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In conversation with Laura Watling:


In conversation with Laura Watling:


September 2003


A little background:


Quite a odd story this one. Laura Watling as she describes
herself in Question 2 of this interview is a busy lady. I first heard
of her through her work in the American Indie pop band "The
Autocollants through some Compilation CD heard their track, thought
it was nice and never really paid any more attention to it.


Fast forward a few years, upon recommendation from Gayle Brogan from the always

great Melody Bar independent music mail order firm, gave me a tip to get hold

of Laura's mini CD "25". I got it and was really impressed and quite touched

how beautiful and almost fragile a CD it was. And after I discovered, she

was in the Autocollants prior to all of that, it all kinda made sense.


The interview came a year or 2 after getting hold of the mini CD after

discovering her website by chance which contains some nice mp3s to download,

I must admit. I dropped Laura a e-mail and this came in response.


A few extra notes on some of the questions asked..


"The Evening Lights" is indeed Laura's new band, which she told me about during

the initial getting of this interview, and I actually heard a few songs by

them during sorting out my questions for this interview. I have just ordered

their debut mini CD myself, which from what I have heard will hopefully



The reference to Shelf-life records comes from the fact that I know it

releases most of Laura's material and I was sure (as I said in the interview)

that she had some hand in it. The compilation album as mentioned is a new

album released on Shelf-life, which features various artists on the label

all covering songs previously released on the label by other artists.


Thanks to Laura for the interview and I look forward to hearing the Evening

Lights CD soon.


Andy N x

Check out the following websites for more information:

Laura solo

Evening Lights



Setting Sun: How's things and what's going on at the moment?




A little stressful, actually. Last week was the first week of school

(I'm a teacher) and the kids have worn me out! They need a lot of

attention. Since I took the summer off to work on music, I'm having a

hard time getting back into the swing of things. Otherwise, not much

going on. Evening Lights are recording an album. I joined a gym and

I'm gonna get buff. I'm growing tomatoes and jalapenos on the patio,

so I hope to have some good salsa soon. That's about it!


Setting Sun: Now I've been aware of you for a little while,
either through your solo work and also a little bit of before that
through your Autocollants work, but for those who don't know you,
can you introduce yourself and give us the background info etc, etc?




Okay! I started doing music in Southern California as the bass player/
singer of the Autocollants back in 96.

That lasted a couple of years, but then Ed (our guitarist) moved and
so the rest of us continued on as "In A Day.

That project never really panned out as we had hoped.
In the meantime, I started playing music on my own. I got an acoustic
guitar, bought Ed's drums from him, taught myself how to play it all,
and tried to record my own songs.

The early stuff was pretty sketchy, but I think it has gotten much better
over the years!
I did a project with Raoul De La Cruz called "Casino Ashtrays" and we
still try to get together from time to time. Now I live in Northern
California. Ed moved up here too, so we formed a band with Jon and Dwayne
(the Autocollants drummer) We recorded a handful of songs.

However, Dwayne still lived down south, so the commute up north was a
bit too much. I took over on drums, and we got Matthew to play bass
and Ann to sing.

This new line-up is our band, Evening Lights.The songs we recorded
with Dwayne as drummer were recently released on Shelflife as the
first Evening Lights ep,Our up-coming album will feature our current

I'm still trying to do some solo music. I think I have enough songs for
an album, but they're all in my head right now. It's hard to find the
time to record.


Setting Sun: Just after we spoke about doing this interview, I found

out about your new band? "The Evening Lights" through whom I have

just ordered your debut EP. What's the story behind "The Evening Lights"?

How does this compare to your earlier stuff?




Well, Evening Lights is a very different project for me because I'm
drumming. Every other band I've been in had me playing guitar or bass
and singing. So in this band, I'm not quite as involved in the melody-
portion of the song writing (although I do speak up if I have an idea
or if something is going horribly wrong!)... Evening Lights, then,
doesn't sound like the other projects I've been involved I love our
music, though- I think the songs are fantastic, and I love Ann's voice!


Setting Sun: What music have you been listening to and what

are your influences? Taking your Cats Miaow covers

into account, I can guess that they are / were influences

straight away?




Actually, I like Cat's Miaow a lot, but I wouldn't say they are an

influence. I am greatly influenced by the early 90's shoegaze bands,

and I would love to make music like that. However, it never ends up

sounding shoegaze-y! I guess that's a good thing. My voice is too

twee for that. Lately, I've been listening to the new True Love Always

cd ("Clouds") and older Sea and Cake stuff... I am ANXIOUSLY awaiting

the new Pipas cd and the new Camera Obscura. I also can't wait to hear

the new Belle and Sebastian. I saw them live and their new songs were



Setting Sun: How does it compare to you putting out solo

material now to just previously working with bands?




Hmmm. The solo stuff is nice because there's no compromising what I

want to do. I don't have to incorporate other people's ideas. And I

feel a little more free to experiment. That may not show in the music,

but it's true!! It's nice also because I can write songs and record

them any time I feel like it. I don't have to meet up with other

people or go anywhere. Convenience is a big thing for me.


Setting Sun: What's the live scene like near where you live?

Have you been to any good gigs recently?




In Santa Rosa, where I live, there is no scene. But an hour south, in

San Francisco, there's lots of bands play there and plenty of good

venues. The last show I went to was Belle and Sebastian (fantastic!!)

and then next month there's a Mates of State show I'm looking forward

to. I also saw the Snow Fairies play, and I loved them! Of course,

last summer was the Pop Fantasy, which was a mind-blowing experience!!

I'm a little overwhelmed by all the musical talent coming through San

Francisco these days.


Setting Sun: Can you tell us a little bit about your comp CD

" v/a - You're Still Young At Heart cd" released on Shelf-life.

I've just ordered this CD but am curious to know more about it,

as it sounds a great idea? Do you have some involvement with Shelf-life,

as I am sure I have read somewhere that you do?




The idea for Shelflife 50 was Ed's, and it was bizarre because Jimmy

from Matinee had the exact same idea for Matinee 50, and the two of

them hadn't discussed it previously! I love listening to Shelflife 50

because they're all great songs that I'm familiar with, but done in

very different ways. The cd has great variety.


My involvement with Shelflife is somewhat limited, due to the fact that

I live an hour from Shelflife headquarters. I still help out when I

can. And of course, I'm involved because Shelflife releases my music.

And I'm friends/bandmates with Ed!


Setting Sun: What's the story behind track 7 of your mini cd?

"25"? (Sorry I haven't got the track listing with me today!) As

much I enjoy the CD, the last track is such a beautiful

little track, in particular when the children's vocals come in

at the end?




I think Bruno from Sofa Records had asked me if I would be interested

in doing a cd. I wrote the songs specifically as a mini cd, and tried

to make the feel among the songs similar. I don't know if I

accomplished this, but at least I tried! A lot of the songs on that cd

are slower/moodier. I'm not sure, but I must have written them in the

winter. The last song is special to me because I had my students do

the counting for me. It was fun recording them. There was one little

boy who was yelling the numbers so loud...I think he really wanted to

be heard.


Setting Sun: If you were not a rock and a roll musician,

what would be your dream job?




HAHAHA!!! No, being a rock and roll musician IS my dream job!!! I'm a

kindergarten teacher. I guess that's the second-best thing to being a

full-time musician!


Setting Sun: What has been your best / worst experiences of

been a solo songwriter / been in band? Been in a band myself I've had some

fun tales to tell certainly so I could guess you are the same?




I'd say that the best experiences of playing in a band have been doing

live shows like Pop Fantasy and meeting new people. Also, just being

with my bandmates is a blast (usually)-- we're all great friends and

funny things happen all the time. Like the time Matthew squirted sour

candy spray up his nose... that was pretty funny. As for bad

experiences... I can't say Evening Lights have had any really bad

experiences yet, but the Autocollants did. We went to Seattle to play

Popfest NW and I got bit by a flea at somebody's house. My wrist

swelled up so much I couldn't bend my hand at all. Then, for like two

years after that, my lip would swell up randomly and it was awful.

That was also the trip where we camped in Napa, which was fun that

night but not-so-fun the morning after! But I'd say overall, the music

experience, both in bands and solo, has been exceedingly positive.


Setting Sun: Lastly, something slightly less serious to finish off with perhaps ...


"Imagine you were ship wrecked on a desert Island

and could have (clearly second sight here - lol) the

choice of having 5 records or cds with you with a stereo of

course. What would be your desert island discs?"




1. Moose "Live a Little, Love a Lot"

2. American Analog Set "The Golden Band"

3. The Sundays "Reading Writing and Arithmetic"

4. True Love Always "Clouds"

5. A various artists comp with all my favourite songs on it...


Thanks for the opportunity for this interview!

I hope I answered the questions ok! take care Laura





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