This is a layout for the super-dooper yakker! TONS of typing space, and it also comes up with a scroll bar if you type in too much (as if!)

I adore this layout, and it comes in handy if you want to chill out in summer. Makes me cold just looking at it! Not good in winter though, unless you've got GOOD heating :P
Although I don't know how that Arab looks so good when it must be freezing its thin-skinned *you know what* off. Hmm...must be an edited piccy.

Argh! I sooo shouldn't have called this frost, because now I've got 'Frosty the Snowman' stuck in my head. Nnnnnnnooooooooooooooo!
*cough* Anywho, I hope this layout dosn't bbbbb up like they usually do. Now that WOULD be tragic...

Anywho, please keep the URL of my site on the layout, so other people can find my site.

To use this layout, copy and paste the following code...
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