Sesion # 1: The Offering




Meeting ISPD

The famouse professor and researcher Lady Morrigan Aesland from the Omicron Persei's Academy and Research Facilities was asked to meet with Captain Malrak Ilian, Captan of the local ISPD. He told her that his emplyer was offering her a complete year of financial funds for her investigations if she just will talk to him in 3 days to participate in a research in 4 days more. After she signed in (bringing her damned bodyguard with her) the Captain debriefed her with limited information, only oppening her inerest in the coming convention. That same night they left her homeplanet with unkown destiny.


Convention at Thormorath

3 days later using starcaster charges and conventional space travel their starship arrived to their destiny, the planet Thormorath, throneworld of House Osorus, the blue dragons. They were taken to Thormorath Fiesta, one of the most luxurious and expensive hotels in the thoneworld. The hotel was mostly closed, it was rented for a "Scientific Convention" that no one has heard before.

In there a group around 100 experts, scientifics and mystics were congregated in front of a forum waiting for their mysterious patron to reveal himself, and Morrigan and Cornellius Flubber, her bodyguard, joined them. Some minutes after the doors closed the lights darkened in the room and were lighed in the forum where a Blue Half-Dragon dressed with noble's clothes and accompanied by 2 female ISPD's Officers (one drow, the other human) arrived there and talked to the congregated scientist.

He presented himself as Lord Arshan Tzidislav, which most of them recognised as a pseudo scientist that became famous because he took other people researches. And without much preamble he debriefed them in the situation using holographic video detailing the planet and the known data about it and its new situation:

"Almost 2 weeks ago the planet Narith was full of life. Just few days latter an small meteorite of an unkown composition collided with the surface... after that life has begun to disappear at an allarming rate. Teh only info available of the meteorite is that it radiate an extrange kind of magic radiation, which is what the scientists suppose has been killing everything in Narith"

After a few questions (incluthing a lot of impertinent and absurd questions from a foolish Ulb) Lord Tzidislav informed them that her Assistant Marika (her drow companion) would attend to further questions and that he expected to see them all latter in a "small" party in his suite.

Calling it a "small" party to what the experts found in the Imperial Suit, was like calling a battelcruiser class dreadnought, an small spaceship. Bu in general the "party" was uneventful, except for Morrigan being harrased by a few individuals, including Iovanna Lars, a scientist assistan in appareance, in truth, Andrea Barrin, a jornalist in disguised; and Cronellius enerving everyone around him and drinking and eating even more than the Half-Dragon host. At the end of the evening Cornellius could take Lady Morrigan to a safe place for her to rest and hide from at least one perverted scientist.

Early the next day the research team was assambled, almost without cassualties, inside the "The Defiance" a battlecruiser half converted into a science fascility, that took to the stars with an guard of 6 starfighters class "Blue Falcon". An so the journey to the ill fathed Narith begun.



In almost the same time that Morrigan and Cornellius reached Thormorath in the first place from her home planet, the "The Defiance" reached the The Alderans system, and few hours later Narith was visible without the use of special sensor. The view that greeted them, was of a grey death planet, with the exception of a tny patch in the south hemisphere, the planet was completley dead, even te water was becoming dark and in most places was also disappearing. It was a sad view from a once beautiful and living planet. Many of the individuals in the starship were fearful and unsure about continuing the investigation. But after High Captain Nedylene Xyltin, sent a few probes into the planet they discovered most of what they needed to know within the 2 hours: the planet was mostly death, a few individuals continued "alive" in the greeen patch in the south hemisphere, and that very posibly the death was caused by the strange magical radiation leaving from the meteorite... also they learned that their starship could insulate them from said radiation and that some of their security clothes and uniforms could protect them for at least a small time.

After a fast concensus most of the poeple in The Defiance decided to land immediatley to begin their research before it ebcame dark. And so they did, and while they were landing the Council of Specialists (formed by he 10 brightest experts in the ship, everyone of them experts in different subjects) formed teams and instructed them with assignements for the next hours... the roles would chance withing the discoverings of the misterious meteorite were made. And so the true adventure began.



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