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In Conversation with





February 2008


A little background:


Coraline are a two piece who I recently discovered under the

acoustic / classical / jazz section on while

networking recently on my poetry page on

for new people to read my stuff and when I heard I really

heard something special which was magical in a dreamy,

folk music which was something that I knew straight away

that I could really love, so it made natural sense I

interviewed the duo, so I dropped them a note and of

course the interview followed in due course.


The band themselves describe their influences on their page as �we like lots of things... nice strong

cups of tea (with not much milk for rae)...lovely crisp

mornings when you can see your breath but you have a

warm hat on...anything magical, witchy or mythical....

As for music - here's a few who influence our sound...

Bjork Tori Amos PJ Harvey Anthony and The Johnsons,

Aretha, Billie, Ella, Sarah Vaughan, Mahler, Bob Dylan,

Jeff Buckley J.S. Bach Wagner Joan Armatrading,

Kate Bush Samuel Barber Sigur ros�


The duo themselves borrowing their notes on

as �hard to comprehend, even harder to explain, but

addictive as a drug. Stylistically intense, the music

is full of originality and amazing musicianship.

The melodies are a life all their own, haunting,

almost longing.� VH-1 Song of the Year Review

2007. These notes also add Rae has been selected as a

finalist in the Song of the Year competition, supporting

VH-1's save the music foundation, from thousands of

entrants from all over the world. Before concluding

with in June 2007, they were winners of Manchester�s

EXR acoustic competition�



The duo�s is



They can be contacted also on their e mail address which is


Thanks again for the interview.




Andy N




Setting Sun:


How are things and what�s happening at the




Things are good, thanks! Its been a busy few months,

I (Rae got placed as finalist in VH-1's song of the year, which

has led to us doing an industry showcase on 21st Feb, with

the amazing geEkgiRL playing too. Joel (the bass) will be doing

a marathon stint on the night as he is playing with both of us!

Then Sarah and I are through to the semi-finals of UKunsigned,

which takes place on 1st March in London.

Setting Sun:


Next, can you tell us a little bit about your music � who fired

the starting pistol as I like to say sometimes etc?


Well I have been writing songs and telling stories for

absolutely ages. Having been in a few bands (including RedRightHand

with Joel) I decided to go solo but then met Sarah (violin) and found

she had the same interests in fairytales, interesting sounds and

cups of tea so we started working together. Things grew from there

and I am just lucky enough to know a load of great musicians

who are lovely people and come along and add to my songs.

So Coraline has become this great melting pot of sounds that I can

unleash my imagination into!

Setting Sun:

Music-wise, what are your influences and who are you

listening to at the moment?


I love so much different music, and I also love being influenced by

whoever is working in Coraline at a particular time. A lot of people

compare my sound to Kate Bush or Tori Amos, (girl singers on

keys!) but I love Bjork, Bob Dylan, Mahler, loads of stuff. Sarah

is similarly mixed as her playing is a combination of classical

and jazz styles. Joel's influences are shown by the million and one

bands he plays with including a punk band, a ska band, a latin quartet,

a soul band and a few jazz bits along the way (Joel's myspace is in

Coraline's top friends - you will see what I mean!) He also does

a lovely cover of Britney's 'Hit me Baby'. As to current listenings

...Kate Rusby, Gossip and Imogen Heap are all on the stereo at the


Setting Sun:


I know from looking at your page you play gigs�

How does your approach change to playing in your studio work?


Similarly Chaotic in both! I sometimes play solo, but as often as

I can I grab others to play with me...Sarah and I have done

quite a few gigs as a duo and that is always fun. On the 21st

there will be a little bit of everything, solo building up to a whole

band sound. I love playing with anyone interesting, so if you

like the music and play or sing, send me a message!

Setting Sun:


Probably my favourite song of yours is �Rita� � can you tell

us a little bit more about that song?


A lot of Coraline songs are about well known stories, turned on

their head. 'Rita' is about Lovely Rita Meter Maid (by a certain

very famous Liverpool group) and what she did next. I like

thinking about the story behind a story, so in 'Rita' she gets a job

as a taxi driver (she drives a ten-seater) and she's always trying

to find that thing that makes her different, trying to find

something new. I think she's a feisty girl, but all heart!

Musically, the song started with Sarah's violin riff and she and

I played around with that doing some scat and throwing silly

words in. It didn't get drums until 4pm on the day we recorded it �

We had played it all back and just thought - this is crying out for

drums, so we called Leon and he drove down in fifteen minutes

like a drumming superhero!

Setting Sun:

What�s next for you? Do you have any recordings planned




Just building up to the showcase and UK unsigned and

gigging in London, then into the studio soon for some more

recording - watch this space....

Setting Sun:


What�s the inspiration behind your



Coraline is a brilliantly spooky story by Neil Gaiman

about a strong little girl called Coraline and

'The Other Mother' (brrrrrrr)

Setting Sun:


Where are you from? What�s the music scene like

where you live? Have you seen any good concerts



I've  lived in Manchester for the last nine years but

just moved down to Surrey and waiting to move into a

flat in London.


The music scene in Manchester is great and there

are venues and bands that I miss but am enjoying

it here too. The last concert I went to was Misty's Big

Adventure, who were great, and two days before that I

saw the David Goo Variety Show in Guildford.

Absolute. Genius. I especially recommend a band

called Todger who have a song about Eskimos...

Setting Sun:


What would be your dream job if you were

not a musician?


hmmmm, experimental freestyle dancer? Or

maybe a long distance lorry driver, with a cab

full of yorkies.

Setting Sun:


What would you like to be doing when you

are 60?


Hopefully sitting in a bar in texas, holding court to

an enthralled bunch of youngsters, talking about

how music isn't what it used to be and how I

remember a time before i-tunes....

Setting Sun:

Lastly, what will you be doing when you are



Probably sitting in a bar in dunstable, with a bunch

of cats, and a massive pot of tea.

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