Anne Frank Diary Reference
Name Changes for Publication of Anne Frank's Diary
(and Miep Gies' Anne Frank book)

Anne's Father largely stuck to the name changes that Anne had outlined for publication of her re-writes of her diary. He did keep the four Frank family members' real names and he often kept people's real first names. There were a number of other people named in the diary, so additional name changes were made as well, but they are not included here.

Where I could read her handwriting, I also included the names Anne had planned. (See: page 60 of The Diary of Anne Frank: The Critical Edition for a photo of her name changes list; Page 186 of Anne Frank: the Biography, by Melissa Müller; and three entries from the published diary, Anne Frank: the Diary of a Young Girl: 20 June 1942, 9 July 1942, and 10 November 1942; HLOF p. 204) I did not hunt down rare uses of certain first names in the published version.

The list ends with the additional name changes found in Miep Gies' book, Anne Frank Remembered: the Story of the Woman who Helped to Hide the Frank Family.

Real Name Anne's Plan Published Name
Anne Frank Anne Robin Anne Frank
Margot Frank Betty Robin Margot Frank
Otto Frank Frederik Robin Otto Frank
Edith Frank Nora Robin Edith Frank
Hermann and Auguste van Pels Hans and Petronella van Daan Mr. and Mrs. van Daan
Peter van Pels Alfred van Daan Peter van Daan
Dr. Friedrich "Fritz" Pfeffer Albert Dussel Albert Dussel
Johannes Kleiman Simon Koophuis Mr. Koophuis
Victor Gustav Kugler Harry Kraler Mr. Kraler
Elizabeth "Bep" Voskuijl Elly Kuilmans Elli Vossen
Hermine "Miep" Santrouschitz Gies Anne van Santen Miep
Jan A. Gies Henk van Santen Henk
Gies & Co. Kolen & ? Kolen & Co.
Opekta Travies Travies N.V.
Hannah Goslar Lies Goosens
Jacqueline van Maarsen Jopie de Waal
Susanne Ledermann Sanne Houtman
Lutz Peter Schiff Peter Wessel
Silberberg, Helmuth "Hello" Harry Goldberg

The following were additional pseudonyms that Miep Gies used in her book, Anne Frank Remembered: the Story of the Woman who Helped to Hide the Frank Family. She also used Anne's published names, above. (Thanks to a very helpful Anne Frank researcher who sent me this part of the list.)

Real Name Published Name or Reference
(Miep Gies) (Miep Gies)
Nieuwenburg family Nieuwenhuis family
Schellekens Textiles (a business: Miep's first job, and where she first met Jan)
Sientje Blitz-Roos Mrs. Blik
Jan A. Gies Henk Gies
Amende family Jan rented a room from them
Mrs. Stoppelman Mrs. Samson (Jan and Miep's landlady)
Mrs. Cohen Mrs. Coenen (Stoppelman's daughter)
Max Stoppelman Mrs. Stoppelman's son ("Mrs. Samson's son")
Karel van den Heuvel Karel van der Hart
Abraham Cauvern Mr. van Caspel

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