Anne Frank Diary Reference : Anne Frank Blog

30 May 2006
Unusual items on ebay

I found a couple interesting things on ebay. I am on a tight budget, so I need to pass. Maybe someone reading this will be interested (and tell me about them if they win ;-). Both sellers have 100% ratings.

  1. First, this curious item on ebay. Very international: a seller from Germany is selling a BBC (British) documentary on DVD, which has Dutch subtitles. The title is "Diary of Anne Frank," and the box indicates they try to find out what she was really like. The auction ends in less than a day, the starting bid (including shipping) would be about $20USD for me. Bidding ends in less than 24 hours.
  2. A rare copy of Mayer Levin's illegal play based on the diary. This man was originally given the task of adapting the diary to the stage but Otto Frank and the other people involved were not happy with him for various reasons. Levin renounced his right to work on the play in late 1952, but pursued legal action nonetheless. The current high bid is $25USD. Bidding ends on June 2nd.
        One of the people involved, Barbara Zimmerman, said, "Levin's play was no good at all. He completely misread the family, turning them into very observant Jews when actually they were upper-middle-class and highly assimilated. It was not so much a play as a series of religious celebrations."

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