Friend 1
Friend 2
Friend 3

Horse 1 - Xpts
Horse 2 - Xpts
Horse 3 - Xpts

For Sale
Horse 1 - Xpts
Horse 2 - Xpts
Horse 3 - Xpts

This text is just to give you an idea as to how wide this left hand column is.

The Download
This is where the major text for this layout will be situated. Nothing really major.
The left hand column is for friends, horses, random quotes and other miscellaneous whatsits. Kind of like an in-between of the Snow Pony and Bliss layouts, but absolutely idiot-proof. Pretty much newbie friendly! *nods head wisely*

Hints on Usage
You see that italicised text on the left? Well, if you have a lot to say like that, to keep it looking separate from this column, just make it italics to stop the reader getting confused.

The Catch
Nah, it's not a catch, but either way, please leave the URL to my site so that others can find my page themselves! Cheers.

To use this layout, copy and paste the following code...
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