Contribute to The Anne Frank Diary Reference

On the 26th of October, when geocities goes down, this site will disappear unless there are enough contributions to fund at least one year. I currently can justify neither the expense of pay-hosting this site nor the time to find free hosting and read their extremely long user agreements. I also do not permit copies of this site to be put online, because the people in control of the copies could change them. I created this site and assert my right to retain sole control over it. In particular, a popular and helpful site like this one should be able to pay its own way.
    If contributions to this site reach at least $60 by the yahoo hosting deadline, I'd then sign up for the yahoo hosting, which is offering the first year at $60 for geocities sites. However, donation buttons on this site over the past near-decade have brought in nothing. In case people do start contributing, I will regularly update the bolded blue text below (until the deadline of 24 October 2009):

as of 9 September 2009:
Total Donations: $58.53
Total Donors: 2

Thank You, Donors!

Fans can keep this site up by contributing! Using the rather sketchy idea I get of visitors and not knowing how many are repeat visitors, it seems that even if just one tenth of the visitors donate just one dollar each just once in the next three months, it'd be enough to pay for a at least a year of hosting.

Suzanne Morine

Unfortunately, this thing doesn't necessarily work (you'll know if it just sends you to an error page):

If that doesn't work, click HERE to send money to my email ([email protected]) and explain in that process that it is for the Anne Frank site.

Fine print: If you want a refund in the event of the minimum of $60 not being reached for this site, say so in the comment when you make your payment. If you pay via credit card, understand that paypal extracts a fee: read their information for precisely how much they hold back. I cannot refund you their fee. If the total for this site exceeds $60, the excess will apply toward hosting of this site beyond the first year. Refunds will not happen after the $60 point.

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