
The Basics
Full Name: Shayna T. Bradley
Age: 15
Birthday: 1 March 1989
Occupation: Student @ DHS
Religion: Wicca
Birth Town: Clarks Summit, PA
Home Town: Dunmore, PA
Mother, April
Father, Patrick
Brothers, Michael {13}, Dale {3}
Sister, Amber {2}
Hair Color: Reddish? Purple on the 14th.
Eye Color: Blue/gray

The Favorites

Band: Nightwish
Cartoon Character: Mandy {Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy}
Food: Pasta, carrots, sugar
Soda: Dr. Pepper
Sugar: Pixie Stix, Blowpop
TV Series: Charmed, Degrassi
Movie: Get Real, Legally Blonde, Hocus Pocus, Pirates of the Carribean, Annie, Cruel Intentions
Color: Purple, silver, blood red
Song: Silhouettes {Smile Empty Soul}, Give You Back {Vertical Horizon}, Cool to Hate {The Offspring}
Teacher: Miss Errico {freshman English}
Subject: English, Computer
Least: Math
Flower: Lotus, black rose Anime: Blood: The Last Vampire, Princess Monoke, Dirty Pair Flash
Manga: Chobits

Top 10 Favorite Bands

1. Nightwish
2. Evanescence
3. Smile Empty Soul
4. The Offspring
5. Incubus
6. Vertical Horizon
7. The Goo Goo Dols
8. Shinedown
9. My Ruin
10. Lacuna Coil

Other Info

Yeah... let's see... I own a role play site {Future Fantasy} called Requell, and I love it to pieces. I have some really cool members there. I spend most of my time on the computer, because I hate society and the outdoors, but I do actually go out with my friends, and yes I actually do have friends. I'll attempt to name them all, starting with hometown friends: Sam, Nicole, Krystle, John, Marina, Angela, Loren, Nick, Dena, Kayla, Remi, Katie, Tim, Joe, Aaron, Steph. I think those are all of the people I talk to most often, if I forgot you do let me know. Let's see... I hate the Roman Catholic Church, I love vampyres, dragons, and faeries. I don't like emo very much {Fall Out Boy and Less Than Jake are the only two I heard}, I mostly like rock and metal. I'm bisexual, so if that bothers anyone, bugger off. I'm going to be a writer when I graduate from high school. I started role playing about three years ago on Neopets, and somehow met up with some of my oldest on-line friends and formed a role play group that latest most of one summer {Let's see... if I recall there was Kat, Tim, Damien, the dude that had the praying man, I think her name was Kit... that's all I can remember} and then I started getting off of Neopets and onto AIM chat role plays. Now I'm on Requell and a bunch of other sites on Avidgamers, and obviousally I still talk to Tim and Kat, but that's it. Eh, and Remi made a pretty doll site, so now I like to make dolls. ^.^ I know 1 year worth of French, and random Japanese since I like anime/manga. Love ya, laters.

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