Anne Frank Diary Reference : Anne Frank Blog

27 Nov 2006
Log Book to Be Made Public

In about one year, the International Committee of the Red Cross is due to open the vast ITS archive to survivors, their relatives and to Holocaust researchers. The files, stretched end to end, total 16 miles, about 50 million pages. It is the most complete list of Holocaust survivors and other WWII Nazi prisoners.
    The press was given a preview. In book #40 is a list of Dutch Holocaust survivors, including Anne Frank. The Nazis were so organized, it is already known this is the only mention of Anne in these millions of pages. There is no new information in the documents and the press stories do not include a photo of the entry. They do provide a brief data-glimpse of the 3 Sept 1944 train departing eastward.
    The press story reveals the contents of that line about Anne (blank destination means Auschwitz and the dates are in day.month.year format):

  Name                Birth     Address                  Departure    Destination
  Frank, Annelies M.  12.6.29   A'stm, Merwedeplein 37   3.9.44 
Related, a photo of a different source list of people on this train is in Anne Frank Beyond the Diary: a Photographic Remembrance, by the Anne Frank House, p. 93.

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