Blah blah blah. This is the second box in the layout. Okay, so you want a piece of the original Aeternum Design layout, huh? This layout uses the same CSS (nearly) as the old design, and uses alot of the same brushes, as did the other.
The picture is of Shadowfax, mount of the wizard, Gandalf the Grey (but later white), from Lord of the Rings. He is first seen in the books (?) and the movie in The Two Towers. I'm pretty sure that he's an andalusian, but don't quote me on that :P

Very simple layout. One table, two columns. Picture on the left, and underneath that a space for extra content, should you need it. If you only have a little bit of text to put in, put it all in this column on the right, just because it looks that little bit better.

Please leave my URL in the layout so that others can find my page. Cheers.

To use this layout, copy and paste the following code...
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