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In Conversation with The Fountain

In Conversation with


The Fountain 


March 2005


A little Background:


For some reason recently, Setting Sun has

Been getting a reputation as focusing on

Bands and acts that are experimental.


Although this is partly true with interviewed

Acts such as Same Actor and Hot Roddy,

Bela Emerson and the recently interviewed

Music for One all sharing certainly a feel

For music that is designed for a challenge

To listen to, I still like to listen to slightly

More commercial music on the Indie Rock



Take for example, Manchester’s “The Fountain”

Which certainly has a likening to early P.J.Harvey

But has enough bite to carry on it comfortably.


I first became aware of “The Fountain” through

Watching my good mates in the Mongolfier

Brothers at a gig at the art house bar “The Cornerhouse”

In Manchester and although “The Fountain” were

Completely different in style and mood to the

Mongolfier Brothers both me and my friends

Actually quite enjoyed them.


Fast forward past December and into the start

Of this year, I dropped Maria their lead singer

A quick line to see if they would be interested in doing

An interview.


Eventually some time later, this interview followed.


A thank you to Maria for her time and trouble with

This interview and I wish her good luck with the band

It is nice to hear something like this in contrast to

The countless Oasis and The Stone Roses copy like

Bands, which seem to still haunt the local Manchester



For more information – please go to


Make sure you check out some of their mp3’s

Available for download




Andrew N  


Setting Sun:


How are things and what’s happening at the moment?




I have just started working with a great new guitarist and songwriter called

Ted Kemp.


We are looking at playing a new set of songs and we are releasing a single

Before the end of the year.


Setting Sun:


Can you tell next a little bit about the history of
the group – how did you all meet up – who the starting
pistol etc?




The Fountain started about a year ago by myself and a few songs

I had written.


It took us a while to get the right sound and know which direction

We wanted to go in.


We do feel that with Ted in band The Fountain has definitely found

It’s feet.


Setting Sun:


What are your influences (music wise) and what are
you listening to at the moment?





We are listening mostly to Julian Cope (we saw him on his recent tour in

Manchester he's one of our favourites), Gorky's Zygotic Mynci,

Guided by Voices, Orange Juice, Early Scritti Politti, Talking Heads

and more recently The Soft Boys and The Move


Setting Sun:


I first saw you play at a excellent gig at the
Cornerhouse in Manchester (UK) last November and was
really impressed by what saw as I thought you made a
excellent contrast to what came next and reading since
on your website, I can see you play gigs on a kind of
regular basis – how do these compare to some of the
recordings which are available for download on your




We try not to make the sound too different cause we want to be able to transfer our live

Sound onto record.


It's not always easy though. Plus the songs change sometimes after we record them.


For example Death sounds so much better now with Ted in the band.


Setting Sun:


Carrying on from the previous question, probably my
favourite song on there is the chilling "Death" –
what is the story behind that song?




I think it might be the one about someone dying of a heart attack

after being bitten by a snake.


It was somewhere in South America.


It was bad because the snake made a mockery out of the situation and

refused to confront the authorities.


Setting Sun:


What's next for you? Do you have any more gigs
planned / recordings perhaps?




Yes we do we are planning many gigs from April onwards including our own

The Fountain night.


We are also releasing our first single which will probably be a

double A side with one of my Songs and one of Ted’s songs.


Setting Sun:


Out of interest also where does the inspiration for
your name come from and where on earth did you get the
idea calling your website "elegant pisser" come about
(that would make a ace name for a side project by the



hm.. It’s just a nice name. It might reference something personal to me

but that's it really.


Setting Sun:


Anyway, a few slightly more lighthearted questions
to wind down with, firstly what would be your dream
job if you were not a rock and roll star?




I'd probably make weird art.. Or weird films.. Why wouldn't I

Be able to make Music would it be a disability because if it's just that I'm not

making money out of it then I would still be making music.


Setting Sun:


What would you like to be doing when you are 60?




Making music. I'm obsessed at the moment.


Setting Sun:


What will you be doing when you are 60?




Making music. Like I said I'm obsessed.


Setting Sun:


Lastly, something slightly less serious to finish
off with perhaps ... (Nicked from a pal's Zine in away
"Imagine you were ship wrecked on a desert Island and
could have (clearly second sight here - lol) the
choice of having 5 records or cds with you with a
stereo of course. What would be your desert island




Brian Wilson - Smile

Julian Cope - 20 mothers

Gorky's - Patio

Guided by Voices - Under The Bushes Under the Stars

Orange Juice - You Can't Hide your love forever


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