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Looking Glass


Looking Glass


A mirror stands in a room of love
And sometimes I look into that mirror
Look into my own eyes and see
Only the flaws of my soul
The wrong I have done all my life
Sometimes when I look I see the good
The happy moments of love and laughter
Yet sometimes I look and see insanity
The madness that lurks behind those hazel eyes
Drives everyone around me into deep spirals of nothingness
But sometimes, only sometimes
I look and see nothing
Nothing reflecting in the dark pupils of my soul
Like I've been swallowed into a long void of emptyness
And when I look into that mirror
I lay there and think
That I am not complete
There is something missing
Someone is missing me
Somewhere out there
Someone wakes with only the thought of me
That they saw only a moment ago in their sleep
Maybe they should look into this mirror
And see what I see
See the nothingness I see
When I stare into it's depths
Maybe they'll see me
Missing them as well
Then they'll know that they're not alone
That I'll be there forevermore
Looking in a mirror that stands in a room of love.



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