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get same answers
When an uberfaerie decides you're pet is ready and worthy, she will send you� on a quest to get an item for her.
These quests are rewarded with a rise in your pets statics.
Which stats goes up depends on the uberfaerie giving the quest.

The Airfarie will always ask for a grooming item and she will make your pet faster as reward.
The Darkfaerie will always ask for a toy and she will give your pet more hitpoints as reward.
The Firefaerie will always ask for a clothing item and she will make your pet stronger as reward.
The Waterfaerie will always ask for a book and she will raise your pets defense as reward.
The Lightfaerie will always ask for� trading cards and she raises your pets level as reward.
The Earth faerie will always ask for a magic item and she will feed your pet as reward.
On very rare occasions the Queen faerie comes and gives you a quest.Here quests are tough but can be very much worth it!
note:Many people suggest not ot do this quest since she only feeds your pet,I would advice to do her quest if you can afford it cause else it takes a long time before you get a new quest.
Some extra faeriehelp for your quests...
-Don' t go broke on a quest.If you can' afford it too bad there will new ones in time just start reading some neopoints making tips on this site and you'l be fine when a new quest comes up
.If you have a neofriend one line ask her/him to browse the shopwizard for the cheapest shop which sells the wanted item.
-open another account so you can use the wizard there.If you do open one use the banner of the homepage of this site to refer me and say thanks for the tips;o)
-if you can try to store one or two of each item you run into in your deposit box so you might already it.
-if you have a quest ,name the item at our forum so I can add a questitemlist later
-ask for quest help at chat the help or quest section,there can be a nice Neopian willing to help.
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