The Church of the All Father

You would have to read the entirety of the Old Holy Book and the New Holy Book to get the full story of this religion (and I will not go into that much detail here). But basically it is a mono-theistic religion (a religion in which there is a single, all-powerful deity). This deity created the world, the heavens and all that reside within. He sculpted men in his image. And to make a long story short (to keep the details to a minimum at the present time), it is similar in it's beliefs and doctrine, to the Catholic Church of the medieval era on Earth.

The operations and administration of the Church as well as the religious ceremonies are handled by Clerics, who hold different positions within the church. The "Main Diocies" of the Church of the All Father is in the city of Gorled (one of the "Channel Cities"). The Holy Father resides and runs the church from here. The church organization is split into 28 separate Arch-Diocies, each of which is headed by an Arch-Bishop. Each Arch-Diocies is further divided into Several Diocies, each of these is overseen by a Bishop. Then each Diocies is further divided in to local "Churches" with each being run by a "Priest" or "Father".

The religious leaders of this organization are all treated as Preists (from the Channeling Companion, published by ICE). Their Base spell lists include: Banishments, Ceremonies, Divine Aura, Divine Magic, Proselytizing, Holy Wrath, and four more lists to be choosen by the player from the Open & Closed Channeling Lists, remaining Priest Lists, and Cleric Lists, pending the GM's approval.

Rolemaster: Use a standard Cleric as per the RMSS rules.

D20 System: Use a standard Cleric as per the D20 System rules.

FUDGE: Use magic and skills as appropriate for the FUDGE Game.

Dominion Rules: Use Priestcraft skills as per the Dominion Rules.

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