Anne Frank Diary Reference : Anne Frank Blog

1 March 2006
Very Late Arrivals to Auschwitz
An English Holocaust denier recently said that the Frank family's story "proves" that not so many people died in the Holocaust. He clearly is no authority on the Franks or the Holocaust. The German and Polish Jews were all but obliterated by the Holocaust, for example. Anne's father, the sole survivor of their family of four, had been worked and starved into a skeletal condition. He survived because of how late they entered the concentration camps. If we look instead at Anne's extended family alive at the start of the war, they had an even better survival rate mainly because so many of them had the means to have escaped to un-occupied places: Switzerland, England, France, the US, and Peru. Anne's father thought they'd be safe in the Netherlands.
    The Franks escaped Germany, to Amsterdam, way back in 1934. They went into hiding just before the deportations and arrests started in Amsterdam. They were not captured until August 1944. Then they were sent to Westerbork and were put on the last deportation train from there. They were sent to Auschwitz, where people had been gassed, worked, or starved to death since 1941.
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