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In Conversation with Elizabeth Harper:





In Conversation with


Elizabeth Harper:



September 2004



A little background:


Salutations to my friend and sometimes publisher, Crazyman of “Angry Left

Wing Mofo” for this interview.

As some of you know, I am a regular contributor to Conor’s always

interesting fanzine, and it is through one of his reviews – I first

discovered Elizabeth Harper.


Interested, I decided to check her out and was really impressed, almost if

anything she reminded me of a female Elliott Smith in places (which she

lists in this interview as a influence oddly enough) with some particular in-

sightful and thought-ful singer songwriting for example “Low Tide” to name

but one song.


Impressed enough, I dropped her a e mail direct and the rest as I always is



Elizabeth as is stated in the interview does currently have a album out.


Contact her directly for more information through her website:


Thanks again for everything, Elizabeth.


Andy N xxx



Setting Sun: How's tricks and what's happening at the moment?


Just getting ready for the upcoming tour, we'll be playing in England

from Sept 17-Oct 3. I was in New York watching old episodes of Little

House on the Prairie on DVD. Now I'm in California making apple

sauce. Seriously.


Setting Sun: Tell us a lil bit about us, what started you off with music,

what fired the starting pistol, etc., etc.?


Elliott Smith. I really fell for his music and taught myself guitar using

his tabulator that I got off the Internet. my dad was in a garage rock

band in the 60s and he played guitar, wrote songs, and sang.

So maybe its genetic. But I've always just been really into music.

A big fan.

Setting Sun:

What are your influences and what are you listening to at the



The Smiths. I am listening to the little house theme because its stuck

in my head. The Shins, and the new Angular Compilation: Rip Off Your


Setting Sun: I think my favorite song of yours has been "Low  Tide."

What is the story behind that song?


Joe m from Angular made me a compilation CD called Stranded at

low tide with a song called stranded at Low tide by the go between's

and I was just missing London, and it spilled out. But its about being

terribly needy and always wanting your lovers full attention to ward

off the demons of facing yourself and being alone.

Setting Sun: Seems to have a few different layers for me...


Me Too.

Setting Sun: Do you do gigs? If so, how do they compare to

your studio recordings?


Yes, I play out quite often. If I play with the band it sounds similar to

the record but slightly more aggressive. When I play solo its more


Setting Sun: If my memory is correct, ain't you currently based
in London but aren’t you also based in New York also. How do both

cities compare to you for their live scenes? Have you seen any good

gigs yourself recently?


I am based in New York but love playing in the UK. The live scene in NY

is really intense because there are so many bands, so every night you can go

to a great show and hopefully see a great a band. And as for London I don't

know enough to really have a good idea. The best show I saw recently was



He was amazing, It was my first time seeing him and when he closed with

there is alight it was the closest thing to seeing the Smiths I can imagine.

He is so funny and charming and real and charismatic. How does one man do it?

Setting Sun: What's next for yourself -- music wise? I seem to recall

don't you have an album on the way?


Yes, it's out Sept 20th and will be at a store near you.

Setting Sun: What has been your best / worst experiences of been
a singer, etc.? Been in a band myself I've had some fun to tell

certainly so I could guess you are the same...


The best was opening up for Johnny Marr & the Healers.

The worst was well...I don't want to say anything bad about anyone or

place, but there have definitely been a few shows/situations where I would

have liked to have said some awful things

Setting Sun: Anyway, a few slightly more light heartened questions to start

winding down with... firstly, what would you like to be doing when you are 60?

Setting Sun:  What will you be doing when you are 60?


What I would like to be doing and what I will be doing in my naive

imagination will hopefully be the same thing.

Living in a mansion on the beach. Yachting around, living on the

royalties of all my hits, perhaps having a long career like Joni Mitchell, or

Caetano Veloso. And maybe running an organic farm, but I like to travel too

much to stay in one place so I would have to have some one who could

water because I can barely keep my house plants alive.

Setting Sun: If you were not a rock and roll star, what would
be your dream job (s)?


A novelist, actress, professional traveler, a rich easy living organic

"oppie" as they are called, (people that grown there own food but drive

expensive hybrid cars)or a rock stars girlfriend.

Setting Sun: Lastly, to finish off with (Borrowed from a pal's Zine

almost) "Imagine you were ship wrecked on a desert Island and

could have (clearly have second sight here - lol) the choice of

having 5 records or CDs with you with a stereo of course –

what would be your desert Island Discs?


Getz and Gilberto or any Jobim record (might go well with the

Tropical theme)

Anything by the Smiths

Anything from the Beatles

Pet Sounds by The Beach Boys

Either/Or by Elliott Smith

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