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They came in their black on blistering hot day

Sweating droplets into the rims of their fancy hats

The program with your face on the cover makes a good fan

Blowing needed breeze onto hot skin


That church was overfull brimming with all those you touched

In some way

It shouldn’t have to be this way

I want to scream

But fan your face instead


They played your song but I was strong

Though all around me, were those that wept

It wasn’t that I didn’t want to cry

But my eyes stayed dry

Through the prayers and the eulogies


Then I saw them open your box

And understood what we were meant to see

I could have stayed seated

They were many that did

But I felt pulled towards you


Part of me still stands there by your side

What lasted a second has become an eternity



© Petra Creffield


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