugs were not designed with Olympic swimming in mind and that my nose is just millimetres from the surface of the water, but when I hit that water, I am in body, mind and soul - an OTTER!!!

NEW!!! Modelling & Movies

      Because I enjoy dressing up and don't mind having my photo taken, I was requested to do some tv and promotional advertising work. After winning " Best Dressed Valentine" in a show for The Wet Nose Animal Rescue organisation, I appeared on the front page of our local newspaper and I was featured in Animal Talk magazine!! Later on, I starred in one tv advertisement for Nutriphase dogfood, and another for Lubners Furniture Stores! It was fun to be on location, the animal handlers and crews were very kind to me and I was spoiled rotten! Please visit my PUGGYWOOD STUDIOS album to see all the photos!

Pug of the Bushveld

      In my second winter of life I went on safari for the first time and I got nicknamed "Pug of the Bushveld" I enjoyed chasing veld hares and meerkats. At sundowner time I coached swimming to the tourists in the bush pool and got treated to savouries, when my human was not looking, of course, as payment for my invaluable services! I am, incidentally, very good at putting on my " never seen a square meal" look for the still " unpugged humans"! It works every time. I always get what I want: food and treats!! Life gets quite hectic here in Africa and each day brings new Pugventures!!

My Pug Pals

      I have many Pug pals around the globe. One is Benee, a Pug ham of New York City. He is famous and has recently been introduced on the ramp as a Super Pug, modelling designer dogwear. He was also on TV, in the newspapers and in a special feature of In Style magazine. Our favourite book is " Clara, The Early Years". All Pug lovers should be sure not to miss this book!!

      There are
the Pugspeak Pugs: Trevor, Ian Mackenzie and Dexter. Their site has the most beautiful Pug greeting cards!! . You can also read all about The Pug Parliament there. Yes, we Pugs do have our very own parliament!!!

      There are Suzi, Ebony and Lady Gup who hail from sunny Florida! You are invited to visit their lovely site,

      I am also great friends with the German-barking Pugs of Pugs 'n Roses!! There are some beautiful puggies to be seen there. Please visit their lovely site,

Linda's Kountry Pugs, Frannie, Nellie, Jesse and Rachel of New Jersey, and Pablo and Phoebe of Singapore!!! We have fond memories of our brothers Chaka and Mouse and other friends: Otis, Portia, Chloe, Pugslee and Molly who have gone to The Rainbow Bridge.

      Please visit
Pug Club of Gauteng to see a results and pictures of shows at our local Pug Club. The Fancy Dress photos are great.

      If you would like to send somebody beautiful Pug postcard/e-greeting, please go to the talented pug photographer, Candi Foltz site which has the CUTEST pug cards at
Candi's Pugs 'n Pets These truly are gorgeous Pug Pix.

Wining and Dining

       I enjoy going on outings which include a visit to a restaurant or bistro whose owners don't mind my being there. There is always a small chance that I will receive a treat, mostly from a human who I can con with my most endearing "so hungry and neglected " look!! Only problem is they usually ask my mother for permission to feed me and she usually says "rather not " depending on what the morsel is!! But, sometimes it works and the food is sneaked to me under the table!! Ha ha!!

      I was watching tv the other day and saw actor, Mickey Rourke's Pug named Raphael. He jets all around the world and goes to all the finest venues in Paris! I wished that we lived in the city of Toulouse where "dogs have right of way" according to city laws .... hmmm, that word "dogs" again! " Nobody could refuse me entry there!! Parlez vous Francais, Pugzelle"? "Oui, Oui, WOOF WOOF"!! YOU BET I DO!!!

      WELL, THAT IS ME, PUGZELLE, IN A PUGSHELL!!! Thanx for visiting my site and please visit again someday!!

Pics of Pugzelle, Biscuit and Pablo!

~ African Pugs Art Album I ~
~ African Pugs Fancy Dress Party ~
~ Puggywood Studios I ~
~ Pugzelle's Debut: Modelling & Advertising ~
~ Famous Pugs & Puglovers Photo Album ~
~ Our Baby Brother, Pablo Pugasso's Photo Album ~

Pug Line

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