Anne Frank Diary Reference

Anne Frank Pictures
All 14 photographs removed due to demands from the Anne Frank House lawyers. Why they went after this site appears to be an overblown reaction to something else, photos of the diary. I found most of these photos are still online. Links to these and similar images elsewhere on the web are throughout this page. (The AFH lawyers have, from the start, used a stern, forbidding, and repetitive method, which they themselves characterized as taking "firm action". I did verify that they are the AFH lawyers.) The Anne Frank House claims to hold copyrights on all photos of this historical figure, plus all photos of her diaries! (I find that hard to believe. Who hold the copyrights to all pictures of FDR?)


Anne, 1 year old, 1930 in Frankfurt, Germany
[Removal demanded by the Anne Frank House Lawyers.]
1930: Anne's caption of this photo was, "Papa with his two sprogs." (HLOF photo #11) AFBD (p. 10.) and DE also have this photo. See a zoomable online version: click #5. And here is another big one, and another. (Anne's note there says August 1931, but she looks too young for 1931. Here is a photo from 1931 offsite.)
Margot and Anne, 1933 in Aachen, Germany
[Removal demanded by the Anne Frank House Lawyers.]
They were likely 7 and 4 years old. Edith and the girls stayed with her mother in Aachen while Otto made a new start in the Netherlands. (This photo is clearly part of one of the 1933 Aachen photography sessions mentioned in AFBD page 18, where I also got the above information. sent me this photo, which he believes came from the August 2000 issue of Anne Frank Magazine. Online, you can try the Getty Images Archive of this image)

Anne at 5
[Removal demanded by the Anne Frank House Lawyers.]
This September 1934 photo booth photograph was made in Aachen, Germany, but the Franks had already moved to Amsterdam by then. Because Grandmother Holländer lived in Aachen until 1939 (AFBD p. 27), this was probably a photo from a visit there.
    Edith and Margot had moved to Amsterdam in December 1933, but Anne remained with her grandmother in Aachen until the Amsterdam apartment was fully furnished (AFBD, p. 22). In the diary (see entry for 15 June 1942), Anne wrote that she arrived in February 1934 and there are photos of her at Margot's birthday party in February (see gettyimages.com/archival).
    This photo is from the front cover of Anne Frank in the World and the exhibition guide for the exhibit of the same name. (Online, Getty Images has a copy of this, with a watermark. Also, you can often find an image of the cover of the book from the exhibit on ebay.)
    There is a better view of the photo part of this booth photo in DE. AFBD page 14 has a similar photo booth photo of Edith and the girls taken in March 1933 in Frankfurt am Main.
Yearly Photos: Amsterdam
(try here, here, and here for similar groupings offsite)

just about 6 years old [Removal demanded by the Anne Frank House Lawyers.]
May 1935
online elsewhere and at Getty Images
6 and a half [Removal demanded by the Anne Frank House Lawyers.]
December 1935
Getty Images has this one

just about 7 years old [Removal demanded by the Anne Frank House Lawyers.]
May 1936
Getty Images has this one

just about 8 years old [Removal demanded by the Anne Frank House Lawyers.]
May 1937
much larger copy offsite

just about 9 years old [Removal demanded by the Anne Frank House Lawyers.]
May 1938
much larger copy offsite.
just about 10 years old [Removal demanded by the Anne Frank House Lawyers.]
May 1939 — see also
Anne Frank in Motion

just about 11 years old [Removal demanded by the Anne Frank House Lawyers.]
May 1940
Getty Images has this

just about 12 years old [Removal demanded by the Anne Frank House Lawyers.]
May 1941
Getty Images has this
[Removal demanded by the Anne Frank House Lawyers.]
Anne is skating with other children. Miep Gies described the Dutch skating tradition that she knew, in Leiden, about 20 years before: In winter, people bundled up and went to the frozen canals. "It was a festive atmosphere: stalls selling hot chocolate and hot anise milk; whole families skating together, one behind the next, their arms hooked to a long pole to swing themselves around; the horizon always flat and luminous, the winter sun reddish." (Anne Frank Remembered by Miep Gies, p. 21.)
    Later, while in hiding (18 October 1942), Anne wrote down a skating fantasy in her diary: being a figure skater with her cousin, Bernd. (CE p. 283.)
    sent me this photo, which he believes came from the August 2000 issue of Anne Frank Magazine. Never fear, this photo is available elsewhere: a zoomable version and a regular copy.

just about 13 years old
[Removal demanded by the Anne Frank House Lawyers.]
May 1942
large version is online

[Removal demanded by the Anne Frank House Lawyers.]
One of the "last" photographs
of Anne. (AFBD, p. 37.) Elsewhere on the web are a different and larger late photo, and a zoomable version of that.
as an adult???
[age progression by Suzanne Morine]
How Anne might have
looked as an adult.

sent me the yearly photographs, which he recalls coming from the large version of Anne Frank House: the Museum with a Story, which appears to be out of print. The photo from May 1939 is from Anne's passport series and the rest are from a photo of an album page of yearly photos. DE has a similar album page and AFBD has a few similar photos, especially on page 27. (Jayse also sent me the booth photo, which he got from a Dutch book named simply Anne Frank) Thanks, Jayse!

I drew Anne as an adult via measurements of photos of assorted people as they grew up. I am not a professional at age progressions.

AFBD refers to Anne Frank: Beyond the Diary a Photographic Remembrance, by Ruud van der Rol and Rian Verhoeven for the Anne Frank House, Puffin Books. It has many more pictures of Anne and the family.

CE refers to The Diary of Anne Frank: the Critical Edition, prepared by the Netherlands State Institute for War Documentation, Doubleday.

DE refers to The Diary of a Young Girl: the Definitive Edition, Bantam Books.

When Were the "Last" Photos of Anne Frank Taken?


Links to More Pictures/pictures


Please Note: Because all photos of Anne Frank are held in strict copyright by both the Anne Frank-Fonds and The Anne Frank House, please do not use these images for anything other than educational use. (Surprisingly, their sites do not have many photographs!)

"The [Anne Frank House] stated it's goals as 'the restoration of 263 Prinsengracht' and 'the propagation of the ideals left as a legacy to the world in the diary of Anne Frank.'"
The Hidden Life of Otto Frank p. 262

"To Otto [Frank]'s distress, [the Anne Frank House] was not running as smoothly as he had hoped, and he had many disagreements with the board, who he felt did not have enough interest in the educational aspect of the organization. With his faith in his vision of the [AFH] shaken, he decided that upon his death the copyright on Anne's diaries and other writings would be inherited by another group, the Anne Frank-Fonds in Basel."
Hidden Life of Otto Frank p 276-7

(Reading Muller's biography of Anne Frank and The Hidden Life of Otto Frank, it appears that Otto Frank left very little to the Anne Frank House, upon his death in 1980. Specifically: items he'd forgotten that were not needed elsewhere. HLOF p. 310)

Suzanne Morine

Last Update: 27 Oct 2005

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