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Lingering torment

Lingering torment



She is bewildered and afraid

no longer sure of anything

Remembering mistakes she's made.

She finds that she is confusing

the present with the distant past.

Two different realities

but neither of them seems to last

life is full of mysteries.



There is a man who comes to call.

He seems to know her very well.

She can't remember him at all

Although his features ring a bell

She sometimes wonders where she is

but loses soon her train of thought.

How sad to see it come to this.

She can't survive without support



She does not know, she does not care.

She is perpetually bemused,

her mind is now beyond repair

She is contentedly confused.

Though we who love her suffer more

to see her reduced to this state

Not Compos Mentis anymore.

With saddened hearts we can but wait.



For death the final arbiter

to pardon her and set her free

I am quite sure she would prefer,

if she could say competently

Not to be here but be elsewhere,

a better place where she could be

with those who have preceded her

Once more a soul at liberty.





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