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I wish I could escape
Just get away
From this dreaded hell
Known as reality
Sometimes I close my eyes
And pretend I'm somehwere else
Where fairies fly
And no one cries
And everything is good
So good
As I run through the prairie of bubbles
I hum a small tune
A simple melody that lets me know
That everything is ok
I go to a castle and wrap myself
In a cloak of black velvet
With blood red seams
I go onto the balcony
And look into the night
I smile because everything's alright
Just then my vision is shattered
By some outside force
And like that it's over
Back into the real world I fall
Because everything's not ok
And some things aren't good
I cannot fall back into
The trance of my mind
So I'll just have to make due
With this pit of flames
They like to call reality.



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